Getting to know your anime habits

Topics on anime/other animation TV series, OVAs, specials, and movies
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Post by Cloud »

How do you make sure he or she see both subbed and dubbed if he or she can stand the dub?
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Post by moonrabitt »

1. How long have you been a fan of anime?

Since I was 7...How many years is that???13...Off and on

2. How many animes have you seen?
+120 More or less

3. By what means did you view your first anime as a fan?

When I was seven I watched an anime called Knights of the Zodiac with my was both traumatizing and enjoyable...

4. How many episodes of anime do you watch a week?
Maybe 2....When I'm on vacation I watch bunches...

5. What are your favorite animes? (top 5)

Gundam Seed
Fruits Basket
Ouran host Club
saiunkoku monogatari
Puchi Puri Yūshi

6. Who are your favorite anime characters? (top 5)

Athrun (GS)
Tamaki (Host Club)
Conan (Det. Conan)
Auel Neider (GS)
Kouyuu Ri (Sai. Mon.)

7. Do you watch anime with someone or alone?

I watch it with my sister.....

8. Do you sing along with the OPs & EDs?

Sometimes...if the songs are good

9. Will you re watch a series over and over again?

NO...It gets boring.....I may watch it again after a year or maybe two...

10. Tell us an interesting story related to an anime series you watched.

Interesting????? Mmmm.....I guess it was back in the day when I was little. My older brother (by 2 years) was watching a show with me. It involved a man bitting off another's ear or slicing it off) Anywho, after night mares and so forth...13 years passed. He did not like anime and made fun at me. But one day when we went on a trip to mexico he found the same anime and BOUGHT all of the dvds and watched them in his room. The moral?If given a chance, we can all love anime ^0^
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Post by Drakonia »

1. How long have you been a fan of anime?

I’ve been a fan since I was four or five.

2. How many animes have you seen?

I have probably seen more than 100 anime.

3. By what means did you view your first anime as a fan?

My very first anime was Galaxy Express 999 that was shown on a premium channel when I was small. It’s still one of my favorites.

4. How many episodes of anime do you watch a week?

I usually watch anime in batches based on my free time. If my viewing time was averaged out over a month, probably five or six episodes a week.

5. What are your favorite animes? (top 5)

Galaxy Express 999
Prince of Tennis
The Last Unicorn
Angelic Layer
Howl’s Moving Castle

6. Who are your favorite anime characters? (top 5)

Evil Tamahome – Fushigi Yuugi TV (Yes, he’s really evil in this one; I always think of the OVA version as Yousui.)
Lantis – Magic Knights Rayearth 2
Kuroro Lucifer – Hunter x Hunter
*Tied* Sanada Genichirou & Saeki Kojiro– Prince of Tennis
Hiroki Takasugi – Princess Nine

7. Do you watch anime with someone or alone?

I watch it with my *ahem* little sister on the weekends.

8. Do you sing along with the OPs & EDs?

I only sing a few of my favorites when no one else is around.

9. Will you re watch a series over and over again?

Yes, especially if I’m looking for specifics about a character, timeline, or episode. It’s also very helpful when ID’ing production art.

10. Tell us an interesting story related to an anime series you watched.

I’ve always had a problem with weekly uniform free time, so I usually buy anime in sets and watch it in batches. I won a lot on E-bay for the entire Fushigi Yuugi series and proceeded to watch it several years ago, only to discover that I couldn’t tear myself away from the tv for the entire weekend. Since then, I’ve opted to either buy shorter series or one box set at a time. I get more sleep that way.
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by JWR »

Since we have a lot of new people here on Beta time to reboot another older thread.

It is fun to look back to see if your "habits" have changed in the last 5 years.

Also rereading these threads make me reallt miss the bot Cloud.
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by KuroiTsubasa4 »

I'll give it a go:

1. How long have you been a fan of anime?

Since middle school so...late 90s, early 2000s.

