2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Area to post questions, comments, and discussions regarding this annual contest.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by bulleta »

Yuri-chan wrote: I remember several Saiunkoku and other series having beautiful OP/ED shots from Rilezu. I'm not sure of Reproductions, if there is any even available through that.
Just chiming in: The majority of One Piece reproduction cels are from various openings. So they exist at least for that series. I only really collect those, so I don't know about others.

I'm in agreement with Z & CB. If OP/EDs get their own category, they shouldn't be allowed anywhere else.

I remember in the past, that low preforming categories might not have been cut, but don't have enough entries to generate a first, second and third. I believe the categories had to at least get three entries to not be cut. Those categories only gave out a first place.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by sensei »

Yes, bulleta, I've added a bit to the rules to make this explicit.

Five contestants: all awards given
Four contestants: first and second only
Three contestants: first only
Less than three: category eliminated and contestants are allowed to submit a replacement to another category.

The team is discussing a schedule now. Once I've heard from everyone, I'll make this public. As is, we're planning on a start next week, so everyone start pulling your cels and getting them ready (same specs. as before). Meantime, keep adding feedback on the categories, as I want to hear preferences and opinions from all sides before we set them in stone for 2013.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by zerospace »

Perhaps a separate announcement should be made as the official contest thread as soon as the schedule is nailed down ;).
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by sensei »

Will do. With the finalized rules and categories in the first post.

Meantime, any more discussion?

At the moment I'm trending to do this:

Make the RANDOM categories regular ones, not optional, but expand the number of entries from five to six (something that had been suggested in any case)
Make the "Novel Set-up" OPTIONAL.
And leave the description of "OP/ED/Eyecatch" as is.

While I have an idea of how I would judge such a category, trying to impose a set of judging standards on this contest might tend to cut into its primary purpose, which is to share pretties and create enough tension to make it enjoyable. The 2010 contest thread developed a long and sometimes snarky thread on this issue, in which some participants felt that the "people's choice" mode of giving awards discriminated against truly worthy cels that for some reason were not fully appreciated by the hoi polloi. The alternative, of course, would tend to produce the opposite reaction: the judges would be accused of discriminating against widely admired items and giving awards to less eyeworthy items that were rare and/or historically important.

That's a sentiment that comes up in every judging event: did Lincoln get stiffed at the Golden Globes because Spielberg is "too popular"? Or was Argo truly the finer piece of filmmaking? Oh, hell, go see both and make up your own mind.

But I could be induced to change my mind. :kamehameha:
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by Yuri-chan »

cutiebunny wrote:I don't think that bank cels should be added to special effects simply because they don't always apply. There are many bank cels where there are no special effect layers, either because they were done with a computer, it doesn't apply to the scene or the layer has been lost long ago.
I understand completely. I didn't suggest the merge of Special Effects and Bank cels just due to the special effect quality a few bank cels have. I thought it might help both out, especially if Special Effect got renamed and an updated description like how 'Love' has now. Since Special Effect first appeared in 2008, it has had 9 entries, then 6, back up to 7 and during the last cel awards only 3. I thought by broadening it, maybe the category wouldn't be as close to being cut then. Regardless, if they are viewed as too different to be merged, I respect that.

I agree with the others, Opening, Ending and Eyecatch cels to that category only, no others. I never thought otherwise when I suggested it.

Thank you, Bulleta! I don't follow Reproductions in the slightest so I didn't know. ^.^

On a side note, I support the idea of raising the entry limit up from 5, minus optional. It seems a logical choice, given the amount of categories anymore.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by sensei »

Nothing here that has not been noted along the way, but here's a last chance to comment on the proposed changes. When these are finalized, they'll go up on the website and a new thread will announce the start of the contest. Meantime, ally ally in free.

