A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Goldknight »

Don't forget Kaona.
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by ginga123 »


Thank you to the Admins and the MODs. I really appreciate you and your efforts to maintain this site. Beta is now our primary way to communicate with each other, especially with RS slowly falling by the wayside as well with all the technical issues we've experienced thus far. Your forum helped me connect with other members and collectors, become knowledgeable, and, make a few friends along the journey to becoming a veteran cel collector.

I have been MIA for the past several months; but, I'll post from time to time and visit fairly regularly as a Guest. I've noticed over the past year or so that I played a lot with layout in my RS gallery and do light coding to post jpeg; manipulate font to underline, indent, etc. I'm self taught on Photoshop CS3 as well. I am by no means a IT, but I think I can handle some techie tasks if needed. I pick up on programs easily given the right guidance.

I could also help as a mod, if everyone is on board and comfortable with that? I'm used to handling and resolving sticky situations between persons, delegating tasks, and fixing technical stuff because it's part of my job and how i make a living.

Concur with the group that our hobby is dying, even seeing some "not for sale" labels on studio Shaft release Madoka Magica storyboard snuck out of studio to sell. RS is dying as well and we'll have to address that issue when the time comes. I don't want to lose Beta nor the 9 years of loved labor on my gallery either. People I encounter on a professional level find it fascinating that we do this and they like it and want to see more of it.
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Gonzai »

Totally missed the whole Kaona thing. Sorry about that. >_<
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Jadeduo »

I just noticed this! Gaah! Con season has been eating my soul! It is so sad to see everyone step down! I remember when I got my very first Duo cel from Goldknight back in the day! *feels old* (Always a pleasure to deal with)

I would be willing to help from time to time. The only thing I know techy wise is basic HTML, and I can code with a GUI, which I have the UI generate the code and I can go in and fix by hand but that is the extent of my expertise. ^_^;;

I do like to lurk a lot so I'm not always as present like some members are. I'm hoping to start trying to bring new blood into Beta, via the RS project but... I've had absolutely no time the last few weeks, between the holiday, and Otakon...

Best of luck to all the mods leaving! We hope you come visit us from time to time you all will be missed!

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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Deadly Whispers »

Hello, everyone.

So, I'm the one who started this ball rolling (sorry!!). I haven't been visible these past couple of months because me and my little ones keep getting sick. Sick-sick. But today dawned a bit better, and I thought I may as well add my farewells and welcomes to the new admin team.

On March 25th, I realized something. This is what I posted on Facebook because it says it better than I can now.
Thinking about Anime-Beta today. It's been a long time since I've had an active role in the community; I was just out there today, looking through the new posts, and realizing there wasn't a single one I cared to read, much less comment on. That life is so far removed from me . . . but I still remember Dave, and why we kept the site going. I have no wish to close Beta down, but I'm thinking it might be time to hand the reins over to someone else, someone who will update the forums and keep them fresh and appealing for the members who still use them. Beta is a good thing. Just maybe not for me anymore.

Hey, Sith - that's okay, right? — feeling melancholy.
So, that's it. It's time for me let go. I wish all of you the absolute best!

A note for new admins:
1. Magician still has the tech reins at the moment. When we're ready to do the handover, please send me an email.
2. I am still an admin, but I am okay to be moved back to regular member at any time. The only part of this is, I am still in charge of the admin@anime-beta.com and userissues@anime-beta.com emails and most of the new user requests/can't log in requests that come through. Who would like to take that? Again, email me, please. :)
3. I will remain a member here for my own reasons, but if anyone wants to keep in closer touch, I am on Facebook. Email me!

Farewell, friends. It's been a ride.
~ DW
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Kaona »

Gonzai wrote:Totally missed the whole Kaona thing. Sorry about that. >_<
Yeah, I missed myself in the post as well. :)
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by majinuub »

As one of the formerly active members of this community, I want to personally thank magician and co. for creating another place for people interested in this niche hobby to gather. I also want to state I fully support whoever you guys choose to hand over the reigns to :badass .
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by duotrouble »

I just saw this but that's not surprising. I haven't visited here in a long time. That includes visiting but not logging in. Congrats to all the mods and admins who are passing the reins! I totally understand. Anime and cel collecting is in your blood but sometimes life takes you in other directions and something has to give.

I've spent my past year caring for my dad while visiting my dying mother in the hospital. (We lost her right before Thanksgiving last year.) I also bought a new car, switched jobs and am raising a new pup, who will be 3 years old on Tuesday. 8O Currently, I'm house hunting so I know there would be no way for me to continue like I used to in this hobby. I can only imagine what the old staff has been going through AND STILL doing a bang up job. Okay, so I wasn't here to see it first hand but I know they're awesome. :ghug:

Congrats again to the old beta mods and admins! :cheers

Best of luck to the new wave! You have some mighty big shoes to fill. :wink:
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Drac of the Sharp Smiles »

I haven't posted anything here yet either, but I echo the sentiments of those saying that the mods here have been doing a wonderful job. I definitely appreciate the time that you've all been putting in and, though I'm less active on and off, I'm always glad that Beta is here to read. ^_^ Certainly, I wish all of the former mods the best in their future pursuits! ^_^

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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Serendipity_Collections »

DW mentions that they do--> and most of the new user requests/can't log in requests that come through. Who would like to take that? Again, email me, please. :)

If someone has not stepped up and someone can tell me what needs to be done I will do it for them..

I am just NOW reading this and I realize it might be too late LOL.

I would love to say to all the MOD's who are leaving: I wish you a wonderful life filled with many wonderful experiences. Please don't forget us and don't forget to stop by and say hi every now and then! We will miss you all very much and every time with use this forum we will remember who you are, how you helped bring collectors together and how you lead by example. You will all be missed! XOXOXOXO to each of you as you move into the next phase of your personal life!

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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!


Wow, looks like a lot has happened around here. It's nice that no one is completely leaving, per se, but a casting change sounds fresh and interesting. Good luck to everyone, coming and going.
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Captain Haddock »

Well looks like it's all done and dusted, with the dust now settled! Like alot of the current members I'm just not really posting anymore and moreover I'm just not as into the hobby. I still enjoy my collection, but I haven't bought anything new for about a year now (given that when I started I was buying 1 to 2+ pieces a month). Good luck to mods of old and I'm sure it must be relief to hand over the reigns, for the New mods I'm sure you'll be up to scratch in no time!
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Re: A farewell post to members. Beta needs new blood!

Post by Startyde »

New topics come and go, but the memories last forever. 2003-2005 are sterling years in this community I will never forget. Every person, place, even website has a place in people's lives. Just a stone among the many but they end up making that great road through life and I'm glad that road took me through here. Peace always you beautiful people.
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