Feral Family (updated 05/27/16)

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Re: Feral Family (updated 5/27) Video link added

Post by JWR »

Update 7/1 this little one who is the female, I was able to catch this morning and is currently safe in my spare bathroom. Tomorrow (7/2) I will take her to my vet and have her checked out and then spayed so she does not share the fate of the momcat. I had contacted a feral group that offered free fixing and med care but they required her to be placed inside an approved trap rather than using a cat carrier so we decided to foot the bill and have our vet we trust take care of her. in the weeks to come I hope to do the same with the 2 males and maybe the momcat if I'm lucky.
No we have not named her for if we do Maria is certain I would keep her :D

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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/1)

Post by sensei »

I'll name her! Her name is Stella. An extremely cute and healthy-looking kitten. Thanks for your persistence in seeing that this family is cared for properly. And keep us in touch as you continue your mission!
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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/1)

Post by teggacat »

sensei wrote:I'll name her! Her name is Stella. An extremely cute and healthy-looking kitten. Thanks for your persistence in seeing that this family is cared for properly. And keep us in touch as you continue your mission!
oooh ooh good name Sensei, I second that! They'll end up falling in love and keeping at least one of those kittens :)
Wonderful, impressive and caring work JWR. Hats off to you and your family
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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/10)

Post by JWR »

Well as the Borg state "Resistance is futile" after seeing the momcat basicly beatup on the little grey male we decided we are not going to release her back outside and are instead going to keep her safe while fostering her and hopefully find her a person that will love her and take care of her. Our vet believes she is 18 weeks old and she only weighs 2lb's 12oz.

We still plan to get the brothers fixed but they are much bigger and can handle themselves ok.

She had to pass a couple of hurdles. 1st when she was at the vet for spaying and shots we had her tested for Feline Aids and Feline Leukemia viruses which came back negative.
2nd on July 4th we slowly let her interact with Moose & Josie. After the expected ups and downs they arrived at a pecking order the kitten understood. So for the last few days they have bee interacting well.

So since we expect she will be around a while we talked it over and decided to name her Belle.


Belle & Moose (he just finish grooming her)

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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/1)

Post by sensei »

One can easily see how the pecking order is playing out.

1. Belle
2. Moose
3. Maria
4. JWR

Can't tell yet where Josie fits in, but I'd guess somewhere between 1 and 3. Keep us informed, JWR, but so far Belle looks happy and well contented with human company. I hope the others eventually get the care they need.
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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/1)

Post by JWR »

sensei wrote:One can easily see how the pecking order is playing out.

1. Belle
2. Moose
3. Maria
4. JWR

Can't tell yet where Josie fits in, but I'd guess somewhere between 1 and 3. Keep us informed, JWR, but so far Belle looks happy and well contented with human company. I hope the others eventually get the care they need.
Well actually would be
1. Josie (9) nickname "Miss Jealous"
her and Moose like to play fight and chase each other up and down the hallway. She was the main one we worried about when introducing Belle into the house. She reacted good as in after exchanging sniffs Josie let loose a hiss and low growl, Belle getting the message backed off a safe distance and neither attacked or ran and hid so it is working out just fine. We do need to make sure to give Joise plenty of attention to let her know she is still #1.

2. Moose (6)
He was pretty overwhelmed at first with Belle shadowing him. Over the last few days he seems to have gotten more used to her and yesterday (7/10) right before the photo I took of them was the first time we saw him grooming her. Last evening Belle jumped up on the couch where Moose was resting and play attacked him, Moose just took one big paw and pinned her and proceeded to wash her face.

3. Belle (4 months)

Where Maria & I rate I'm not sure.

As to the brothers still outside, we are still making sure they have plenty of food and water. I had to pick up the grey one yesterday and have Maria clean up a small (scratch/bite) wound he had just back of his left ear. We assume the momcat hurt him for she seems to have turned into forcing away mode. We don't know if after 4 months since she had them if she is starting to go into another heat cycle or if she wants to force them to go on their own. Later this month we plan on getting them to the vet to get fixed and their shots.
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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/1)

Post by JWR »

I can finally say that we have pretty much accomplished most of what I set out to do for this family of furballs that we decided to take care of.
Both brothers are back outside after we had them fixed and shots last week and are doing well. We discovered that someone else a few weeks back was able to catch/trap the momcat and get her fixed for she showed up with a fresh ear tip and a shaved belly so now we will not have to repeat this process again.

