2009 Anime-Beta Awards - AWARDS UP!

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2009 Anime-Beta Awards - AWARDS UP!

Post by Angelic-Lair »

Hello, and welcome to the 2009 Anime-Beta Awards!!! ^__^

Please refer to this thread for any questions you may have about the awards. New information will be posted as soon as it becomes available. ^__^




Submissions will be accepted from 8 AM EST on November 30 until 8 PM EST on December 6, 2009.

Viewing will take place on December 14 & December 15, 2009. Any submission problems will be addressed during this period.

Voting will take place from 8 AM EST on December 16 until 8 PM EST on December 20, 2009.

Awards will be presented on or around December 27, 2009.


Please note that categories marked with an * are optional to submit artwork to and to vote in. If you submit artwork to an optional category, you must vote in that category.

(C) = Cel (H) = Hanken (MC) = Model Cel (O) = Other (P) = Painting (R) = Rilezu (RC) = Reproduction Cel

Accessory - Emphasis on what the character is holding, using, swinging, playing, aiming. (C)
Action - Scenes of action, movement, motion. (C)
Background - No characters allowed. (C, P)
Children - Youth, babies, kids. (C)
Creature - Animals, monsters, pets, catgirls, demons. (C)
Cute - Adorable, precious, toothache inducing. (C)
Death/Dying - Characters in the final throws of death, or those that have already passed away. (C)
Fan Art - Made by you or another artist. (C, P, O)
Female - The fairer sex. (C)
Funny - Laugh out loud moments. (C)
Group - Art of two or more characters. (C)
Hanken - Art used for merchandise or other non-production special circumstances. Hankens are not allowed in any other category except hentai. (C, H, P, O)
Harmony - Unique combinations of line work and watercolor used to convey deep emotion and profound artistry. (C, P)
Heroic - White knight saves the day. (C)
Industry Art - Original artwork from industry artists, comic artists and mangakas. (C, P, O)
Joy - Extreme happiness. (C)
Male - Boys, men, guys, bishonen. (C)
Outfit - Best dressed, emphasis on clothes and costumes. (C)
Rage - Mad, angry, extreme agitation. (C)
Rilezu/Repro - Made to be bought. One-of-a-kind or limited edition. (R, RC)
Robot - Our mechanical friends. (C)
Romance - Kissing, hugging, cuddling, anything non-explicit. (C)
Shocked - Stunned, horrified, utter dismay. (C)
Sorrow - Tear-jerkers, sadness. (C)
Special Effect - Power bursts, transformation effects, airbrushing, etc. (C)
Tranquility - Characters who have found their inner peace. (C)
Vehicle - Takes you where you want to go. (C)
Villainous - Archenemies, evil scientists, meanies, wicked bad guys. (C)
Animated* - Short sequences of animated artwork. (C)
Hentai* - Sexually explicit & nude. All pairings welcome! (C, H)
Settei* - Characters, items or scenery. Settei are not allowed in any other category. (MC)


To submit your entries for the 2009 Anime-Beta Awards contest, please attach them to an email addressed to: animebeta2009(at)yahoo.ca (please use the @ sign instead of 'at').

Entries should be saved as a jpeg and renamed to include the name of the category they are to be entered into (for example: hanken.jpg). Animated entries should be saved as a gif.

Please note that the body of the email must include the following:

1) Your Anime-Beta user ID
2) The e-mail address attached to your Anime-Beta account
3) A complete list of categories entered

Submission guidelines:

1) Only one entry per category is allowed by any participant.

2) While you are permitted a total of 8 submissions (5 in the standard categories and 3 in the optional categories), you are not required to submit eight different items. You may enter fewer items if you choose.

3) The maximum width for all standard size cels or artwork is 450 pixels. Pan or oversized cels or artwork may not exceed 600 pixels on the longest side. You may submit artwork that is less than the maximum pixel size, however, anything larger than the maximum pixel size will be resized accordingly. Regardless of the size of the item, the total file size can not exceed 300k. The maximum file size for animation submissions is 800K.

4) Artwork that has received a Beta Award in previous years cannot be submitted under any category. Sequence mates of previous winners will be allowed if there is a substantial diffence between the two. The organizers must be informed which piece you are submitting a sequence mate of.

5) Unless there is an obvious difference, sequence mates in the same category are not permitted. Similarly, identical repro cels in the rilezu/repro category are not permitted. Whoever submits the artwork first will be allowed to use that artwork in that category. If you submit a sequence mate to an item that is already in a category, you will have the chance to re-submit another item in lieu of the repeated piece.