2. How many animes have you seen?

Over 100 shows that I've seen in their entirety.

3. By what means did you view your first anime as a fan?

I would watch Toonami every day after school :)

4. How many episodes of anime do you watch a week?

Currently, 0 but I'll probably be marathoning a few series now that I have free time.

5. What are your favorite animes? (top 5)

In no particular order:

One Piece
Cardcaptor Sakura
Yu Yu Hakusho
Rurouni Kenshin
Outlaw Star

6. Who are your favorite anime characters? (top 5)

Li Syaoran
Sagara Sanosuke
Roronoa Zoro

7. Do you watch anime with someone or alone?

Usually alone, but in college I would watch it with our huge anime club. Or with my dorm friends in a group of four or so. I'm also pretty proud of myself for gathering a group of about eight people together in one dorm room to watch alllllll of Fushigi Yugi. It took about a week but we watched it all. Good times.

8. Do you sing along with the OPs & EDs?

Not during the show, but I sing them the shower...

9. Will you re watch a series over and over again?

Yes. A lot... I've seen YYH maybe three times from beginning to end plus about 10 times for the first season alone. I have no idea how many times I've rewatched the CP9 arc of One Piece. I've seen Outlaw Star no less than five times. CCS I've rewatched certain eps over and over...

10. Tell us an interesting story related to an anime series you watched.

Hmm...I'm a big CCS fan and I recently went to the CLAMP festival in Nagoya. I got to hear Sakura Tange sing the 3rd theme song and say the wand release, which made me shed an embarrassing fangirl tear. Then I saw Megumi Ogata and she tossed candy at me but I have no coordination so I couldn't catch it T_T I saw all four CLAMP mangaka on stage and did my best to understand their interview. I met Kotani Kinya at the same event and made him freak out because I was the only foreigner (to my knowledge) at the event. He's adorable :3 Dunno how interesting it sounds, but to a CLAMP fan it was an amaaaaaaaaaazing experience.
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by Rekka Alexiel »

Maggie! You made it home!! :D How was your reverse culture shock this time?

And oh my gosh, old thread with CLOUD!! Awwwwww! How I miss that bot... ;( I'm surprised I never answered this thread, but here we go!

1. How long have you been a fan of anime?

Longer than I can remember. I know some of my first shows that I had watched were back in the 80s. I remember watching Voltron and the color version of Astroboy.

2. How many animes have you seen?

Too many to count, although back in college I had started making a list of everything I'd seen and specifically documented exactly how much of it I had seen. You know, sometimes you start a series, you don't always make it all the way through and lose interest half way or something.

3. By what means did you view your first anime as a fan?

My first show as a "fan" was Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors, and I watched it on our local FOX station in the summer of '95. I even remember exactly which episode caught my attention and interest: It was the 2nd half of episode 10, where Ryo is majorly weak after attempting to save Touma from space. He then gets thrashed pretty good by Shuten and needs Touma to save him in the end. haha I also remember thinking "Oh! There's more of them!" when the rest of the armored gang shows up. heehee It caught my attention because of the colors, the unique armor and weapon designs...and I have quite a soft spot for beating on the lead character... ;p

4. How many episodes of anime do you watch a week?

Not much these days. I was watching maybe about 3 different series earlier this summer but most stuff is on hiatus now, so I'm not watching much any more.

5. What are your favorite animes? (top 5)

This order changes frequently...

1.) B't X
2.) Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (YST) / Ronin Warriors (RW)
3.) Ys II OVA
4.) Wild Knights Gulkeeva
5.) Takegami (Ankokujin Denshou; "Legend of the God of Darkness")

6. Who are your favorite anime characters? (top 5)
Pretty much the same as above.

1.) Takamiya Teppei (B't X)
2.) Sanada Ryo (YST)
3.) Adol Christin (Ys)
4.) Shinjou Touya (Gulkeeva)
5.) Susa Kouichi (Takegami)

7. Do you watch anime with someone or alone?

Alone. I am the Lone Rekka. I pretty much go and do everything alone. :(

8. Do you sing along with the OPs & EDs?

Ooooooh, yes. And in Karaoke sometimes.

