2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

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2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by sensei »

As the year comes to a close, it's for the 8th Annual "Year in Review & Cel/Sketch Resolution" thread. This is a chance to reflect on the highs and lows of the year just passing, and think about some new courses of action for the next twelve months.
First, thanks to :cheers cutiebunny :bow2: for keeping this tradition going. It is a thread that I started in 2006, but she's been better than me about remembering and keeping it up. However, this year I've just updated with my RS "Year in Review," so I'm already thinking about these questions.

OK, then, on to the questions:

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by sensei »

I'll start:
1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?
I think my new gallery organization, dividing out the "Golden Age" series from "cel-based" and "CGI-based" series, was a strong design move. Participating in the 2013 Open House was also a good way of learning what was working in the gallery and what needed some additional work. I got especially good ideas from visiting other participants' websites.
2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?
Certainly the unexpected release of a ton of art from Condition Green. I've been intrigued by this very obscure OVA for many years and watched for art from it patiently to no avail. Then in 2012 I got a few very nice pieces in a deal with a private collector. But -- WTF?? -- in 2013 whole tons of art came out of hiding and went up for auction. Some of it was not very high-end, and all of it smelled of Japanese mildew. But a good share of it was visually primo stuff with original matching backgrounds. It was surprising and uplifting to be able to see first-hand some of the production values that went into this oddball series that I've never seen but come to love.
3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?
That's easy for me but maybe not intuitive for others. It was the top layer of this CCS setup. The bottom layer is the first cel I ever bought (in July 2000). I watched for the top layer for over 13 years before it popped up. And (as I was having issues with SMJ at the time) I had to shift deputy services to get it and make arrangements in the middle of a major academic conference that I was attending. But, damn! I wanted that top layer, and damn! I've got it now! :badass
4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?
In line with my comment last year, I'm concerned about the stilling of the chatter, both in personal emails and messages and on this forum. To help counter it, I'm doing what I can to initiate topics and reply to ones started. But a minor neurological issue that cropped up last month has made me less able to do so. (It's benign, so far as anyone can tell--tests to be done next week to rule out crib death and other possible diagnoses--but it seems to be triggered more often than not by extended work in front of a computer screen.
5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?
I need to shed some cel/sketch poundage. Watch for some sales in 2014 in which I try to trim down my collection to the series and items that I really want to keep for the duration.
6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?
Kinda. I did do an animation art panel at AnimeNext in 2013, which was well attended and at which I got to show off some art. But I still could do more on this front.

While the supply of art is not as amazing as it was ten years ago, it still seems to be a good time to be collecting, and somehow the little chunk of money I set aside each month for new items always has a way of getting spent, usually during the first week.
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by eyes0nme19 »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

Well...I've updated my design layout for my gallery, which I'm very happy about. My new obssession for the color turquoise is interesting...even my nails are turquoise :?

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

HELLSING, need I say more?

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

I haven't scanned/added it yet to my gallery. I will soon :P But it gives me chills every time I take it out and look at it. Its so awesome, its kinda unbelievable that I own it. Its a pan sketch of Seras Victoria at her best from Hellsing.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

Money...like always. I just went out of control this year. Its not intentional, but so many of my wishlist items suddenly became available. And I feel if I don't grab them all now, I would miss out on an opportunity to ever see them again and its become a very poor excuse to be greedy and hoard lol. Sigh...this hobby is so addicting.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

No more spending for me. Please no more temptations. Please? I think they know who they are (sellers). I'm not very convincing am I?

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?

No resolution last year, but if I did. I would've said the same exact thing I said for 2014...haha
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by KinoLRB »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

Its creation. I loved to collect, but I was little bummed at not being able to share my collection outside my friends and family. I was delighted when I found RS and created a gallery right away.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

How fast it's grown. I had two cels at the beginning of the year, and now I have over twenty! The bulk of my collection was acquired over the last two months.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

This guy here:

http://celluloidcentral.rubberslug.com/ ... mID=370293

Not only is it one of my favorite characters from my one of favorite series, but finding it reaffirmed my belief that there is a Collecting God. A few weeks before, I had sent my beloved Pokémon Silver to be graded by the PSA, except that it never got there. Yup. Lost in the mail. Irretrievable. I thought, if I can find a Lain cel at ComicCon, then my faith in collecting will be restored (more jokingly than anything, and I never thought in a million years I'd be so lucky).

