Cel dealers at cons in the SE USA?

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Cel dealers at cons in the SE USA?

Post by nowherekid85 »

Just wondering if there are any cons that usually have cel dealers down this way? I usually do Megacon, Metrocon, and some smaller ones in central FL, and the only one I've seen cels for sale at so far is Metrocon. I'll finally be venturing out of state for a con later this year to go to Anime Weekend Atlanta, and since I saw some previous posts about cel dealers there, I'm hoping they'll be there this year as well.

So, can anybody recommend another good con to go to other than the ones mentioned? I strongly prefer to go to cons within driving distance of the Orlando area (I think 6-8 hours max for driving is doable), as taking a plane would really limit my cosplay options, which is my main reason for attending.
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