9. Will you rewatch a series over and over again?

My top series, yes. I can watch them over and over again. This is true all except for Gulkeeva, which has many, many stupid/boring filler episodes. The last 4 episodes are good, though, so I usually watch those. :p

10. Tell us an interesting story related to an anime series you watched.

Interesting story...hmmm! Well, something interesting to me was really the first anime that I was excited to see in the theater. I had seen a couple other things in the theater in the States before (unofficial releases, mind you!), but this was my first time to see a *new* anime movie series in Japan: Towa no Quon. It was AMAZING! I was really able to be drawn into this story. I remember totally freaking out over the huge cliffhanger at the end of the 4th movie...and having to wait months until the next movie was released. Awesome, awesome series if you haven't seen it yet. <3
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by Keropi »

Through the years I've better refined down my favorites. So I'd say my sentimental favorite anime now are:

Non-adult anime:
Rurouni Kenshin 1st OVA, Hana Yori Dango TV, Nausicaa, Macross: Do You Remember Love, Maison Ikkoku, Kanon (2006), D.N.Angel, X 1999 Movie, Porco Rosso, Kiki's Delivery Service, Castle in the Sky, Please Save My Earth OVA, Grave of the Fireflies, Whisper of the Heart, Tenchi Muyo in Love, Castle of Cagliostro, Macross Flashback 2012, Black Lagoon, Code Geass, Combustible Campus Guardress, Fate stay night - Unlimited Blade Works, Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, Air, Gate Keepers, Hikaru no Go, Kanon (2002), Kimi ga Nozomu Eien TV, Now and Then Here and There, Escaflowne TV, Record of Lodoss War, Elfen Lied, Fate stay night TV, Iriya no Sora, Blood the Last Vampire, Utena TV, To Heart, Macross Plus, My Neighbor Totoro, Wind - a breath of heart extended edition, Irresponsble Captain Tyler TV, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 1st OVA, Refrain Blue, Sentimental Journey, Ergo Proxy, Suzumiya Haruhi 1st season TV and Movie, Zegapain, Higurashi, Gunbuster 1 and 2, Mizuiro 2nd OVA, Blue Submarine #6, Macross TV, Sadamitsu, Death Note, Asatte no Houkou, Nanatsuiro Drops, Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora, Five Star Stories, Sequence, True Tears, Terra e TV, Tokimeki Memorial OVA, Giant Robo, Sword of the Stranger, School Days, Kakyuusei TV, Who's Left Behind, Eve no Jikan, Kara no Kyoukai 3rd Movie, Xamdou, Shigofumi Special, Cross Game, Clannad - Kyou Chapter, Break Blade Movies, Madoka Magica TV, Shinsekai Yori

Adult anime:
One - True Stories (ONE 2nd OVA), Suika (Wet Summer Days), Koihime 1st OVA, Doukyuusei, Doykyuusei Climax, Tenkousei,
Last edited by Keropi on Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by Eternal Squall »

I'll fill out this questionnaire!

1. How long have you been a fan of anime?

During my college days, early in my undergrad years (2000-2001). That is where I became exposed to a wide variety of new things, anime being one of them. In the school I studied in, they held the College's anime club meetings, which included lots of anime viewings. Since then, my admiration and affection for anime has grown!

2. How many animes have you seen?

Completed 101 titles, with a sampling of 20 more......

3. By what means did you view your first anime as a fan?

After my introduction, I chose to watch Cowboy Bebop as my first series to complete. Seemed like an interesting show. Watched it all over a weekend. Loved it!

