( ͡°︿ ͡°) Who is this stranger? ∑(O_O;)

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( ͡°︿ ͡°) Who is this stranger? ∑(O_O;)

Post by Zag »

"Last post 2015" :jaw

... uh..

So, yeah - guess that's too long to blame my absence on covid, right? /sry /sry

I believe in my last post I mentioned the difficulties of having multiple on spectrum kids. So. Yeah. That's been my life. Now that two of the four are officially adults (!!!!!!) things have been slowing down.

So, did I rush right back to this loving community as soon as I had a free moment.
Nope. Again, sorry.
I got a random email from someone named "Darth Vader" (darthvadersep@gmail.com) thru the old Rubberslug contact me button. He's looking for contact information of another user, one I mentioned in my rubberslug blog like 10 years ago. (How desperate is this guy?!)
I have no idea who this dude is, I'm so out of the cel loop.
I don't wanna just throw this celbuddy's info at him if he's a rando or a bill collector or something.

So, advise please?

tl;dr - Zag only came back because some stranger asked her for someone else's contact info.
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Re: ( ͡°︿ ͡°) Who is this stranger? ∑(O_O;)

Post by JWR »

Hi Zag,

Nice to see you visiting , Sorry that I always seem to forget to follow up on the times I wonder how you are doing and think I should send you an email at odd hours during the night but of course life gets in the way and it slips my mind. /wah

Glad to hear your doing well.

As far as the person looking to contact your friend , I would suggest you get that persons info and the forward it to your friend with the info from the contact and what they wish to talk to the about and let your friend decide if they wish to contact the person.
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Re: ( ͡°︿ ͡°) Who is this stranger? ∑(O_O;)

Post by birdie »

WOW Zag blast from the past
How are you doing? I also have an adult child on the spectrum. Joy and goodness to you and yours.

Do you still identify obscure anime?
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Re: ( ͡°︿ ͡°) Who is this stranger? ∑(O_O;)

Post by sensei »

Good to see you, Zag. Yeah, from hanging out on FB's Rubberslug/Anime-Beta page I know there are a lot of people who are angling to get items that were scanned and uploaded 15+ years ago. With a lot of curators now inactive, that's become a real temptation for new people in the anime art collecting game, and from time to time I'm contacted (usually on FB Messenger) with a "do you have contact information for...."

Prices have climbed steeply for some series, and I've at least once accepted an offer for a piece that was more than ten times what I spent for it in the day. So your friend might be offered a handsome deal. Or not. Anyhow, I'd second JWR's advice and pass on the info discreetly to your friend and let him make the decision.

If there had been spectrum testing when I was a child, I'd probably have qualified in spades: early literacy, pretentious vocabulary, poor social skills, quick to throw tantrums. As you know, the problem settles down in adulthood, and things that are distracting in childhood can be gateways to careers. Though in retrospect I'd have appreciated some counseling to learn how to "pass as normal" as the phrase has it while not turning my back on my precocious skills.

Hang out some more when you have time. There are quite a few old hands who pass through and enough newbies with questions to make for interesting moments.
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Re: ( ͡°︿ ͡°) Who is this stranger? ∑(O_O;)

Post by Zag »

Thanks for the advice guys.
He's still bugging me for the email or physical address, but I'm getting tired of saying "I've passed on your message to the only contact info I have, and I'm not going to give it to you without consent."

To everyone who said long time no see, what up -

We have four kids now. Three are on the spectrum and the other has anxiety/panic/ADHD/depression issues. Our eldest is 23 this month, and the youngest just turned 12 in February.

My anxiety prone child recently came out to us as trans, so we are stumbling over pronouns and deadnames sometimes, but fully supportive and learning new things everyday! :ghug:

My parents, awesome beings that they are, have always been supportive, but went above and beyond last fall, and bought us a house. We have enough rooms now so that all but our least able child has their own room. (We have our daughter with us in the master because she needs constant supervision.) So we're slowly decorating it, and look forward to playing in the backyard this spring!

We are still absolute weeaboo anime otaku nerds. Of course, the kids are following in our footsteps.

I still enjoy looking at anime cels and obscure series, but I don't have the hours of free time to scroll through endless pages of Yahoo!Japan auctions with various translator websites and folders of reference material like I used to. I honestly miss it sometimes.

I've honestly moved away from the internet identity of "Zag". So much has happened and I've been using a new name on all social media and sites but here and Rubberslug and a few really old links. I haven't changed these because I felt it would be confusing when I did show up if I had a completely different name, but I may change it soon.

I'll be having a bit more time, now that all the kids are over 12, have all their boosters are back in physical school (we kept them home all during the Covid crisis until last month, two years of almost complete lockdown with 4 special needs kids in a tiny apartment - no wonder my parents thought we needed a change of address!) So I hope to re-connect with old friends and make new ones!

I'm more easily contacted these days by my new accounts - under the name IckyNeko. Instagram, steam, twitch, youtube, discord is Ickyneko ᗒ(ⓛᴥⓛ)ᗕ#9556, twitter is still @twozag .

Thanks sorry for the long as heck post, hope to see more of you all soon. Gotta go do Mom things now. ♥
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