6) Categories with fewer than five entries will be eliminated. You will have the chance to re-submit artwork to another category.


1) You must be a registered member of Anime-Beta by the start of the submission process.

2) You must physically own all artwork that you submit. Submitted artwork does not have to be posted in your gallery.

3) Submitted artwork may not include watermarks or any other type of 'tag' that could affiliate it with a gallery or owner.

4) If you submit artwork for consideration in this contest, you must vote for all categories. The only exceptions are the optional categories (animated, hentai and settei). These categories are both optional to vote in and optional to submit artwork to. If, however, you submit artwork to an optional category, you must vote in that category.

5) Even if you do not submit artwork, you may still vote in any or all of the categories.

Industry art:

If an industry artist signed something that is not a standard shikishii board/blank piece of paper, only the signature and any original accompanying artwork are allowed to be submitted. In other words, if an industry artist signed their name and drew a smiley face on a poster, you may only submit the portion of the poster that contains the signature and the smiley face.

Animated art:

Animated submissions may only include that which was part of the original studio animated sequence; no flashing lights, no disco music, nothing else.

Image modifications:

Modification and/or enhancement of images is not permitted. The only exception is for oversized images requiring multiple scans. You may piece these scans together to make a complete image.


Discussion Committee - Angelic-Lair, DragonShiryu & Starfighter

Site Design/Coding - Angelic-Lair

Site Testing - Belldandy16

Submission Processing - Angelic-Lair

Vote Counting - Belldandy16 & Midnite Kitten

Award Graphics - Midnite Kitten & ReiTheJelly


Please make sure to post in the thread if you have any general questions. The discussion should take place here.
If you have a specific question about the 2009 Anime-Beta Awards, or would like to get in touch with someone on the team, please send an email to: animebeta2009[at]yahoo.ca (please use the @ sign instead of 'at')

Last edited by Angelic-Lair on Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:46 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Post by syan »

Why did you change rilezu and repros into a category for this year instead of letting those types into each category instead?

I also don't understand how anger and sadness can be judged against each other in the same category, and why they are all of a sudden in a category together.
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Post by Angelic-Lair »

The discussion committee felt that there were far too many categories dealing with emotions. Rather than lump all of them together in one category (which was proposed), we agreed to merge them into two categories instead.
The discussion committee also felt that rilezu, like hankens, should have their own category instead of being included in every category.
We understand that the proposed categories list is a significant change from last year, but the committee felt that the number of categories needed to be decreased.
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Post by MidniteKitten »

I have to disagree. I feel that all emotions should remain seperate. There are amazing charged anger shots out there that just can't be judged against shots of characters shocked. I also always felt/thought that the multiple categories allowed for more chances for different people to win.

Though I can agree with the rilezu/repro splitting as these are two different classes of cels and while beautiful should not be compared to the original art.
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Post by cutiebunny »

What is the characteristic that potential voters will be using for the Rilezu/Repro category? I ask because there's a plethora of repros/rilezu out there, in all colors featuring a wide variety of emotions, scenes, etc. What would a voter be judging, exactly?

No fan-art catagory? Original art states that it's for manga-ka and other industry artists. That's a shame because there's a lot of great fan-art out there(Nat R., I'm looking in your direction).

I, too, am in support of seperating the emotion categories because I can't see how one would vote. Do I judge by which one I feel is better executed or which emotion I like best?

I dunno, I think I would have appreciated a little more feedback from the community first before a finalized list was produced. I know y'all had the e-mail thing, but, it's one thing to email your concern and another to see how others respond to your idea(s).
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Post by MidniteKitten »

cutiebunny wrote:What is the characteristic that potential voters will be using for the Rilezu/Repro category? I ask because there's a plethora of repros/rilezu out there, in all colors featuring a wide variety of emotions, scenes, etc. What would a voter be judging, exactly?

No fan-art catagory? Original art states that it's for manga-ka and other industry artists. That's a shame because there's a lot of great fan-art out there(Nat R., I'm looking in your direction).

I, too, am in support of seperating the emotion categories because I can't see how one would vote. Do I judge by which one I feel is better executed or which emotion I like best?

I dunno, I think I would have appreciated a little more feedback from the community first before a finalized list was produced. I know y'all had the e-mail thing, but, it's one thing to email your concern and another to see how others respond to your idea(s).
+1 I realize the repro/rilezu may be hard to judge seperately, but maybe it would be based on quality of workmanship? (I know there are some out there that are way off contrast, and others that are better than the original shot!)

