2012 Year in Review & 2013 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

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Re: 2012 Year in Review & 2013 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by JuniorMintKiss »

My heck, it's been a while since I posted! And I do believe this is my first time doing this, so here goes...

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2012?

The fact that I remember I have a cel gallery! LOL

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

I scored a few Gokudo cels that were pretty affordable, considering the fact that I haven't been as thorough in my searches as before.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2012?

I would have to say this Rilezu cel:

http://juniorscels.rubberslug.com/galle ... mID=357385

Never in a MILLION years would I have believed that I could own this piece. And where did I find it of all places? eBay... :? It was all just a very weird ordeal.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

Supply and cost. While I do enjoy a sketch now and then, I am still most interested in cels and they are being whittled away. It's hard to find anything to add to my collection anymore. Prices are much more steep, versus +5 years ago (inflation, rarity, ???) It's not as fun finding them anymore.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2013?

I still want to add to my collection, but within a budget. I quit my job last month and I have to watch my expenses more than ever now. I also want to redesign my gallery and that will take some time.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2011, how true did you stay to it?

I did not make one. :)
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Re: 2012 Year in Review & 2013 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by JWR »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2012?

I can honestly say I was able to stay away from any impulse buys and instead just picked up about 1/3rd of what I have in previous years.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

I was able to get a couple of original paintings done by Nat R. of some post anime/manga versions from Ranma 1/2.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2012?

I was able to pick up an original piece from Vaughn Bode's "Cheech Wizard" comic.
http://ryan.rubberslug.com/gallery/inv_ ... mID=347778

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

The lack of decent artwork for sale.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2013?

Same as last year, to only buy what I really like and deem important to adding to our collection.
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Re: 2012 Year in Review & 2013 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by LunaArt »

It's been fun reading everyone's answers! Here's mine:

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2012?
I was finally able to post a gallery update after almost a year and a half! I had some serious downtime due to an extended illness and then I had to remember/re-learn how to get everything set up for an update since I was so rusty. It felt good to be back into the cel hobby I love. :)

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?
I didn't buy my first cel of the year until June. That is very surprising for me, lol. :D

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2012?
I would have to say this one: http://www.luna-art.com/cels/sm3126rser.htm
Cels of King Endymion are pretty rare and a cel of him with Neo-Queen Serenity together are super rare, so I feel lucky to have this one. I love the beautiful expression of affection for her daughter on Serenity's face.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?
I have to agree with what many have said about the lack of availability of quality cels to purchase. Every time I think it won't get much worse, it seems to and great cels showing up on the market is getting very few and far between.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2013?
I completed my goal last year of scanning in all the cels that had been piling up for 3-4 years. So, now my resolution for 2013 is to get started scanning my sketches. I have very few of my sketches scanned and a huge number remains. ^^; I might not get them all done in 2013, but I would like to get the majority completed. I had also started work on a sketch update in the past that I never finished, so I would like to get that done as well. It's been years since I have put any sketches up in my gallery.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2011, how true did you stay to it?
I didn't post one for 2011. :(

Have a Happy New Year, Everyone!!!
~Luna-Art >^.^<

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Re: 2012 Year in Review & 2013 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Quacker »

I have been away, so kinda late to this party....

This is a Good topic and is always interesting to refer back the resolutions & goals of the previous year; see how well one did in achieving those resolutions.

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2012?

Looking back, I would say one of the best things that happened in relation to my collection was that despite being a bit of a tough year, I was not only still able add some quality cels to existing series' collections, but was also able to expand out to include other anime series in which I had watched & enjoyed for the first time through the year.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

For me, I suppose it was how 'quiet' this year seemed on the cel-side, especially for the series' I most liked to collect from. The amount of cels for these series made available was significantly less than previous years.
As a result of this lack of variety from the usual auction sources, mid-way through the year I started to branch out and look for private collectors in both Japan & Europe. Since then, I am pleased to say I have built-up a rapport & friendships with some, all through the medium of collecting animation works.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2012?