1.) You must be a registered member of Anime-Beta by the start of the submission process.
2.) You must physically own all artwork that you submit. You may not submit artwork which has been sold, or for which a sale is pending. Submitted artwork does not have to be posted in your online gallery.
3.) Submitted artwork may not include watermarks or any other type of 'tag' that could affiliate it with a gallery or owner.
4.) If you submit artwork for consideration in this contest, you must vote for all categories. The only exceptions are the optional categories (animated, hentai, settei). These categories are both optional to vote in and optional to submit artwork to. However, you submit artwork to an optional category, you must vote in that category.
5.) Even if you do not submit artwork, you may still vote in any or all of the categories.


1.) Participants are eligible to enter the contest in 6 standard categories and 6 optional categories, for a total of 12 pieces of artwork submitted.
2.) While a participant may choose to enter 12 pieces of artwork, you are not required to submit twelve items. You may enter fewer items.
3.) In order to cut down on bandwidth usage, please limit your entries to the following dimensions:

Standard: 600 pixels wide, 300kb in size
Horizontal pan: 800 pixels wide, 300kb in size
Vertical pan: 800 pixels high, 300kb in size
Animated: same pixel restrictions as above, size limit is increased to 800k.

4.) Artwork which was previously entered into the Anime-Beta Awards is eligible for re-entry, provided that the winning piece has changed owners. If you choose to submit a previous winning piece, you must e-mail the contest coordinator before submitting it. This way, the organizer knows the piece has changed owners and that it is a qualified entry. If you do not e-mail the coordinator, your entry will be disqualified. Please check previous awards websites carefully.
5.) Sequence mates of previous winners will be allowed if there is a substantial difference between the two. Please inform the contest coordinator which piece you are submitting a sequence mate of. You may not submit a sequence mate if you also own the previous winning piece.
6.) Sequence mates in the same category are not permitted. Whoever submits the artwork first will be given a spot in that category. If you submit a sequence mate to an item that is already in a category, you will have the chance to re-submit another item in lieu of the repeated piece.
7.) If a category has only four entries, only #1 and #2 awards will be given. If a category has only three entries, only a #1 award will be given. Categories with fewer than three entries 24 hours before the beginning of voting will be eliminated. Contestants will have the chance to re-submit artwork to another category.
8.) INDUSTRY ART: If an industry artist signed something that is not a standard shikishi board/blank piece of paper, only the signature and any original accompanying artwork are allowed to be submitted.
9.) ANIMATED ART: Animated submissions may only include that which was part of the original studio animated sequence.
10.) Modification and/or enhancement of images is not permitted. The only exception is for oversized images requiring multiple scans. You may piece these scans together to make a complete image.
11.) When there are tie votes, awards will be given in the following ways:
two #1, no #2, one #3
one #1, two #2, no #3
one #1, one #2, two #3
two #1, two #3.


January 14-20: Preliminary testing of the site, finalizing of categories, final changes uploaded, timeline and list of tasks approved.

January 21-27: Submit Entries

January 28-February 3: Viewing Period

February 4-February 10: Voting Period

Winners announced: February 14 (if possible
[Gomen: the first post of this gave the wrong dates.]
[Gomen 2: fixed the mistake Cutiebunny found]
[Gomen 3: as the Random categories are optional, that now makes six of these options, not three. So the numbers now are fixed. You are limited to six entries in the regular categories (Accessory to Villainous plus OP/ED/Eyecatch) but may add six in the optional ones, making twelve in all. As before, you do not need to make twelve entries to participate. You could enter and make only one entry in one category. But (as before) if you do so you still need to vote in all the regular categories. If you make entries in the optional categories, as before, you need to vote only in the ones you entered.]
[Keep 'em comin'!]
Last edited by sensei on Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:41 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by sensei »

And may I ask for a few volunteers to vet the translations of the rules/categories into French, Dutch, and Spanish? I'll prepare these with the help of a translation engine, but they will then need to be modified to get them out of Franglais into idiomatic French, Dunglish into Dutch, and Arriba el Zorro! into Spanish.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by cutiebunny »

7.) If a category has only four entries, only #1 and #2 awards will be given. If a category has only three entries, only a #1 award will be given. Categories with fewer than three entries 24 hours before the end of voting will be eliminated.
Shouldn't it be "Categories with fewer than three entries 24 hours before the beginning of voting be eliminated"? Doesn't make much sense to eliminate the category after everyone has voted.