4. How many episodes of anime do you watch a week?

This varies dramatically. I like to watch a lot of anime at a time. So one day I will watch 8-10 episodes, maybe string those together in consecutive days...adds up to a bunch, but then I will deflate and not watch any for a just depends how much free time I have, and interest.

5. What are your favorite animes? (top 5+1)

In no particular order:
Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Spirited Away
Code Geass
Full Metal Panic!

6. Who are your favorite anime characters? (top 5)

In no particular order:
Gin Ichimaru - Bleach
Kallen Kouzuki - Code Geass
Kenji Harima - School Rumble
Inspector Zenigata- Lupin III
Misato Katsuragi - Neon Genesis Evangelion

7. Do you watch anime with someone or alone?


8. Do you sing along with the OPs & EDs?

Yes, but only openings......I wonder why? /hmm

9. Will you rewatch a series over and over again?

I've lost count on how many times I have watched Cowboy absolutely I will rewatch a series!

10. Tell us an interesting story related to an anime series you watched.
Sorry, none come to mind.

11. Do you miss Cloud?

YES /sob /sob /sob
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by Gonzai »

@ Keropi ------->> :bow That is more anime than I have watched altogether - and those are just your favorites?? :puzzled
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by Keropi »

Yeah, those are all my favorites - my top favorites. The anime were quite a journey going through them or had good emotional moments and/or make me feel sentimental/nostalgic watching them. There are a lot of other anime after that, but there has to be a dividing line somewhere. I tried to collect prod artwork from all of them at some point (excluding Shinsekai Yori - it's too recent...and the Ghibli anime - they were too expensive)

The best way I could divide them was separating them between my 7 and below rated anime and my 8+ rated anime on MAL. That seemed to be the best way of doing it.
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by sensei »

Heh. I'm surprised I didn't do this in 2007, but that was the year I moved, so I might have been taking a leave from Beta when it was active.

1. How long have you been a fan of anime?

I watched (and enjoyed) some "Golden age" anime in the late 1980s when my daughter was little and it ran (in Saban Entertainment retreads) on Nick Toons. But self-aware and hard-bitten, I'd say since 2000. That's when I happened on Cardcaptor Sakura in fansubs.

2. How many animes have you seen?

Don't know: certainly over a hundred (counting series I've dipped into but not finished).

3. By what means did you view your first anime as a fan?

VHS tape fansub. You had to make contacts online and send a US Postal Order by mail and hope that the person you were dealing with was honest. But I saw all of CCS on fansubs, plus Spirited Away, the Ah My Goddess movie and a bunch of other stuff.

4. How many episodes of anime do you watch a week?

It varies. When I'm busy, none. When I'm between things, probably 2-4.

5. What are your favorite animes? (top 5+1)

Spirited Away
Cardcaptor Sakura
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Rozen Maiden
Haibane Renmei

6. Who are your favorite anime characters? (top 5)

Mei in My Neighbor Totoro
Franz d'Epinay in Gankutsuou (yes, I cried :bawl when he met his fate)
Drosselmeyer in Princess Tutu
Natsuki in Hyper Police
Natsumi in Tenshi ni Narumon

7. Do you watch anime with someone or alone?

Mostly alone. I did get my notoriously anime-hating wife to watch nearly all of Gankutsuou with me.

8. Do you sing along with the OPs & EDs?

No, but I hum them in my head and occasionally burst out in song, especially when making dinner. WOW WOW YEAH SUNSHINE POW-WA! WOW WOW YEAH RAINBOW POW-WA!

9. Will you rewatch a series over and over again?


10. Tell us an interesting story related to an anime series you watched.

I cosplayed The Count in Gankutsuou one year for Otakon. The next Halloween, I put the same costume on at twilight and waited for trick-or-treaters to arrive. When the first batch arrived, I opened the door and the kiddies were so shocked they couldn't even say "Trick or Treat!" (My wife dressed up too, as an evil jester IIRC, which made the atmosphere more binding.