Except I was.

It was a dream come true. :D

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

I'm with eyes0nme19. Money is a big concern. My decicion to collect from Lain and NGE (both pricey) may have been a mistake...but I just happen to love those shows. Isn’t life a kick in the pants?

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

Again, what eyes0nme19 said. Watch the money. On an optimistic note, the change jar on my dresser gets a little heavier every day. Gee, I wonder how far it'll take me…

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?

I didn't make a resolution, because I wasn't a collector back then. My collecting habits have proved an unexpected detour. But a pleasant one. Like deciding on the way to the string factory that you're gonna visit Disney World. Good times.
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by star-phoenix »

I love this thread! Here are my answers: :-D

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

Hand down this piece. This is my ultimate wishlist cel and I finally acquired it after 5.5 years of constant searching for it since July 2008!!
http://starphoenix.rubberslug.com/galle ... mID=370812

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

Again, finally finding this piece! I thought i would NEVER see it again. I spoke to a friend who knew who owned it and said not to ever expect it to be sold to me. Then, one day, SURPRISE! That was the day that I had received the call asking me if I was still interested in it. I even passed up two other amazing pieces from the same cartoon (I strongly suspected the owner had all 3 of these cels and figured they may eventually crack):
http://starphoenix.rubberslug.com/galle ... mID=370812

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

Again, my glorious Santa's Workshop Cel!

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

How much $$ I still spend. Although I was better this year. :-D

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

Patience, patience, and more patience. And no impulsive buying!

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?

Pretty good. I had one surprise cel purchase that was somewhat impulsive, but was also wanting a cel from that scene for a couple years. I just got it in a couple days ago too. :-D
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by cutiebunny »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

I've done nothing to my gallery. I really would like to, and had great plans to hire someone to create a new banner for my gallery using one of the commissions I bought from Koge Donbo. However, I, along with the others who all paid for sketches, am still waiting for them. I was really hoping I'd get it before Christmas after a 6 month wait too. Maybe I can make that and a gallery revamp my resolution for 2014? :roll:

In regards to my collection, it's been a really good year. I managed to get a lot of sketches and autographs at the conventions that I attended, which made it worth it. The auction scene was also pretty productive for sketches as well, and I was able to acquire sketches from artists that I figured I'd have no chance ever buying anything from as their artwork sells for much more than I'd ever considering paying. But while the sketches were nice, the moments I spent with the artists were so much more meaningful.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

It's more my collection experience. In regards to the usual collectors I see at most conventions, I think we're at the point where we have a strong and very stable network of collectors that work well with each other. When I first started attending cons for sketches, it seemed that everyone was at odds with everyone else. It was a very dog-eat-dog situation, and I found it rather unpleasant. We have really worked hard at creating and holding together a group of about 10-15 collectors. Kudos to everyone in our group, to everyone that has worked with us and I hope it's been as beneficial to you as it has to all of us. It has not been an easy experience for many of us, and most of us, including myself, have had to learn the hard way on who to trust and who not to. When I see how well we all network, how members of this group will go out of their way to get an autograph for someone who can't attend, it really makes me happy. Had you told me in 2009 that, by 2013, I'd be a member of such a group, I would not have believed you. So, I look forward to working with everyone again in 2014.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

Not so much an acquisition, but rather, the time I spent with the guests. I was really fortunate to be able to get to know several artists on a more personal level. I mentioned that I really enjoyed that experience at AM2 in 2012, and I am quite pleased to say that I was able to build upon that in 2013. I am already looking forward to 2014 and spending some time with them. But to answer your question as written, I'd say my sketches from Kazuchika Kise. He's a really sweet guy and I would attend any convention he would be at again in a heartbeat.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

Trust issues. I know trust is a very difficult thing to come by, and more so among people who are so used to being backstabbed at conventions that your dealings with them are very precarious. I'm always worried that someone will think that they were singled out when it's not the case. Though most of the people I know and work with understand the difficulties involved in collecting what we do, there's always that one person in the group that you know has the potential to be a problem (though it's no one on this board).

