Public questions to cutiebunny

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Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by Gabe »

Hi cutiebuny,

My first question belongs to the Accessory section.
Why have you decided not to give the first place to number 11 since it had the most votes in this category?

About the most votes category.
How did you come to the decision to give the first place to this entry and not to this entry?
Since this entry got 9 votes more as the entry you gave the winning place to.

I looked at the log files and mentioned you turned them on two days before you closed the voting period.
Fact that you voted as the last person, you had the chance to view all the results in upfront.
This way you were able to calculate how many votes your entries needed to reach a higher place in the votings.
After my opinion this can be seen as a cheat attempt.
So why did you do that?

Although we had a dispute between us in the past, I trusted you about the event.
So I was staying away the most time until a few days ago when I looked at the site and saw what you did.
Now after all that I am really a bit confused and just would like to know what your intentions were to do that.

If someone from here (admin, mod, sensei or someone else) like to take a look as a neutral person feel free to pm me for the login to the site.
From my side I have nothing to hide.
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by sensei »

As a designated neutral party who is up to the very tip of his pointy ears in writing multiple choice questions for a Western Civ. textbook (and so has no time to come in and referee the matter) might I suggest that this matter be handled through PM and/or the Speakeasy before reporting the results to the Beta community at large?

I think I speak for everyone who placed in the awards that if I need to toss in my trophies and have all the results rescored, then so be it. It's no more than an enjoyable interlude in the year, a chance to show off one's pretties and ogle everyone else's. The ribbons have very little real meaning in themselves. In fact, we all have lives, (money is the root of all cels) and so the time volunteered to organize and run such a contest has more real value than all of the awards put together.
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by iceman57 »

Trophies are nameless this year (sorry can't afford three hours for this custom work this year) so sounds quite easy to rearrange by having each winner picking up the correct ones.
Last edited by iceman57 on Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by cutiebunny »

I'm not quite sure why you decided to dig up the dead horse and beat it some more, Gabe. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I had hoped to have put this awards period behind. Far too much crap happened that really didn't need to happen. I was debating on just dropping the issue of you and Zetsuai competing in future contests. Frankly, I feel there's far too much negativity going on in this world right now and I hate to see it on a board for a hobby that I enjoy. I had felt that a public topic geared towards your collective punishment not been beneficial towards preserving the positive nature (or what's left of it) of the awards period. And as no one PM'd me asking when I was going to make this into a topic, I figured that perhaps everyone else wanted to just shut the book on the Sketch Awards and focus on the Cel Awards.

Gabe, you can accuse me of doing whatever it is you think I did as long as you'd like, but I'm not going to give you the courtesy of responding to your posts here. Perhaps if I had a more trustworthy partner, Gabe, I could have sent the results to someone asking for them to look over the selections. I'm sorry if I can't count, can't hit the right buttons, was far too busy with work that week and am an absolute failure with technology. But the fact of the matter is the competition is over with, the prizes have been awarded, and as the majority of those that participated won at least one award, I think most participants are happy with the results.

If you want to take this up via PM, I may respond to you there. But frankly, I'm tired of seeing this kind of garbage on the boards and even more tired of being dragged into it.
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by Gonzai »

And yet another reason why I find that this hobby and some of the people
associated with it suck. :roll:

Runs out of here before I tell certain people exactly what I think of them
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by teggacat »

while Gabe does have some interesting points, so does CB :?
right or wrong, it sure livened things up around here :P
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by cutiebunny »

teggacat wrote:while Gabe does have some interesting points, so does CB :?
right or wrong, it sure livened things up around here :P
I think a good question is "How much of an issue do we really want these competitions to become?". Should organizers be required to turn over email records so someone can ensure that they did not contact friends and arrange to cheat? Are organizers going to be accused of cheating if they fail to be the first to submit their artwork or votes? Should organizers take a "basic computer literacy" test and their role being limited to how well they do? And if they make any counting mistakes (because, god forbid, they're human...), should they be instantly disqualified and called out as a cheater?