11. Do you miss Cloud?

Terribly. I even wear a dress when I visit Beta in hopes that he'd reappear and want to talk about it.
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by AR-99 »

1. How long have you been a fan of anime?

I count this as when I first saw the Robotech version of Macross over at a friend's sleepover ~1992/3, although I had seen some earlier series when I was younger but was unaware that they were anime.

2. How many animes have you seen?

Per my MAL profile, 172 completed of all genres with 12 in progress.

3. By what means did you view your first anime as a fan?

Fansub and copied VHS tapes from friends and classmates. And copying the tapes from my library.

4. How many episodes of anime do you watch a week?

Around 1-2 a day, so it could be from 10-12 and sometimes more.

5. What are your favorite animes? (top 5)

Macross (generically this is Macross as a whole)
Ranma 1/2
Battle Angel
Record of Lodoss War OaV

6. Who are your favorite anime characters? (top 5)

Asuka Langley (both versions) - Evangelion
Nico Robin - One Piece
Ami Mizuno - Sailor Moon
Yakumo Tsukamoto - School Rumble
Ruri Hoshino - Nadesico

7. Do you watch anime with someone or alone?

Usually alone unless it's a series my sister is also watching.

8. Do you sing along with the OPs & EDs?

I don't try. :wink:

9. Will you rewatch a series over and over again?

I have too many to watch so I don't take the time to do this. I even watch my D/Ls at fast forward.

10. Tell us an interesting story related to an anime series you watched.

One of the funniest scenes I LOL'd at was from Dagger of Kamui where the old guy that Jiro is talking to gets his finger stuck in a sake bottle and can't unstick it right away. LOL'd so hard at that my two friends I was watching it with didn't know what was going on.
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Re: Getting to know your anime habits

Post by theultimatebrucelee »

1. How long have you been a fan of anime?

Its hard to say, but I do remember first laying eyes on anime because my grandpa used to watch them, and I got hooked on the spot. At the time I must have been around 4 or 5, so I suppose almost 20 years now.

2. How many animes have you seen?

I didn't bother keeping track and now its too late! Take an educational guess I'm thinking I've finished a couple of hundred series over the years, including ovas and movies. But there are also quite a few series where I just clicked right through just because I'm carious about the plot/characters but doesn't want to invest too much time in them.

3. By what means did you view your first anime as a fan?

At grandpa's place, every time I was there, in the afternoon they had channels with anime we would watch. One of the first ones I remember fully was Mashin Hero Wataru, when I was 5. I remember my grandpa would always change channel during commercial break and we would always miss a bit when he change it back.

4. How many episodes of anime do you watch a week?

During the busiest time I strive to watch at least one ep per day, but there are also rare times where I could finish a 12ep series in one day. Although I'd say 20-25eps per week on average.

5. What are your favorite animes? (top 5)

In no particular order:
Fate/Zero(bumping down Fate/stay night)
Mirai Nikki(bumping down School Days)
Kannazuki no Miko
Romeo X Juliet
Clannad: after story

6. Who are your favorite anime characters? (top 5)

In no order:
Saber from Fate/
Yuno from Mirai Nikki
Chikane from Kannazuki no Miko
Kikyo from Inuyasha
Kotonoha from School days

7. Do you watch anime with someone or alone?

Alone nowadays.

8. Do you sing along with the OPs & EDs?

When I don't detect anyone nearby I hum.

9. Will you rewatch a series over and over again?

No, I highly value element of surprise and rewatching something ruins the drama factor for me. Although I have made less than a handful of exceptions in the past.

10. Tell us an interesting story related to an anime series you watched.

At AX09, after a full day of events, one of my hotel roommate pulls out a Hentai dvd he got during the day. Since we had nothing better to do we decided to watch it. It was 3 guys and one chick in front of HDTV, really, really awkward exp. One of the guy falls asleep at some point and we ended up drawing all over him with a marker. Afterwards, no one slept for sometime because we all feared to become the next victim.
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