Which personality trait is most important?

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Which trait do you most want to see in a fellow member of Anime-Beta?

Knowledgeable about anime art
Willing to be helpful
Total votes: 52

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Which personality trait is most important?

Post by sensei »

This is a spin-off from a question that I asked in the open-ended survey I've been circulating. There I asked long-time and recently-joined members of Anime-Beta to suggest words that they felt described a good member of this community.

Now I'm asking a slightly different question (which ONE of these is the MOST important?) so I don't mind if those who answered the survey vote again on this more informal poll. Old-timers, newbies, and in-betweeners all welcome to participate.
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Sui Kune
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Post by Sui Kune »

Friendly is a must for me personally. I'm really shy and introverted, and it usually takes a bit for me to warm up to people I don't know. People who are abrasive or outright rude tend to either intimidate or turn me off quickly; someone can know everything there is to know about animation art, but if they're an ass, would you want to be in their company for long?

I know, rather blunt, but I don't think it's too much to ask for people to be courteous and friendly to one another, no matter how competitive the hobby. (I have a really naive and idealistic streak, don't I? XD;; )

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Post by Keropi »

This is a tough question to answer. Technically it's most enjoyable having someone that has at least one overlapping interest with you that you can talk to and will reply back. But that's not a trait so I will choose one of the poll choices instead. :D

It's a close decision however.
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Post by cutiebunny »

For me, it's all about integrity. So...I guess, for this survey, I'll have to go with honesty.

I really hate backstabbers. It's probably the one personality trait that irks me the most. I get to deal enough with them at work, so, the last thing I want are these people befriending me in my hobby.

Friendliness, in my opinion, is a double edged sword. There are a lot of people in this hobby that are very friendly and downright nice. But then there are also a lot of people who only play nice as long as it's in their best interests to do so. Discerning which a person is likely to be takes skill, and figuring that out solely based on written correspondence doesn't always work too well.
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Post by Massacrist Manslayer »

Vote is in :yay :flower :dban :bubbles :bny :multi
Now to take some time off from voting.
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Post by Quacker »

They are all very important traits, but I would tend to agree with CutieBunny; if I could only select the one - Honesty it is for me.
Being a Business-owner, I try to treat each of my clients with the respect, integrity & honesty they deserve - treating them how I in turn would like to be treated! You can be 'friendly' but not mean a word of it......and believe me, working within the investment industry, I get to see plenty of that!!
I apply that same philosophy to my social life too.

I must say, there have been some thoroughly interesting topics put forward over the last week or two.
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Post by pixie_princess »

It's a toss up for me between friendly and being honest. One can always gain knowledge through applying themselves and spending time gaining it.
However it's sort of hard for a person to change their individual personality.
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Post by duotrouble »

Extremely easy question for me - friendly. :^^:

We're all about chatting through forums. We need friendly people for that. I would say honesty is the least factor wanted/needed out of the list. By nature, I don't trust anyone I don't personally know. While I would like everyone to be honest, I treat all sales like a business transaction. I will be friendly with you but I have guidelines that I won't change for "a friend". On the flip-side, someone selling to me I would hope would be upfront about everything but ultimately it's my fault if I didn't ask you about something prior to buying or get some kind of security that I can get my money back should the item "mysteriously disappear".
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Post by Joost »

I'm going along with Sui Kune and DT.Naive as I am, the whole world should be a friendly place :wink:
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Post by sensei »

Harvesting the data this evening. The close battle between "friendly" and "honest" came down to a photo-finish, with "honest" getting the edge by one vote (16 to 15). However, more revealing to me was the rather weak showing of "knowledgeable about anime art" (only 2 votes). That confirms what I'd suspected intuitively, which is that newbies are attracted by the expertise of the people who hang out here. But this expertise is not the main reason members stay around.

Thanks all who took time to read the thread and vote. The study is making headway and should be ready to share in parts by the end of the week.
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Post by Sylia »

Definitely, without shadow of a doubt, for me is honesty.

I do like friendliness. Moreso than friendliness, I prefer maturity though. And for people to be good inside and generally mean well deep down, and be caring, and open to the idea that people can change and grow. Because then even if something goes drastically wrong in our interactions online (which it probably can and will, given the massive personality mix), there is always the chance that we can sort ourselves out later on down the line. I hate for people to build permanent enemy-ships with each other for life for stupid reasons online, when there's probably lots of bigger things in life. I much prefer to be able to trust and rely in our ability to hear each other out and build bridges, and to see things in many ways.

Honesty, to me, is one of those qualities I think is vital to pursue. Almost everyone in theory has the ability to exercise integrity. People adept at being honest, truly honest with themselves and each other, are also quick to recognise their own faults over time. If I know someone is really honest, I trust that they're as hard on themselves as they are on others and are more likely to have fair standards with which they treat others. Or at the very least, you can know where you stand with them. Also, one of the things that hurts me most of all in life is dishonesty, I think. So... honesty (being honest in business dealings, honest about your opinions and feelings, honest with yourself) coupled with open-mindedness, and fairness, is really important I think.

(As to the cel-related social community, a major part of all of this is transactions- buying and selling art between people who, 98% of the time, you don't really know the person. It seems places like Beta are extremely useful this way- say for example when a lot of people are being ripped off by someone and can inform others... or even just check in with others and find out what's going on or if anyone's heard from x person they've bought a cel from in a while, etc. I think it's a good resource for collectors.)
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