keep ur eyes on the road!

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Do you use your cell phone when you drive?

yes, I hold it in my hand
yes, but I use a headset, or something to hold my phone
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Post by Govogeta »

Do I have a cel phone? :o

Yes and work requires me to carry one whenever I leave the shop to go out on a job X| Yes I use it while driving cause I have to.....if they call while am driving I have to answer it :? and if I get lost then am often driving while taking directions :? Do I like I don't have a personal cel phone......really no use for it, except in emergencies, but otherwise it's just one more thing to pay for :wink:
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Post by Candyman »

So this girl called me on my cell phone while I was driving home from school...

Filipino girl vs getting into a car crash......?

the chick won. :)

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Post by hanaeleh »

I agree one should concentrate on driving. I personally don't have a problem driving and talking at the same time.

Tonight I witnessed three people run red lights- two of which would have pummeled my car had I not been paying attention and noticed that their velocity was not coinciding with that of a slowing car. Don't know if they were on their cell phone or not... dark out and all.

Stupididiots will hurt people by being stupididiots. Don't sing to the radio- you're not paying attention. Don't turn on the radio- you're not paying full attention. Take out the radio. Don't have a conversation in the car- you're not paying attention.

Then, on the other hand, you have a friend of mine who thinks it's OK to READ the paper on his way to work. We had a long discussion about that which ended up with neither of us speaking to one another for a few weeks.

The cell phone issue is a heated debate either way. Should I be penalized cuz some jerk can't drive and talk? I guess then I shouldn't be able to eat in the car- that to me is more dangerous.
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Post by dbzmomma »

I agree some things don't take a lot of dextrity. I don't have to look for the radio knob and I know exactly which buttons to push to get my favorite stations.

So if you have the dexterity to talk on the phone and drive, fine. Around here I see people with headsets on — that's no different than talking to a passenger. I just get hot when I see folks doing the illegal. (Or when they tailgate me — my PET PEEVE. But I digress....)

Some woman turned to yell or say something to her kids in the back seat and didn't know we had stopped for a red light. She was going too fast, hit the car behind me, who in turn, hit me. Even being the third car in that smash-up, I was lucky I didn't get whiplash, because it snapped my neck but good.

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Post by Sith-Krillin »

I only have a cell phone. I just turned off my regular phone because the only people who call it are bill collectors. All my friends call my cell phone.
I guess I have a good habbit of pulling into a parking lot if I'm REALLY going to be talking, but that's because in the summer time I have the top off my jeep and you can't hear anything on the phone but wind if I'm driving. During the winter when the hard top is on it isn't an issue...

I don't use those goofy headsets. It's getting too difficult to tell who is on a cell phone and who the crazy people are. It used to be that you could look at someone talking to themselves walking down the street and say "ooh, stay away from THAT one..." but now, the scruffy looking, long bearded guy walking down the street yelling "SELL... SELL... SELL... BUY! SELL!!" may just be talking to his stock broker...!
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Post by marinesniper »

American Handgunner:
It seems stastics show that 2600 people were killed in cel phone related accidents last year.

On one hand we have the number of cel phones multiplying at extravgant rates - with some one hundred forty million in our hand and increasing daily, death rate related to cel phone use while driving are increasing.
Not good numbers at all. Yes its not that hard to pull over and use it. Can't tell u how many times i was hit by someone talking on a cel phone...fact is how do half of these people get a liscense...hmmm maybe they know somebody.
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Post by Golden Dragon »

I have a cel phone for emergency pruposes. If I am driving I don't answer the phone. I also live in NY so we have to have a head set to talk, which leaves your hands free.
What I really hate is when women are putting on makeup while they are driving. Like how can you watch the road if you are looking in the mirror putting on eyeliner?
Or for the men out there... they are reading the newspaper. Hey, read that when you get to work and watch where you are driving. These people really tick me off.

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Post by hanaeleh »

I agree with you on the makeup or reading the newspaper. Women putting on makeup while driving to work annoy me to no end because I end up getting stereotyped by someone who thinks it's OK to drive 80 and put on mascara at the same time.

The reading thing I'll never understand. I was just talking to my neighbor and she said that she's read the paper while driving, too. I have no concept of how one can pay attention to what's going on and drive, also. The fact that your EYES are on something else would be the biggest factor....
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