It's baaack! "Heroes" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Post by animeobsessed »

I started watching this season faithfully. This thread really peaked my interest. I watched a few episodes, but had a terrible time remembering to watch since last year I didn't watch any TV series besides CN. I did watch the last few episodes of the first season, so I'm not totally lost.

Now I'm hooked watching it faithfully along with Journeyman right afterward.
I'm always amazed by what happens. I couldn't believe the last few minutes when Claire's father came back to life. I'm still trying to figure out about Adam too.
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Post by jenn-b »

Hey Nikki...want to borrow my dvds?

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Post by animeobsessed »

jenn-b wrote:Hey Nikki...want to borrow my dvds?
You are too kind...I'd love to.
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Post by blueheaven »

OK, WTF?! This premiere was just too much to absorb. I can see this will be an interesting season, because nothing makes sense yet. I like that. I hate it when shows explain too much in the beginning. My top ten questions are...
1. OK, so what's up with Nikki/Jessica/Tracy? Now she can freeze people?!
2. Don't tell me that Sylar is going to be a good guy now. Although, I suppose, if you are going to fight villains, you'll need a villain. And Sylar is a Petreli?
3. What is happening to Mohinder? Is he somehow evolving, or is his body rejecting the changes?
4. How is Nathan able to see Linderman? And, how did he come back to life?
5. What is the formula that Hiro is trying to recover?
6. Why is Parkman in Africa?
7. How did future Peter put present Peter in another person's body? That is a power he didn't have before. So, that means there is a person he absorbed that from. Who?
8. What happened to Claire's boyfriend? And Micah? And his cousin, the copycat?
9. What is Angela Petrelli's goal? First she wants to wipe out New York. Now, she is helping Sylar!?
10. What is Claire? Why is she so special? What is the full extent of her powers?
PS - I was reading back through this thread, and it's kind of amusing. I love seeing how wrong I was about EVERYTHING! Just goes to show how this series can stump you at every turn.
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Post by graymouser »

Oh yes, that was a very good start to a new season. Oh course like everyone else I have my own theories, ideas and questions.
1) I would not be surprised if the formula (reminds me of organic chemistry) Hiro is searching for is the same chemical/drug that Mohinder discovered/rediscovered.

2) I like the possibility that the African man may be another painter of the future.

3) I am really curious about Tracy/Jessica/Nicky too. I can't decide if it a new personality that is still unaware of the previous personalities or ... considering her new ability; if she is the real Jessica. You know, the abused twin sister who supposedly died and whose persona Nicky's first alter ego imitated. She could then have her own, but different power. Maybe she was hidden with a new family like Claire and apparently Sylar were.
Either way, I am looking forward to the rest of the season.
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Post by Wolfette »

Heh, this year is shaping up to be great. :) Lots of interesting plot twists and turns.
It's going to be interesting to see exactly what Mohinder turns into - the thing that he pulled out of his back was incredibly sqwuick inducing, it almost looked like a scale. O_o

Sylar being a Petrelli ... muahaha - its so fitting. I absolutely love the character, Zachary does a great job portraying him. I think he's going to be the most interesting of all characters this year. I've felt all along that he has the potential to be good, he's just been desparate for attention that it seems his "mother" (adopted or whatever she was) seems to have not provided enough of. After all, look at the way he went back to her and literally begged her to tell him he was special as he was before his powers began to manifest. *wags* I'm happy, more face time for him. :love:

I have only seen about half of this past Mondays episode, but it seems that Peter is going to turn out to be one of the baddies from the future. I think THIS revelation has shocked me more than anything I've seen so far since he's always been so goodie-goodie (even though he and Claire have some serious UST going on!!! Unresolved Sexual Tension, for those not familiar with the term.. hehee!Though that could be their off-screen romance bleeding over ;)

I also like the potential tenseness that will result from HRG having to work with Sylar.

I think the whole thing with Nicki/Jessica/Tracy is going to come that they are something like test tube babies or maybe a fertilized egg that was somehow split into 3 (or who knows how many more!) individuals and implanted into surrogate mothers. What will be interesting is to find out if any of their mothers knew about the experimental proceedure, or if they were guinea pigs tested unknowingly...
Anyway ... among the best tv there is. :D Can't wait for more.

