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Tape Burn through a cel, how to fix? Help appreciated

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 5:41 pm
by under9000
If anyone has any suggestions/ideas/experience with this please let me know,

I have a cel that had some tape stuck to the back, the tape was stuck to the side with the paint on, I never removed it because I didn't want to risk damage, some years have passed and now the tape glue/(acid?) has burned through and is very visible on the front of the cel :l , I had no ides this was going on I left the cel in storage for a couple of years.

Very sad & it's one of my favs so I'm open to any and all suggestions on anything that could be it seems to be damage on going from back to front I don't know if even trying anything on the front would work?

The tape has now been removed, I havn't tried any methods yet. two pics uploaded one of the back you can see where the tape one, one of the front where you can now also see the outlines, thanks for any feedback (pics may not be uploading correctly atm)