I can do the Spanish version of the rules, but you should be able to largely use the previous French/Spanish/Dutch verbiage with some modification.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by sensei »

cutiebunny wrote:Shouldn't it be "Categories with fewer than three entries 24 hours before the beginning of voting be eliminated"?
Yeah, you're right. :bwall /thx
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by Quacker »

sensei wrote:If an entry is placed in "Death," must the contestant prove that the character does not recover but stays dead? What about characters who become vampires or yurei, or (like Sakura's mom in CCS) get pink wings and return to pull the protagonist out of tight fixes?
Is it too late to propose a new "Undead" category? This could cover vampires, zombies, ghosts, Jedi-master apparitions as well as those characters brought back from the dead for either good or malice??

As well if I may, I would like to express some reservations about separating OP/END/E-C cels into their own category; I can see a higher potential for the risk this category will be judged not on an Individual cel's merits & qualities, as other categories are, but rather instead the series itself or even that particular Opening/Closing sequence to which a cel belongs.
As Cutiebunny commented: What, how will form the basis for judgement? We each have our own individual 'pet' series we like to collect from, if a cel or two pops up from that particular series, that will go some way to overriding any sense of practical judgement.

There has not been any incidents (at least not in the 3years I have participated in 'Cel Awards') where
OP/END/E-C cels have been used in the other categories, why introduce it now?
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A growing collection of Escaflowne, Evangelion, FMP, Fate/Stay Night plus other cels that are among my Favourites. No cheap & nasty stuff here.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by zerospace »

Ummm.. am I the only one who is a little fuzzy on the tie votes results? ^^; Was this the methodology from last year and I just never paid any attention? I'm just not following the way it's written. I only ask because if I have to give bulleta the list of trophies to make when things are done, it would be beneficial to understand how that's going to work. Gomen. X|
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by kathpatty »

Sorry I had life emergency...

anything left that I can volunteer for or you need help with ? :crazy
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by sensei »

zerospace wrote:Ummm.. am I the only one who is a little fuzzy on the tie votes results? ^^; Was this the methodology from last year and I just never paid any attention?
Yes it was, but I revised iceman's wording to try to clarify. Let's use an example:

Goku, Heero, Eriol, and Tux all submit primo cels to the "Male" category. They are the frontrunners in a very tight race. Here's how the awards would fall in each of the four basic mathematical possibilities:

Goku - 20 #1
Heero - 20 #1
Eriol - 19 #3
Tux - 18 no award

Goku - 20 #1
Heero - 19 #3
Eriol - 19 #3
Tux - 18 no award

Goku - 20 #1
Heero - 19 #2
Eriol - 18 #3
Tux - 18 #3

Goku - 20 #1
Heero - 20 #1
Eriol - 19 #3
Tux - 19 #3

There are other possibilities, but they can be logically inferred from these four: if there are more than one #1's then there is no #2, etc. So if all four get 20 votes, they all get #1 trophies. But if three get 20 and one gets 19, there are three #1 trophies and the fourth gets nada. And so on and so on.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by zerospace »

Ahhh, ok... thanks sensei. I kinda thought that was what was meant, but I wasn't sure I was reading it right ;). Thanks for clarifying.
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Re: 2013 Cel Awards: A tentative start

Post by cutiebunny »

OPTION Novel Set-Up - Cel with an UNMATCHING background that creates an original image. The background must be an original production item (not photocopied or Photoshopped).
I'm really confused by this category. I'm guessing that this is a great way to finally show off those pairings that you wanted - like maybe Sailor Moon in a tag team battle with Dragonball's Goku - but the wording makes it sound like I can take any old cel, plop down a random non-matching background, and enter it here...and, that's kinda the same that every other category is. If they don't own the matching background or a copy of it, most people on RS choose to scan it with some sort of background. And most previous entries include cels scanned against non-matching backgrounds.

So maybe the wording should be changed to something like "Unmatching cels from different scenes/series that creates an original image"?
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