Do you post your full gallery online?

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Do you post your full gallery online?

Yes (or I try to)
Total votes: 85

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Post by klet »

I try . . . honestly!! I even stick freebies up. I have most of my collection scaned, but I still need to put up a few cels.

Then there's that pile of sketches sitting under my bed . . .(safest place for them, believe me). :O
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Post by purplewiz »

I voted yes because even though the newest acquisitions are sitting here next to me waiting to be scanned, they eventually will be. Real soon now. I figure it's more a matter of intent than keeping it all 100% up to the minute.

I don't include freebies or parts of lots that I don't intend to keep, because I don't consider them part of my collection.

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SS Kakarot
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Post by SS Kakarot »

Yes, I just have so much left to scan! :P
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Post by tex-chan »

I voted "yes", too. I don't have most freebies up. Unless one really strikes my fancy in some way, I don't bother scanning most of those. Also, I hardly ever scan entire sketch sets. Most of them are just too large, and it seems like a waste of time to me to scan FX pages or pages with just eyes or mouth layers. But, every set I have is represented in my gallery in some fashion.

I don't display everything on RS, though. It's all on my main website, and RS only holds part of the collection. I rotate stuff around from time to time, and, often, put some of my newer stuff in there for a while. It just got to be too burdensome maintaining two sites, especially once my daughter started toddling around. Now, I spend most of my time trying to keep her out of trouble. :)
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Post by spanish-doll »

I noticed some people don't always post their whole gallery or parts of it is restricted and that way I can't see some of their beautiful cel. What's the point of paying a lot of money...if you're the only one who gets to see them?
I voted no. I'm not sure anyone else really feels this way but for me the difference is the competition. When I had my gallery up years ago I was collecting non stop and the competition factor of having a quality gallery kept me from quitting. Once I actually took down my gallery it was so much easier for me leave cel collecting and not worry about my status within my little community. As far as me being the only one who gets to see them ... that's kind of the point now :)

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Post by birdie »

I voted no, for a lot of the reasons posted before....except the competition thing, I don't get that. Lazy, overwhelmed, some stuff I just don't have the right background or enough information on to put a good background with, special request as a term of sale, etc...

I'd say a good 80% of my collection is on display and that's pretty good IMO. :)
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Post by fetish4minx »

Wow...lots of reasons for everyone!

I VOTED YES (at least try).

I'm proud to share my collection with others. I am very grateful to everyone that has scanned cels and displayed that I may view. I am constantly amazed at the variety of work out there.

For me, I'd say that 3/4 of what I have in cel books has been scanned and added to the web site. However, I have over 100 I want to sell that are not up for viewing. I also have about 3500 cel that I haven't gotten to yet (HUGE JOB!).

I don't hide anything in my collection to withold from others. I've never purchased a cel with promises to *never show it around*. And I definately show my hentai items (as denoted in my gallery by *hentai* or *adult* for the borderline shows).

The cels that I have hidden are hidden because they are for sale. (oxymoron...I know). Since RS doesn't allow sales or a constant Offers section I've scanned and loaded but hidden them. I'd put them on RS shop...but everything has to be resized I'd just as soon stick them in a for offers section and hide it to stay within RS policy. Opening only when someone asks.

PLEASE SCAN YOUR FREEBIES! Some of my best hentai pieces have been in peoples freebies! You never know what can be valueable to someone else. PLEASE DON"T DEPRIVE ME! (and the others!).

That all said...I am now overcome with guilt that I should be scanning.

Logging Off,
marie :)
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Post by Remi »

I voted no, for several reasons.

1. Laziness/time factor. I lead a pretty busy life, and although I can get on the computer often, it's generally for no more than 10-15 minutes at a time. Even when I do have a huge chunk of free time, I'd rather be outside doing something than sitting at the computer. If the weather sucks or I'm otherwise at home for a while, I'd rather watch new anime or read a good book than scan.

2. Some pan cels are just too much of a pain in the ass to scan. I'll maybe do them someday, but I'd rather get four regular cels scanned than one huge one.