All three are doing well and we will still keep giving them limited food and water but the seem to have ventured out into the neighborhood and are gone most of the day. One of these mornings I am sure I am going to break my neck tripping over them as they circle me and the food bag. All three will alow me to pet them and the brothers will let me pick them up and hold them ok.

Now Belle has totally intergrated into our inside cat family. She just had her second set of shots and is up to 4lb's 2oz. Moose has been teaching her all the wrong things like sitting on the dining room table, of course Josie had to join in.
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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/27)

Post by teggacat »

what a great update!
Mom & boys look quite healthy and will not be producing any more litters,
and for Belle, I think she's part Princess!
Thank You
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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/27)

Post by JuniorMintKiss »

Thanks for letting us follow your little adventure! I only know too well what you have been through; my husband and I stumbled upon a gaggle of kittens only a week after moving into our new home. We kept two (Rusty and Scuzmuffin) and gave the other two away. I wish I could keep every cat that decides to put up its paws at our place, but three is enough! Keep us updated.
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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/27)

Post by sensei »

Good for you! I wish you well with your new arrival (who seems to have a little Persian in her from the looks of that fluffy tail) and best of luck for the outdoors adventurers. It seems as if your neighborhood is a good place for them if you have a secret companion in the TNR approach to feral cats.
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Re: Feral Family (updated 7/27)

Post by JWR »

Just a follow up. Belle is getting near the 7th month mark.
She is growing into a beautiful young cat. Momcat and her brothers are still dropping by for food and appear to be doing well.



"Like the wind crying endlessly through the universe, Time carries away the names and the deeds of conquerors and commoners alike. And all that we are, all that remains, is in the memories of those who cared we came this way for a brief moment." Harlan Ellison
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Re: Feral Family (updated 10/7)

Post by sensei »

Such a lovely cat! And I'm glad to see that she's been incorporated into the JWR feline family. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
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Re: Feral Family (updated 10/7)

Post by teggacat »

gosh she's beautiful :love: she really looks the princess!
many thanks for the update
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Re: Feral Family (updated 10/7)

Post by JWR »

Since it has been over a year here is an update for those that would like.

Belle has grown into a good sized cat weighing in at 11lbs. Her and Moose are best buddies and spend time playing and washing each other.
http://s1048.photobucket.com/user/jwr10 ... f.mp4.html

As far as the outside cats only Stan still comes around. Momcat was killed by a coyote around 6 months ago as well as a few from the "colony" up the street. Ollie moved in to that colony of 20+ my neighbor has running about the neighborhood(safety in numbers). I still see once in a while but he no longer shows up on my doorstep.
Stan has really taken to Maria and he greets her at the door and requires attention from her even after she puts down the food.
http://s1048.photobucket.com/user/jwr10 ... 6.mp4.html

Now over the last couple of weeks a new furball has shown up on my doorstep. We call her Midnight (pureblack with green/yellow eyes) and we believe she must have belonged to someone for she is friendly to the point of climbing into my lap. She has taken to living on my back deck.
http://s1048.photobucket.com/user/jwr10 ... d.mp4.html

So never a dull moment.
"Like the wind crying endlessly through the universe, Time carries away the names and the deeds of conquerors and commoners alike. And all that we are, all that remains, is in the memories of those who cared we came this way for a brief moment." Harlan Ellison
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Re: Feral Family (updated 05/27/16)

Post by JWR »

Well it has been a couple of years since the last update.

All 5 cats of ours are all doing well with Stan & Midnight( both now 3) becoming full time inside cats over 2 years ago joining Josie (13) Moose (10) and Belle (3) who was the 1st of the kittens to live inside. We never did find out who abandoned Midnight (around the time she showed up 1 set of neighbors moved away while an elderly lady down the street passed away) she just walked up to me and started talking to me (something a feral never does right off)

Belle very much believe Maria is her mom and is now 10 1/2 lb's of love and fur/

Stan (11 lb's) Moose & Belle enjoying the sunroom
"Like the wind crying endlessly through the universe, Time carries away the names and the deeds of conquerors and commoners alike. And all that we are, all that remains, is in the memories of those who cared we came this way for a brief moment." Harlan Ellison
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