There are a few items I could actually pick for this..........but if I had to choose only the one, then it would have to be this Martian Successor Nadesico End Credit Cel:

http://celsphoenix.rubberslug.com/galle ... mID=351417

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

I believe my most pressing concerns have already been voiced by fellow members.
The woefully poor USD-JPY exchange rate that has plagued us for the past 2/3years should start to ease & reverse itself this year; since the recent election of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, whose political party is very Pro in having a 'weak' Yen. As an example, over the last two weeks the USD-JPY conversion rate has crept back up to where one USD is around 88.1 Yen. That is ALOT better than the 74/75 Yen from the last two years! (For the Aussie's amongst us, the AUD-JPY is even better, coming in 92.34 at the last close). Running my charts, this trend should continue, so hopefully this time next year some us will be commenting upon items we never thought we could have afforded in the previous two years?
My personal hope is that due to this strengthening of the currency rates, this will allow fellow collectors to purchase more items at much higher Yen amounts than they may have considered recently, which in turn because of this strong buying, entices more Sellers to the markets so that more items do become available.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2013?

Hmmmm let me think......a Cel/Sketch resolution.......
To relax & enjoy the 'hunt' - to seek out more of those ever elusive "Oh Wow! Got to get that!!" moments & to not be afraid of chasing after the higher quality items
Last year......was a tough year, especially towards the end; it felt like I deliberately held back from a few items even though I could have purchased them as I was continuously thinking & worrying about work matters.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2011, how true did you stay to it?

Let's see, what did I post the last time:

I hope this year that the Business project I have been working upon comes to fruition; hopefully within the next six months actually.
I honestly would not mind going a little crazy on the cel purchases again ala 2008/09 and chase after everything that takes my fancy. Also aim to start expanding out into new series, diversifying the gallery to cover more genres.

Not a bad effort? The 'Business projects' are now ongoing, so that is a good thing.
Unfortunately I wouldn't say that I went a "little crazy" on the Cel purchasing, well not as much as I would have hoped to - but at least I continued to expand out my collection, to include new series' which I liked, such as "Shuffle" and "InuYasha".
My Cel Gallery can be found here:


A growing collection of Escaflowne, Evangelion, FMP, Fate/Stay Night plus other cels that are among my Favourites. No cheap & nasty stuff here.
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Re: 2012 Year in Review & 2013 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by ginga123 »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2012?

honestly, 2012 was a pretty quiet year for me until the months between October and December. it's been a long-standing tradition that i manage to acquire some interesting genga and cels during the holidays.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

displaying genga from the unfinished 3rd season of School Rumble (thank you Quacker for the ID :) ) who would have thought that was possible?

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2012?

wish list item, Black Star Mistress
http://gag.rubberslug.com/gallery/inv_i ... mID=359587

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

price and rising costs of living. very straightforward reply. more collectors becoming inactive?

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2013?

to actually execute and complete my resolution from 2011 that i would organize my genga. yes, folks; i still haven't done it. lol

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2011, how true did you stay to it?

obviously, i stayed true to form and from the last annual postings-- i failed this question with flying colors! i veered off in the opposite direction again and added another Clamp classic to the portfolios. perhaps 2013 will be the year i actually stick to my agenda? a challenge indeed!
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Re: 2012 Year in Review & 2013 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Yuri-chan »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2012?

Mainly that I have happily identified everything in my gallery but my backgrounds really and I'm actually working on a couple of them too!

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

I actually achieved two wishlist items, which is surprising considering I'm terribly specific about my wishes and generally most aren't and may never be obtainable.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2012?

This is difficult, but I guess this one mostly...
http://requiempalace.rubberslug.com/gal ... mID=352714

I never thought I'd see artwork of her or the arc she's in. It's still very rare to see it, though more is slowly appearing.

I will add this one, also a wishlist piece...
http://requiempalace.rubberslug.com/gal ... mID=360555

I never expected to achieve a cel of her in that outfit and it was an awesome acquisition. It also had the bonus of a secondary character I like.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

Like many others my concern is the same, lack of items available. Many series I collect seem to be dwindling and as I mostly deal with very popular series I can't imagine how it is for others with lesser popular series.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2013?

It's not really Cel/Sketch related, but I'd like to make a theme from one or more of my pieces. I also want to try to be more involved in the community and a bit less of a lurking presence. ^.^

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2011, how true did you stay to it?

Sadly, I don't seem to have posted one since 2008 >.< Then I was worried about the amount of wishlist items I achieved, strange how that hasn't changed much.

Thank you Sensei and Cutiebunny for keeping this an annual tradition!
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