This year was also a difficult one in terms of charity auction sketches. Cons just didn't seem to get any sketches, and those that they did get were few, far between, and all ending in the thousands. I did not win any charity auction sketches this year, and had it not been for AX's F up, my purchases at conventions would have been much less. So I guess my concern would be that convention mismanagement is causing prices to escalate due to the shortage of artwork. While certain cons, like AX, have always been problematic, other cons, like Fanime, are going downhill. It's hard to believe that 2 years ago, I had one of the best convention experiences ever at Fanime, and this year I skipped them in lieu of traveling across country for Animazement. I would like to hope that the cons on the West Coast get their act together, get some capable staffers who know what to do, and deliver a better experience for all participants. SakuraCon, AX and Japan Expo USA were all disappointing, and Fanime would have easily taken the prize as infuriating due to their 6 hour registration wait times.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

To keep doing what I'm doing at conventions. I think that working with others is the best way to go about this hobby, and the results seem to speak for themselves. I hope I can remain dependable and continue to help other collectors out when I can. I know it takes some work, but I love being able to pick up autographs for others from seiyuu that they really love, and for whatever reason, were unable to attend that event.

I also want to revamp my gallery. And get my Koge Donbo sketches. Especially the latter.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?

My resolution was "As long as I can afford to collect, I'll continue to do so". I don't know if I really kept it this year. I spend a lot of money during the convention season, and that always concerns me as I'm a frugal person. I save for 8 months so I can spend it all in 4. I also mentioned that I wanted to work on preservation of my artwork more by buying more bags and microchamber paper, both of which I did do. I also refilled my Copic markers, which is another thing that I mentioned that I wanted to do as well. So on that end, I kept my resolution.
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Yuuki »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?
I gave it love! My 'collection' hasn't gotten any internet love since 2005. Though, I'm surprised to see that my reg date on my Rubberslug gallery says 2009. That's very strange because I was inactive then. My original/dying gallery that I started centuries ago has proven very handy though - I gave a lot of cels episode #s and seller/purchase date information. I like knowing this sort of thing : )
2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?
I gave it love! It got additions! The last thing I bought for my collection before this year was my FMA storyboards back when I lived in Sapporo in 2006. Very handy living in a place that has a Mandarake nearby, fyi. Very bad for wallet.
3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?
http://toppegged.rubberslug.com/gallery ... mID=365499 <3 <3 it's so pretty.
4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?
Clearly I've been out of the loop for a while, but when the heck did sellers start selling sketches and cels separately!? I don't like that philosophy. Why would you separate them D : I won a cel and ended up snagging the layout sketch separately. My inner feelies didn't approve. Then two weeks later the rough sketch for it pops up for auction by the same seller and I'm just like pfffffft *hands throw*.
5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?
Be very very careful, missy. You have tuition and student loans to pay. Use good, critical judgement.
6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?
I did not have one, though I did independently resolve in 2012 to give my collection some love. My painting teacher, Michael Hitchcox, came in one day with his Beetlejuice backgrounds and model sheet cels and I was in heaven. He went on to paint a background from Timon & Pumba in front of us for a demo on airbrushing. He explained some tricks and suddenly I went "wait... I have backgrounds with those markings on it. I thought it was damage but you mean the background painters actually did that because of *insert one of many reasons*!?? So I ran home to check. I went through a bunch of my cels/BGs and discovered that YES! those markings were there because of airbrushing! The whole adventure caused me to re-fall in love with my collection and I resolved to give it some love lol. And I did : ) (and I blew the blue paint he used to airbrush with out of my nose for the next two days rofl)
http://toppegged.rubberslug.com/gallery/home.asp - Tracy's Cel Collection
http://teaelleharris.tumblr.com/ ~ TeaElle Art and Animation
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Jadeduo »

YAY So much fun I haven't done this in an age!

So here we go!