3. Some cels were purchased on the condition I don't show them online. I don't really understand it, but I respect it.

4. There are some shows I don't plan to really collect anymore, but can't bring myself to sell the cels. I don't really consider these part of my collection, although they are. Most of these aren't in my gallery.

5. A long time ago I used to get some grief from another collector because I bought too many cels from a show we both collected and apparently drove auction prices too high. I don't want to breed that sort of animosity anymore, so sometimes I opt not to show a cel where I think people might get upset I won it.

6. Any cel that isn't in my possession I don't show publicly as mine. I'll sometimes add a hidden image to my gallery so I can have fun ordering the cels and deciding where in the section it will go, but it stays hidden until it arrives.

It doesn't make a ton of difference to me if my cels are online or not to be honest. Someone said earlier in the thread what fun is spending so much money if you're not going to share it with other people. While I do like getting comments from people who enjoy looking at my cels, my personal enjoyment comes from looking at them myself. Sharing is just a bonus.


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Post by kittens »

Mis-post..... Sorry :l :l
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Post by hobbywhelmed »

Remi said:

A long time ago I used to get some grief from another collector because I bought too many cels from a show we both collected and apparently drove auction prices too high. I don't want to breed that sort of animosity anymore, so sometimes I opt not to show a cel where I think people might get upset I won it.

Kiddo, if the slimey hatchling is out of the incubator, foraging on its own, growing rapidly, and chewing its way into your house to leave horrendous poo lumps steaming on your rug, you ain't the one who's responsible for the breeding!

Some people just have poor disappointment management skills. I've lost a lot of cels to higher bidders and still long for them in the little crannies of avarice in my heart - but I couldn't blame someone else for having the same lusts I have, but having more funds (or a faster bidding finger). That's just too petty.
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Post by joseishijin »

Not anymore. As my collection started growing:

1. I became lazier and lazier about the growing piles of stuff
2. Pan cels are a biznatch to scan prettily
3. My old scanner finally went the way of the dodo and my new scanner and I haven't meshed well yet.
4. I hate my website, want to design a new one, but again with the number one: am so lazy OMG!

I still post the occasional LOOKITLOOKITATWHATIWONWOOO!!!!!!! on my live journal, but the house has put a severe crimp in my collecting habits. *pout*
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Post by kira »

hai, i try and put all my cels up. or most of them.

but kymarea, i always do things half-assed.
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Post by star-phoenix »

I normally do it for insurance purposes. It is better to have a log of what you have in case something happens to your cels or sketches.

The only reason I selected "NO" is because some things I bought were under the condition I do not post them on my site.
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Post by In_Gabriel_We_Trust »

No really guys and gals, ... my PM box is overflowing.

I swear by all that is holy : there really isn't.
[img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url]

The Doctor : … and then, just to finish off, I’m going to wipe every last stinking Dalek out of the sky !
Dalek : But you have no weapons ! No defenses ! No plan !
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Post by Krafty »

Remi wrote:I voted no, for several reasons.

Some cels were purchased on the condition I don't show them online. I don't really understand it, but I respect it.....

Sometimes I opt not to show a cel where I think people might get upset I won it.....
Like hobbywhelmed, I was surprised at these reasons. I'm sure you've said this before in another post (or perhaps another member did) but I see that as wrong. Not necessarily on your part, but because of the people that cause you problems.
When something's yours you should do with it what you see fit. If you want to display it online, you damn well should and no-one should have any complaints. I respect you for wanting to keep the peace Remi, but if it were me I might even display it just to annoy the person/people who objected. They are selfish and plain stupid- it has no effect on them and life's too short to worry about a few ignorant, faceless internet users.
Buying trends change all the time and if you were inadvertantly hiking up the prices that's something everyone has to accept, life is full of changes, why can't they comprehend that? :shrug
There have been series I used to collect from and got some good deals, but the prices for such items have since increased a lot (bet we've all experienced that). I don't whine about it but shrug it off and accept that's the trend of things. It's hard for me to accept that other people couldn't accept this... /hmm

Out of the gloom a voice said unto me;
"Smile and be happy, things could be worse".
So I smiled and was happy
and behold;
things did get worse...
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