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Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:41 pm
by blueheaven
OK, let's stop this right now before this goes anywhere it doesn't need to.

I appreciate what Joe said, and I also appreciate the input from Toni and her man. However, no one has hurt my feelings or overstepped their bounds. This is a discussion, and it will remain so as long as we can simply remember that these awards are supposed to be fun. I realize that I cannot please everyone, and therefore will not try to do so.

I think we are splitting hairs here. The fact is, folks who primarily collect American artwork DO have a category. I am simply trying to reflect the tastes of the majority of the collectors on this board. And the majority of folks came here because this is an Anime forum, and that is what they collect most. I have tried to appease the American cel community by giving them a category. If you will look at my collection, it is mostly comic art and the like. This affects me as much as anyone. But I am doing my best to remain true to what this board is about. If you feel that you are not adequately represented in these awards, you have my deepest apologies.

When the hell did I become the calm and collected one around here?! :hitting:

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:50 pm
blueheaven wrote:When the hell did I become the calm and collected one around here?! :hitting:
Hell hath frozen over! :OMG :tongue :kiss

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:25 pm
by RoboFlonne
Everything looks great! that gives me half a month to get ready! Where are the awards from last year? I'd like to look at some so I can design a new one!

Maybe you'll like it maybe you won't!


Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:26 pm
by majinuub
No need to apologize to me. I'm not upset or anything, just curious. Thanks for the clarification :) .

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:14 am
by RoboFlonne
Is there a way for me to look at the Winners of last years awards?

I'd love to take a look!


Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:19 am
by syan
RoboFlonne wrote:Everything looks great! that gives me half a month to get ready! Where are the awards from last year? I'd like to look at some so I can design a new one!

Maybe you'll like it maybe you won't!

Here's last year's winners page:

You can see the award statues on top. Clicking the category shows the category plaque.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:23 am
by RoboFlonne
Thanks Syan! I'll have to work hard on this one!

And those cels look really good!

Good Luck to everyone this year!

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:13 am
by klet
blueheaven wrote:OK, hero and villains categories are in. I will also condense a few categories to make a "Best Facial Expression" category to include things like shock, joy, laughter, etc.
Hmmm . . . I think it would be better to keep those split up. I can just see such a category being insanely difficult to vote in.

For example, if someone submits a cel with a "rage" type expression, I would probably find it scary (and frankly, I might find it ugly, too) so I would be more likely to vote for something else. :? Whereas if the same image was put in a "rage" category, I would consider it the best respresentation of rage, and vote for it.

I just feel that facial expressions are so incredibly varied that it would be difficult to vote in that category. :shrug

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:12 am
by GuyvarIII
klet wrote:
blueheaven wrote:OK, hero and villains categories are in. I will also condense a few categories to make a "Best Facial Expression" category to include things like shock, joy, laughter, etc.
Hmmm . . . I think it would be better to keep those split up. I can just see such a category being insanely difficult to vote in.

For example, if someone submits a cel with a "rage" type expression, I would probably find it scary (and frankly, I might find it ugly, too) so I would be more likely to vote for something else. :? Whereas if the same image was put in a "rage" category, I would consider it the best respresentation of rage, and vote for it.

I just feel that facial expressions are so incredibly varied that it would be difficult to vote in that category. :shrug
I think this is a valid point.
The final decision depends on what your goals are.

If we have one category, no mater what your character’s expression is, there will be a category for your cel. If we have many categories we run the risk of leaving out a possible expression, but the cels will be easier to vote on.

I’m OK with either choice.
It’s just deciding whom to help out more, possible voters or possible submitters.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:19 pm
by blueheaven
But that's just you. Everyone reacts, or is drawn to, a different type of facial expression. Some people might like an angry expression. Some might like a happy one. It depends on their taste and/or mood. Just because you might find something offputting doesn't mean the board will.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:55 pm
by ReiTheJelly
thanks for arranging the Beta Awards this year, Blue Heaven. It looks like it will be a lot of fun!

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:56 pm
by klet
blueheaven wrote:But that's just you. Everyone reacts, or is drawn to, a different type of facial expression.
That was my point. :)

I just think the voting would be a tad too subjective. Yes, these are all about personal taste and thus are supposed to be subjective, but I think it boils down to having too much variety in a category . . . much like the argument for allowing Rilezu into every category. Having just a Rilezu category means you have a variety of unlike pieces competing against each other. In previous years, the same argument was given against having a "portrait" section. I really don't see how a facial expressions section is any different from a portait one. :? :D

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:05 pm
by Ronin
blueheaven wrote:But that's just you. Everyone reacts, or is drawn to, a different type of facial expression. Some people might like an angry expression. Some might like a happy one. It depends on their taste and/or mood. Just because you might find something offputting doesn't mean the board will.
But surely that's the point Klet was trying to make? So if you're more partial to happy cels then you'll vote for a happy cel over any other cel, even if the rage cel, say is technically better.

I see Klets point, but it's totally up to you whether you want the extra/work categories. But like GuyvarIII said, if you do go for it, it does mean some expressions may be left's a tricky one.

Edit: God it took me ages to write that! :p

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:53 pm
by blueheaven
I really don't see the big deal here. Everyone has their preferences. Should we then break up the Masculine section into body types and hair colors because some people prefer skinny to muscular or blonde to black hair? Should we break up feminine in terms of eye color and breast size? I know, we can break up the Villain category into Bishie villains and ugly villains. You ARE splitting hairs here. We can pick this apart from pillar to post, but the fact remains that people will ultimately vote for the one they like. If we really wanted to, we could break these up into dozens of absurd categories. That is not going to happen, mainly because it doesn't need to happen. End of story.

Here's my compromise: either we stick with the Facial Expressions category, or it will be removed. Your choice.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:06 pm
by klet
blueheaven wrote:Here's my compromise: either we stick with the Facial Expressions category, or it will be removed. Your choice.
Woah. Apparently, you took my post a little too close to heart. I wasn't demanding anything--just pointing out some of the pitfalls. I don't think I deserved the snappy reply I got, but that's your choice. You might not have meant it that way, but it felt that way. I thought we were pleasantly discussing here, but apparently I'm not allowed to. Others can criticize, but I get threatened with removal of categories. :?

It doesn't really matter in the end. You're the one in charge, and I respect your opinion. It's sad to see that my own doesn't get the same respect, but that's fine. I'm not running the awards, nor do I have the time or know-how. I'm not going to point out any of your logical fallacies. Let's just drop it here. I will be participating in the awards, so that's that. :)

Sorry if you felt I was complaining unneccesarily. I just wanted to express my opinion, for what it's worth. Won't happen again.