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

Overhaul, which is still in progress, however a good 50% has been completed, with blurbs, screenshots, and fancy new scans from my nice scanner of amazing that scans pinks really well and then make sketches look :P It can't be helped there but I've had help a friend of mine has a scanner that does the sketches beautifully so we've been slowly going through and updating newly scanned sketches with previously poorly scanned ones. Quite the serious undertaking, as well as time consuming!

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

The large influx of Dragonball art at pretty decent prices, including an Episode #1 Goku I just posted. A recent large influx of CCS to the market at rockbottom prices! I've gotten pieces that I've recently added to my gallery for less than $10!

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

http://jadeduo.rubberslug.com/gallery/i ... mID=369556 This one was a real hard one to narrow down to one, but this was a once in a lifetime acquisition of an opening production cel from Sailor Moon of my VERY favorite character. There were several CCS and DBZ I was quite proud to acquire but it's hard for me to beat this one!

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

I would have to agree with Sensei that the quietness of the American market for me is very concerning. This used to be a vibrant and interesting place, with lots of activity and experts from almost every series out there contributing and taking part. I miss that piece of it, I started collecting in 2003 so I remember as newbie being completely in awe of what was out there what people knew, how everyone was a community willing to help each other. We need to get back to that and work on our trust issues with other collectors, what happens during auction stays at auction!! One thing I have learned is that, that cel you missed out on auction will always come up again if you wait long enough, and sometimes it even comes up at a lower price, hang in there, and keep at it!

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

Finish my gallery so that it is completely up to date, including all cells without Episode IDs!! I also want to learn more about production and the particular animation directors for some of my favorite episodes! How much each was involved in the process and why are there so many cels from SM episode 55 that were only partially used in the episode and why?


6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?

I don't believe that I did, if I did it would have been similar to the one I have made for 2014...

Happy Hunting!

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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by AR-99 »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

I guess this would be its growth, especially on the autograph and artwork side since my production artwork acquisitions were much less than in 2012. I also reorganized all the Eva exhibits and gave them prominence of place to display at the top.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

Also its growth, especially on the artwork. At Japan Expo USA I got multiple pieces from several artists, which really boosted my numbers for this year.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

More so the experience rather than the tangible results actually - seeing Yoshiyuki Sadamoto and Yuko Miyamura live and within 2 weeks of each other. I got Sadamoto's autograph x 2 and had multiple things signed by Miyamura in addition to two photos with her that I paid for. Sadamoto hasn't been stateside in years and Miyamura rarely goes to cons outside of Australia. For such a diehard Eva fan as myself, these were among the top people associated with the francise that I wanted to see in person. I am also happy to have acquired the Asuka Cellu Club hand painted repro cel since it has been among the toughest of the 6 to find.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

More of the fact that I started two years ago and thus missed many, many opportunities because of my concern on how to take care of cels. However I realized that hating on people for what they have that I don't is a fruitless exercise and not just money, but a lot of time is involved in building a collection especially from attending cons and spending time in lines, which has helped me appreciation how much work some people have put in to get their galleries to where they are today. I'm not yet in a position to play catch up and am looking at this part of my collecting from a strategic view.

For those who have budget resolutions, I suggest tracking your spending and setting x amount every pay period for cel purchases. There's likely a better way to do this, but I use Excel to track all the money that comes in and goes out down to the spare change that I find. Once you know where your money is going you have better control over it and having a cel budget will help avoid starvation to cover that wishlist cel, hopefully. :^^:

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

I have a Japan trip coming up in October so until then, any acquisitions with the exception of artist work is off, unless I really, really, really find good deal (s). I will be asking for recommendations in the coming months of where to hit up in Tokyo. After I get to Japan, go lights out within reason and don't break the bank. 8)

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?

