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Naruto 404

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:27 pm
by Goldknight
Finally Naruto enters again, but I'm bummed that they stopped short of his reaction and what they've learned. They immediately switched to Sasuke again. So now each is after the remaining tailed beasts and Akatsuke is after Naruto. Will Sasuke care?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:27 am
by funshine
i'm kinda annoyed for two reasons - they didn't show naruto's reaction... and they didn't show sasuke's reaction to being told aka would get naruto.

kinda amused by sasuke's reaction to being told he'd die if he betrayed aka... kinda makes me hope those are his plans and he's not really taken in by tobi like tobi says at the end...

i also wonder if sasuke realizes that the jinni is killed by aka when they extract the beast. he may not know for sure, but he's gotta at least know if naruto is captured it wouldn't bode well for him.

i'm still holding out hope for a nice and good ending, with sasuke realizing what naruto means to him and fighting by his side and both surviving the ordeal. and of course sasuke eventually going back to the village, after the elders esp danzou is gone (and root too though sasuke can have a hand in that). but if he kills an innocent jinni as i'm imaging the 8 tails does have a host then depending on how its done it could very much suck. i rather hope the 8 tails joins his team as opposed to being killed.

and at least this way it's giving naruto some time to train. which he better do and in super quick record time using tons of shadow clones...

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:37 am
by lcatino
Yeah, I'm with you guys. We've been waiting forever to see Naruto's reaction to Jiraiya's death. :wack It seems Hawk is already off to a bad start. Now they're going along with the Akatsuki? It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I can't see Sasuke taking orders so easily from Madara. I still hope that Sasuke snaps out of it.

Wishful thinking? :D