Also I do agree with having had more public discussion based on what the discussion comittee had agreed upon. But don't worry, not bashing. Just trying to give a more general approach as I'm sure other people are a bit apprehensive to get involved.
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Post by GuyvarIII »

Angelic-Lair wrote: The discussion committee also felt that rilezu, like hankens, should have their own category instead of being included in every category.
Why? It increases the number of categories, and (with sketches gone) it means that no new shows will be seen in any other category.
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Post by Cordelia »

Some comments:

If rilezu/repro is lumped under one category, maybe the entries can be judged the same way as fan art or original art? e.g. what looks most attractive to the voter? Base on past experience, are rilezu/repro cels able to compete on equal standing with production cels?

I agree that it is hard to vote if emotions are grouped in the same category, what constitutes a good 'tranquility' cel would be very different from a good 'happy' cel. The same goes for emotions like 'sadness' and 'anger'.

Still, thank you for organising. Looking forward to the awards! :)
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Post by Angelic-Lair »

cutiebunny wrote:No fan-art catagory? Original art states that it's for manga-ka and other industry artists. That's a shame because there's a lot of great fan-art out there(Nat R., I'm looking in your direction).
Just to clarify: Fan art was made an optional category. It was not removed from the categories list.
cutiebunny wrote:I dunno, I think I would have appreciated a little more feedback from the community first before a finalized list was produced. I know y'all had the e-mail thing, but, it's one thing to email your concern and another to see how others respond to your idea(s).
This list is not finalized. It was posted for discussion so that changes could be made, if necessary. ^__^

It would appear that the general consensus is to have more emotion categories to choose from. We'll bring this up at the next discussion committee meeting and come back with some modifications.

Thanks! ^__^
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Post by irmgaard »

If discussion is still open then I’d like to weigh in on the Rilezu issue.

They have been allowed in all categories before with no problem. As someone with both types of cels in her collection, I can state that they are neither better nor worse looking than production art. :shrug If you have your cut bags from later production shows, you will even see that a lot of the “stampsâ€
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Post by cutiebunny »

Any possibility of reinstating the "children" category? It looks like you're trying to combine them with cute, but some things that I would consider akin to being a child are not always cute.

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Post by Kaona »

A-L and Committee,

You would have assumed by now that over the years the categories have been modified and tweaked enough that people were generally happy with the way they were.

Before A-B members take up the next dozen pages airing their dissatisfaction and unhappiness at your decision to do a hack job on the various categories, why don't you just return the categories to the way the were last year, and THEN open it up to community input?

As far as I remember, the A-B community asked for help hosting the awards. They did not ask you to take it upon yourselves to reinvent and recreate the award categories to suit your own personal tastes and definitions.
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Post by ReiTheJelly »

I just wanted to make a note of the fact that Midnite Kitten is actually designing the awards; I'm just acting as a back-up and final check/edit lady. :)
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Post by Kata »

I would really like to see all these categories back:

Children - Youths, babies, kids.

Death/Dying - Characters in the final throws of death, or those that have already passed away.

Embarrassed - Blushing, mortified, awkwardness, total humiliation.

Fan Cel - Made by you or another artist.

Harmony - Unique combinations of line work and watercolor used to convey deep emotion and profound artistry.

Insanity - Irrational delirium, totally crazy.

Joy - Extreme happiness.

Rage - Mad, angry, extreme agitation.

Shocked - Stunned, horrified, utter dismay.

Sorrow - Tear jerkers, sadness.
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Post by klet »

In 2006, the people in charge tried to condense all of the emotion categories into one. It didn't work then, it won't work now.

I'll use the example I used back then to argue against category condensation.

I don't like Dragon Ball art. Let's say there's a really pissed Vegeta listed in the "Yang" category. I mean, this cel is the epitome of rage. Will I vote for it? No. I don't like Dragon Ball art. Besides, that's not what yang means, and I'm not sure what the contest is going for when it says "yang." Yang is not a negative thing!

On the other hand, let's say that the really pissed, epitome of rage Vegeta cel is in the "Rage" category. Will I vote for it? Yes! I've been given a very specific quality to look for in the artwork.

The difference? This yin and yang business gives me very little to judge with. Having the emotions separated out leads to more specific judging criteria (and also entering criteria--it's hard to decide where to put your cels if the categories are so vague). If we're going to do this "yin" and "yang" thing, why not simplify the contest even further? We can have just one category: cel. Then we'll have just three prizes. Sounds easier right? But a whole heck of a lot less fun. :(

On a slightly related note, who exactly is "The Committee"? Midnightkitten is designing the awards, so she's on the planning team, but from her posts it looks like she wasn't privy to The Committee meetings. I don't know . . . I just would like to see who's making the decisions for the community, that's all.
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