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Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:18 pm
Theres nothing about banning sketches from the Award. Im saying why does a Sketch get a best Sketch section and a production cel doesnt? Is that fair?

EDIT: Im not concerned about sketches beating a cel. Thats not the point of this. I win every year. :wink:

There are far more paper collectors now than a year ago. So comparing it to last year wouldnt not be the same.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:50 pm
by irmgaard
RX78GP02AGUNDAM wrote:Theres nothing about banning sketches from the Award. Im saying why does a Sketch get a best Sketch section and a production cel doesnt? Is that fair?
Soooo...... :? You want to add an overall "Best Cel" category? Or.... 8O you want to take away "Best Sketch" and force the pale pencilled pretties to compete head to head with the bright, SHINY, [shadow=red]PAINTED[/shadow] [shadow=orange][glow=yellow]PLASTIC!!!!!![/glow][/shadow]

[scroll]RX is a meanie....... :x ; RX is a meanie....... :x ;RX is a meanie....... :x; RX is a meanie....... :x ; RX is a meanie....... :x ;RX is a meanie....... :x [/scroll]
edit because I can't spell!

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:55 pm
by blueheaven
PM sent. I have made my point and so has RX. No more needs to be said on the subject.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:59 pm
I got quoted a lot. How cool! :D

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:00 pm
by blueheaven
wELCOME cONSUMER wrote:I got quoted a lot. How cool! :D
Your words carry weight, my dear.

This weekend, I'll take some time to tweak the categories a bit as well as update the rules to reflect the changes we've agreed upon. At that point, I'll post the info and you guys can pick it apart some more.

I want to bring up a concern for myself. Last year, there was some descent due to the rules that were made. I have no problem with folks deciding not to enter the awards out of protest. It is your right to do so. But, please don't make a "protest post." I really don't need a Spartacus moment, as I am trying my best to make everyone happy. I know that is not possible, but I will try. I am willing to do this, on top of working full time and going to school. It won't be easy, and posts like that CAN discourage me or hurt my feelings. I do have them, yo know :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:03 pm
blueheaven wrote:
wELCOME cONSUMER wrote:I got quoted a lot. How cool! :D
Your words carry weight, my dear.
Oh yooooou! :P :friends:

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:35 pm
by JWR
Krafty wrote:
I did want to address RX's point about a Rilezu section. From what I've seen of other people's collections, there are very few Betarians that have Rilezu- perhaps 12-20?
I doubt everybody would want to submit their Rilezu into this broard category because it occupies an entry they might prefer to use for another category.
Also, many Rilezu I've seen aren't particularly striking, they're just like 'normal' cels so what the point in trying to win an award in a category full of 'normal' art?
Well while I respect your opinion. Rilezu's are much more prevelent. In checking a search on RS there were over 100 Rilezus that showed in gallerys of Beta members and that does not take into account those who do not list the word Rilezu in the title. (My Ai Yori Aoshi rilezu's are just in the main section with rilezu in the description) If your opinion is that Rilezu's are "normal" cels then it seems unfair to lump them in with Hankens and Fan Cels as was done last year due to them outshining production cels.
blueheaven wrote:New Rule - Rilezu and post production artwork may be entered into ANY Best Cel category. In cases where there are more than one cel of an image(such as the Naruto cels), entries will be taken on a first come, first served basis.

Also, there will be a "Best Sketch" category, featuring both genga and douga. And sketches may also be entered into any Best Cel category.

This will ensure that sketches have a good chance at winning an award, and it will also help categories fill up quicker.
I do agree that this would work best. Those who wish to can submit and those voting can pick what they like best.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:47 pm
by GuyvarIII
blueheaven wrote: New Rule - Rilezu and post production artwork may be entered into ANY Best Cel category. In cases where there are more than one cel of an image(such as the Naruto cels), entries will be taken on a first come, first served basis.
I’m glad the Rilezu will be part of the main categories.

