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If a website like “Rubberslugâ€

Only if I got a membership badge
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Post by iwakuralain16 »

sensei wrote:This is, as I suggested, starting to sound like a discussion of health care reform...

Correct me, Alyssium, but I don't think it was ever considered to make ALL Rubberslug curators pay a fee, but simply to phase in a "premium" level where some curators would opt for more features in return for a subscription fee.

If you're satisfied with your present healthcare plan ... er ... Rubberslug gallery, then you get to keep it. Period.
LOL healthcare.
I think a good comparision to what this topic was originally asking... is livejournal. With livejournal, you can create a journal for free... join communities, upload a few icons and etc. But for an extra FEE, you get a premium edition. So it allows you to access more features.

I have a livejournal account... I do not use it enough to want to upgrade to a premium account.. but if rubberslug did something like that AND depending on what extra features we would have access to... I would most likely pay a subscription type fee like LJ has.
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