Anyone else watch Prison Break, the Terminator series (Sarah Connor Chronicles) or Fringe? =)

Some fav YouTube fan music videos: - Heroes - Sylar Prison Break - Mahone and T-Bag (William Fichtner and Robert Knepper)

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I'm watching Terminator, Fringe and Pushing Daisies.

I'm currently sleeping through Heroes tho. I tried to give it a chance again this season after the tremendously embarrassing debacle of last season. When a creator apologizes to fans for his show, you know you're in trouble. But my biggest problem with this show is the unforgivable thing they did to Mohinder. I am a HUGE fan of Cronenberg's The Fly and the sequence of Mohinder's "change" is a total rip off of that movie. You could probably say it was an homage, but I disagree. Next, he'll have a Mohinder Museum of Natural History in his medicine cabinet and he'll crawl up to the root top and shout "No!"

Additionally, all of the time traveling with Petrelli is annoying and confusing. He looks like an evil greaser with that hair and his "bad guy" voice comes off as comical rather than intimidating.

Why is Sylar a goof ball now? Him and the horn rimmed glasses guy are like a weird odd couple that don't fit the tone of the rest of the show.
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Post by Wolfette »

Terminator and Fringe are awesome. :) Never tried Pushing Daisies, didn't really look all that appealing to me for some reason.

There were a LOT of mistakes made last season, (and not just on Heroes) many of them due to the writers strike. Many shows couldn't survive the months long absence and many more were left hanging in mid-air.

One example of major blunder: I could have shot the morons at CBS for the mistakes they made with Jericho - it was doing FANTASTIC in the ratings, then they take an extended break. :roll: Kiss of death for any continuing series nowadays. Fans and press alike protested the cancellation (myself included through letter writing and the "nuts" campaign), so they give it another shot - and what do they do? Change nights and place it against 2 powerhouses - Law and Order: SVU and Boston Legal. Idiots.

Anyway - back to Heroes. :P
Mohinder was bound to try the serum. There's no way around it, I could see that coming months ago. Personally, I think it's a little too soon to say his changes are going to be a ripoff of anything.

Time travel has also always been a large part of this show. I don't find it particularly annoying orconfusing - they give a snippet saying if it is present day or future time, so I don't see how it could be myself. And Peter as an "evil greaser"? /heh Another point we will disagree on. :)

I did laugh pretty hard at Sylar being Mr. Mom in the brief scene we saw him in, but I am hoping that will be explored a bit down the road for some explanations. Who is the mother of the kid is the biggest question I have. Another is why are they living in Claire's old house.

Personally I think that Sylar and Noah (HRG) working together will provide some interesting scenes. I can't see it lasting very long - after all, Sylar IS Sylar and he did hurt Claire on more than one occasion. Noah isn't going to forgive OR forget that any time soon.

By the way, what the hell happened to Nathan Petrelli's wife? I haven't seen her at all this season and now is going to be sleeping around again apparently. :? Am I having a blond moment and am forgetting she died at some point? :roll:

Some fav YouTube fan music videos: - Heroes - Sylar Prison Break - Mahone and T-Bag (William Fichtner and Robert Knepper)

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Post by buttrflym »

Wolfette wrote:
By the way, what the hell happened to Nathan Petrelli's wife? I haven't seen her at all this season and now is going to be sleeping around again apparently. :? Am I having a blond moment and am forgetting she died at some point? :roll:
I thought they split up/got a divorce when he went all crazy last season. The very beginning after he thought something had happened to Peter. She took the kids too if I remember correctly. We never really saw it happen but it was stated. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
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Post by Wolfette »

buttrflym wrote:I thought they split up/got a divorce when he went all crazy last season. The very beginning after he thought something had happened to Peter. She took the kids too if I remember correctly. We never really saw it happen but it was stated. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Ahh, you're probably right. With the previous season being so blasted short and therefore so long between eps, I'm forgetting parts of it. X|

Thank you for clearing that up :)

Some fav YouTube fan music videos: - Heroes - Sylar Prison Break - Mahone and T-Bag (William Fichtner and Robert Knepper)

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