I have none, but I’ve been waiting for this moment…:evil2
Let the Rilezu fall before the superior character design of 80s-90s cel era production artwork. :dgrin

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:31 pm
GuyvarIII wrote:I have none, but I’ve been waiting for this moment…:evil2
Let the Rilezu fall before the superior character design of 80s-90s cel era production artwork. :dgrin

So, is it settled that Brian will host/run the Beta Awards this year?

Edit: Ah, nevermind. I see. Good luck Brian! Let us know what you need. :)

People actually bothered to boycott the awards? But WHY? 8O
It's just a fun event, not life and death. Geez. :x

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:14 pm
by akadro
sorry to post that again, I thought it could intereste some people with fan cels,

I have 2 questions about the FAN cel category, if we want to submit a cel on the fan cel category could it be that we are not the artist ? Or is for the person that actually does fan cels ?

Also all my cels are frammed, would that be a problem if I submit the pic's cel frammed ? example ----> ... 5278&Pass=


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:29 am
by kymaera
akadro wrote:sorry to post that again, I thought it could intereste some people with fan cels,

I have 2 questions about the FAN cel category, if we want to submit a cel on the fan cel category could it be that we are not the artist ? Or is for the person that actually does fan cels ?

Also all my cels are frammed, would that be a problem if I submit the pic's cel frammed ? example ----> ... 5278&Pass=

Well, here's what I would say, but the organizer has the official word.

- fancels. You don't have to be the artist on production cels that you own,
why would you have to be on fancels? If you own it, I'd say you'd be able
to enter it.
- frames. Personally, I don't like it as it can affect the looks of the cel and
has nothing to do with the cel itself. Plus, it could lead into the "slippery
slope" of "how much alteration to the cel/its presentation is allowed?".
However, in the spirit of happy fun let's all get along, I doubt any
restriction would be placed on this.
(p.s There is only one M in framed.)

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:03 am
by blueheaven
If you wish to submit a fan cel, you MUST be the owner of it at the time of submission. That is the only rule. If you painted a fan cel and then sold it off, only the person you sold it to may submit it. You do not need to be the artist, just the owner.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:05 am
by Krafty
JWR wrote:
Krafty wrote:
I did want to address RX's point about a Rilezu section. From what I've seen of other people's collections, there are very few Betarians that have Rilezu- perhaps 12-20?
Also, many Rilezu I've seen aren't particularly striking, they're just like 'normal' cels so what the point in trying to win an award in a category full of 'normal' art?
In checking a search on RS there were over 100 Rilezus that showed in gallerys of Beta members and that does not take into account those who do not list the word Rilezu in the title. If your opinion is that Rilezu's are "normal" cels then it seems unfair to lump them in with Hankens and Fan Cels as was done last year due to them outshining production cels.
Thanks for the info on the number of Rilezu, Joe, it shows how wrong I am with my estimation. 20 was my guess, because I honestly don't recall seeing more than that.
Last year, putting the post-prod cels with hanken seemed fair. It was a combination of Rilezu's exclusivity and visual quality [by way of materials] that made them seem suited together.

I still stick by my comment that they appear like 'normal' cels, I've seen many cels from cel-productions that have better composition.
When I browse the Rilezu retailer websites I'm stunned why they chose to make so many bland, uninteresting rilezu when they had the opportunity to chose a special frame.
I'm not saying that folks here have inferior artwork, not at all, but when I see the CG series I love, I've not felt the desire to buy [m]any rilezu.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:12 am
by akadro
blueheaven wrote:If you wish to submit a fan cel, you MUST be the owner of it at the time of submission. That is the only rule. If you painted a fan cel and then sold it off, only the person you sold it to may submit it. You do not need to be the artist, just the owner.
Thanks blueheaven,

What about my framed cel. Would it be better to send pics of my cel without being framed or it does not matter ?


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:15 am
by blueheaven
It doesn't matter to me. To me, it is not much different from cropping the edges. If you think it looks better framed, then go for it.