It probably was to grow the collection. Resolution accomplished.
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Kasi »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?
It expanded quite a bit, there was hardly a series I collect from that I didn't acquire a new piece for. I also worked a little on expanding details on my genga sets and cels, and I put together more animations. Although they're not correctly timed to their timing sheets, I learned to piece together some of the sets with partial ABC layer drawings too.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?
Adding a section for the original 80's 'My Little Pony'. It was very surprising to find cels come up at all from that series (As they never have before), and with the prices these were going for on Ebay, I feel very lucky to own one setup now.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?
Mentioned above and perhaps, finally getting a cel of Blackavar for my Watership Down collection.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?
The money, and they way some art from particular series seem to be drying up. I was very lucky to get one new cel from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin despite years of searching.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?
I can't really think of one. I feel like I managed to get a lot of the pieces I was after last year, so 2014 might be a bit more quiet. A good time to save money? :D
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by theultimatebrucelee »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

Gotten more stuff and updated gallery with them at least a few times.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

I spent more money than I anticipated. And despite the lack of selection for me in the last 1/3 of this past year I was able to acquire more items anyways.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

I've gotten some nice sketches, but its hard to think of something I'd be really proud of owning off of top of my head, kinda like last year.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

Lack of section, I've been in this hobby for 4 years now, and I can't even name/remember 4 pieces of major wishlist items I've ever gotten or even seen that's for sale, from this time period. And I spent lots of time looking too. Now as I begin to wanting to settle for what I got so far/take a break from collecting, its a bit hard to look back and be satisfied.

Also expensiveness at times. When I see lots of item for sell/offer posts bumped up again and again, I'm reminded that the amount I spent on production art becomes a unrecoverable cost. But its hard to think about that when I see something I want and theres already bids on it.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

Spend less time on this hobby compare to 2013 and make a more realistic budget for it and follow through...only if I know whats going to be up for sale next year, darn it.
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Quacker »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

Being able to continually expand my gallery - acquire artworks and items from the various series' I have admired & enjoyed for over 15years now, to actually own a 'piece' of it.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

The sense of enjoyment while conducting research on new items received, discovering who exactly may have handled or in some instances drawn/created that item - fully appreciating and respecting the production process & the people involved therein all the more.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

hmmmm.....this question has always been difficult.....throughout the year I was fortunate enough to purchase a few Key 'Escaflowne', 'Nadesico' cels along with other items. But to point-out the one main item I was most proud to acquire would be this one:-

http://celsphoenix.rubberslug.com/galle ... mID=363487

From "FMP: Fumoffu", this particular item was a 'wish list' item back when I first started collecting. I remember looking at both "Baylor's" & "Anime-Jewell's" gallery's and wishing I too could own one similar. It was back in late 2010 when I made an Offer to Anime Jewell for her Kaname rilezu, which she accepted but unfortunately was unable to locate the exact Rilezu I was after. Then one morning toward the end of 2012 I received an email from A-J informing me that she had found the Kaname Rilezu & if I was still wanting it. In a virtual heartbeat I replied with an affirmative, receiving her package early this year thus bringing to a satisfying conclusion a near 8year wish.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

Two main concerns stand-out for me:-
already mentioned by both Sensei and Jadeduo about the general 'quietness' and lack of conversation & PM correspondence over the last few months.
The second is a trend first noticed half-way through the year, that being the general state & condition of Cels/Genga received from so called 'Hardcore' Private Collectors from Japan. Through the year, I picked-up a number of items from these Private Collectors, but when I finally receive the item in hand, I am disappointed with their overall condition:
stained & scratched celluloid, faded to non-existent trace lines & paint-chips missing on Cels to tears & rips in Genga sheets folded in ways they never should.
Nearly half the items I have received from these Collectors are like this; one stand out example is an "Escaflowne" Cel from the memorable scene of Van wounding Dilandau being barely recognisable as there are no trace lines anywhere left on the cel at all along with certain colours being completely faded. It is really disappointing how some collectors holding onto A+ quality cels, ultimately treat their cels.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

To improve my on-line gallery, finally adding additional features while making it more viewer-friendly + continuing to avoid unnecessary 'impulse' buys, only going after items I really need.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?

I believe I achieved last year's resolution, I was able to acquire some true Key cels concentrating on the main series' I like to collect from.
My Cel Gallery can be found here:


A growing collection of Escaflowne, Evangelion, FMP, Fate/Stay Night plus other cels that are among my Favourites. No cheap & nasty stuff here.
Come, check out the cutesy female & Mecha madness!!
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by GuyvarIII »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

I was able to acquire preliminary sketches from the 1939 Fleisher Brothers’ film, "Gulliver’s Travels".

