DBZ animation differences

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DBZ animation differences

Post by minigt »

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone out there knows why there is such a huge difference in animation quality in DBZ. The Cell Saga is probably the most notible, when one episode will be great animation and the following will be really basic and poor. It is consistantly poor, or good, throughout the whole episode.

I know there were heaps of animators working on the show. Is it just poor quality control from a head animator or changing of a head animator per series?

Anyway, if you can help, I would greatly appreciate it. :D
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Post by ljupco »

I really cant answer this 100% but I think that in one episode they would have Cell and Goku flying in the the air punching each other and and the next they would have them just standing still talking. I think what they might have wanted to do is get the attention of the people by using cool effect and power up and fast flying punching animations and then they would try to drag out the story. I think Toei knew around where Akira would end the story so they tried making it longer and making mor money that why the made GT. I think that they did this because they wanted to save time, energy and money on some episodes they get a bigger profit. Another reason may be that they were catching up to the manga and created filler episodes witch are the 5 episode long talking scenes (witch I hate). Just to let you know this is my personal opinion and I may be wrong but I feel the same way you do.
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Post by dave1999artwork »


http://www.myfavoritegames.com/ImageFol ... 237-32.jpg

I think throughout the first season, the artwork was still looked very much like Dragonball- chompy and a bit sketchy. As Z progressed though the animators were able to refine their skills while retaining Toriyama's style. The drawing of the characters and the animation gets sharper throughout- watch the first five DBZ episodes, then watch the last five Z episodes and you will see a major difference.

I myself only liked Z up until the episode Trunks informs them about the androids, and then goes back to the future. After the Cell saga, you basically know the story template that has been used throughout the Freeza and Cell saga and it becomes very tiresome. Hopefully there won't be any other anime which forces you to sit through 25 episodes of fighting the guy.
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