Humidity and storing cels

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Humidity and storing cels

Post by tarakatsuki »

What is generally the ideal humidity level for cels and is it true that if the humidity is too low, it can dry the cels out and make the paint crack? I could have sworn I read that in a post when I was reviewing the various cel care posts a little while ago but can't find it again. I'm always worrying about the climate they're stored in. I know high temps and high humidity are bad, but my cels survived my home in FL. Now I am out West in the desert where it's like 10-20% humidity so I'm worrying that may be too low for them? I keep the cels in a dark room down in the basement, which stays cooler than a lot of the other rooms here.
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Re: Humidity and storing cels

Post by kizu »

That is low. I believe Disney store's theirs at 50% humidity at temps of 62 F.

I believe there is somewhat of an inverse relation (to a point in temps and humidity). The lowest temp I can store my cels are 65F and then I try to keep the humidity at around 45% because I can't quite get to the 62% level - but no lower than that like 40% is for prints/docs/electronics. I have a long time ago in my house had 38-42% humidity but I wasn't controlling for humidity back then since we kept the house 75F to get everyone comfortable. When I decided to put the cels in a much cooler environment, controlling humidity due to dampness became a top priority.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Humidity and storing cels

Post by tarakatsuki »

Thanks for letting me know. It's much less humid here in the summer and now that winter is coming, it's getting to be more humid. Seems like it's been in the 40-70% humidity range outside according to my weather app. So I should be ok for roughly half the year. But perhaps it is best to get one of those humidity machines that you set the humidity level to?
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