I’ve always been a fan of this classic movie. Previously, I bought a few of the lobby cards for my collection. However, I’ve always been worried about purchasing any cels from the film. Not only are they generally expensive and hard to find, but also, given the age, I assume them to be on the less stable celluloid plastic, rather than acetate.
2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

I now have original Japanese advertising art for the 1969 film, “Krakatoa: East Of Java”. The painting also came with a pencil sketch layout for its usage in “Shonen Sunday”.
I never thought I’d get that.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?
I got a lot of great items last year, and Gulliver’s Travels is high on my list. But, as an excuse to post a photo of a cel, I’m choosing this cel from the 25 minute, 1988 animated version of Kenji Miyazawa’s "Judge Wildcat and the Acorns".


The 1988, Madhouse animated, Konami release featured very little animation. So, almost every scene was an A-1 end cel with an animated effect… making cels from it almost non-existent.
4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?
The same as last year, I’m concerned that there isn’t enough production art from newer series available. I feel this will lead to a further decrease in the number of collectors, as they will be unable to purchase artwork from the shows they are currently watching and are fans of. Also, if online galleries are not posting production art from newer shows, I feel newer anime fans will be less likely to stumble across the idea of collecting animation art by just looking for the shows they are interested in and know.
5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?
None, I didn’t keep the one I made last year… and, I thought it was an easy one.
6. If you posted a #, how true did you stay to it?
I didn’t stay true to it at all.
I said I would post "Legend Of The Galactic Heroes" cels in my gallery, and I didn’t….

Here are some quick photos of what to look forward to, hopefully in the near future:

Happy 2014!
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Princess Nadia
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Princess Nadia »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?

I'm going to say the growth of my Nadia OP cels. Managed to get some exact frames I been looking for. Im very pleased :D

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

I got my very first credit card in order to pay for a cel I just couldn't bear to lose. Maybe that sounds irresponsible but it's not before time. I'm a 30+ woman who's never had a credit card and, to be honest, I think it's about time I had a credit rating.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?

This last Unicorn cel.
http://nadia.rubberslug.com/gallery/inv ... mID=367583
Never in my wildest dreams did I image Caro of http://unicorngallery.rubberslug.com/gallery/home.asp would cel off her much treasured collection! And that this cel would still be available after the 6 weeks I had to wait before I had the money for it.
Such a perfect portrait cel of the unicorn herself! :love: Thanks, Caro! :D

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

Lately the real prime Nadia cels have gone for 3/4 times what they would have in the past. Then after the first major battle, sequence mates of the that cel go for far less. The spiky, unpredictable market bothers me. I've seen it loads with other more popular series but it's not effected me until now.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?

I would like to spend some time with my gallery presentation. It's long overdue a complete makeover! The spelling errors in my description really frustrate me when I eventually spot them. I like to spend some time trying this also (dyslexia sucks).

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?

I believe I promised to always take time to respond to this thread - so YES I did :cheers
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Re: 2013 Year in Review & 2014 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by zerospace »

I always try to respond in this thread, and despite my serious lack of activity in actually collecting this year, I'm going to attempt it anyways! :)

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2013?
Like the past couple of years -- it shrank some more! :) Once it shrinks to the point we envision, it's going to be time for a much-needed, in-depth reorganization of the artwork we're keeping for the long haul.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?
That we actually bought anything at all. I think I did one or two updates to the gallery, and technically, I have a small pile of scanned artwork, all of which was purchased in 2013 to add very soon.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2013?
A lone wishlist cel of Heero in his brown spacesuit :D. Lately, I'm all about wishlists.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?
There's hardly anything to buy, and that just makes me feel more and more like selling everything and ditching the hobby >_<. Every year, I'm looking harder and harder at what cels remain with us and thinking, "do I really WANT to keep these?"

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2014?
The continued shrinking & re-organization of our collection. I really want it to be physically manageable & to organize the web gallery for more interesting viewing.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2012, how true did you stay to it?
I/we stayed totally true to it. In fact, I'm really thrilled with how much we trimmed off the gallery this past year!
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