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Storing Cels flat vs binder?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:44 pm
by sunny
I only have like 5 cels but I want to keep these in pristine condition. Since airing them out is important I decided to buy a shelving unit where it is open in the front and I can lay each cel by themselves. I put them in a cel bag open on 3-sides with the paint side facing up. I also put some micro-chamber paper and cedar wood (to scare away bugs) besides the cel in the drawer.

Is there any downside to doing this? I am assuming if space is not an issue this would be a better option than storing in a binder.

But I also wonder if the binder is better since there is some weight applied to both sides of the cel. Would a cel curl or something if left flat in a drawer for a long time? Should I put a piece of cardboard over it to put some weight on it?

Just wanting some opinions, thanks.

Re: Storing Cels flat vs binder?

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:54 pm
by oxypetalus
I don't think you need to put any weights on them. I believe I saw a Disney archive video where they stored their cels, background etc art laying flat on shelves/drawers? You don't have many pieces and if you have the space I think what you are doing is great. The other thing to watch out for is if they are protected from any sources of UV ( i.e. sunlight and fluorescent lighting). You mentioned drawers so I imagine your cels are protected from light which is good. Binders and portfolio's are popular because they are relatively inexpensive, save space, and make flipping through your collection easy to do. They don't have as much airflow as your set up though.