I have no problem with losing any of the awards graphics I won. Take them all. If that's what's needed to satisfy someone and end any accusations against me, go for it. I signed up to organize the awards because no one else volunteered to do so. I apologize for any mistakes I made, and I'm sorry if that meant that someone didn't get the awards that they should have received. It was not intentional. Considering that there are 30+ categories and one organizer, two counting errors is pretty good. Not that I'm trying to justify my mistakes, but it's a lot of hard work to run these things. I think that those who have organized on these awards before know how tedious they are. You stay up late to open and close voting/submissions, try your best to facilitate people/resources in a timely fashion, answer questions as fairly as you possibly can, and while this is happening, you also have work, family, bills and whatever issues you would normally have to deal with in the real world. If you're lucky, everything runs smoothly. IMO, it's at least a two person job. It's a delicate operation because regardless of what you do, no one will be happy with you 100% of the time. And, as in this case, if you make a mistake, people point their finger at you and assume the worse.

After this organizing experience, I won't organize any more. If we don't have any more awards, we don't have any more awards. I've been called a whole slew of names during this awards cycle, and others who volunteered to help have been dragged in and inappropriately treated. If this is a sign of the state of the community, then we have a much bigger issue on our hands than that of running artwork awards.
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by kathpatty »

If this is a sign of the state of the community, then we have a much bigger issue on our hands than that of running artwork awards.
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by sensei »

IMHO I'd say the majority of the community would be very happy to move on to the usual business of lurking in the underbrush and cutting each others' throats to obtain the much-desired BWA wishlist and let any unpleasantness caused in the sketch contest recede into the realm of hard lessons learned.

It often happens that volunteers who take on jobs with social risks involved find that their only reward is being satisfied, at the close of the event, that they simply could not have done more or better, given the circumstances that prevailed. It's poor payment, as I've found in the many endeavors that I've carried to a bitter end, but it does allow you to look yourself in the mirror at midnight and then go to sleep soundly and without regrets.

That said, my thanks to all the people involved for the use of their time and energy to make this event possible was well-intentioned, and I believe others who registered gratitude for making the event were also sincere. I think that speaks well of the community, and the continued lively chatter of the newbies (many of whom placed for the first time in the event) also is a sign of hope. If we have an enthusiastic bunch of noobs, then perhaps it's high time for us old hands to get jaded and fade away.

'xcuse me: I gotta go check on an auction.
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by iceman57 »

Made now years I do arrange events, contests, exhibits and conferences. I do offer similar level of quality in organisation as in graphic design.
I'm then candidate for 2011 cel award, full management of all existing desks merged in one "master of ceremony".
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by teggacat »

iceman57 wrote:Made now years I do arrange events, contests, exhibits and conferences. I do offer similar level of quality in organisation as in graphic design.
I'm then candidate for 2011 cel award, full management of all existing desks merged in one "master of ceremony".
iceman you're so humble :P
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by irmgaard »

Wow! 8O My Rurouni Kenshin Nihonbashi Bridge actually won Accessory! Thank's Gabe for checking.

That was a really tough category this year. Ok Iceman…make me a pretty Fleur-de-lis! :wink:

(This wouldn’t be the first time results changed after the contest ended. Things happen. I remember the cel awards where a language misunderstanding led to a poster winning in Hanken. It was quietly disqualified some time after the contest when the fact became known. This looks like there are 2 2nd and 2 3rd places, so none of the originally listed winners goes emptyhanded, right?)

And I’d like to publicly acknowledge that without Cutiebunny’s generous help, my entry wouldn’t even have been in the contest; as she stepped in and fixed my entry, after I had made a hash of it…on the very last day of the entry period…when she was already swamped with other last minute entries!
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by Macron one »

Gabe wrote:My first question belongs to the Accessory section.
Why have you decided not to give the first place to number 11 since it had the most votes in this category?
irmgaard wrote:Wow! My Rurouni Kenshin Nihonbashi Bridge actually won Accessory! Thank's Gabe for checking.
I'd really hate to have my sketch incorrectly appear as the winner in the Accessory category, when it in reality merely tied for second place. If possible, i would certainly prefer to see that section altered to show the correct result.
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by Gabe »


*Sigh* - somehow it's sad to see, but this was a reply I expected from you.
It's so easy to play the victim!

About the negativity that is going on you're right.

Just keep in mind you started it!

With your behavior you created the source for a flame war and now you have to live with the consequences if you like it or not.
The Awards should be fun for everyone.
There's no place for all the negative things you did just to try raising your popularity.

As example
cutiebunny wrote:... What would prevent the culprit from deleting entries and/or the entire platform? ...
What do you expect when you wrote things like that?
That i sit still and watch everything you do?
If you showed a more matured site of yours no one would need to read this.
When you start to blame someone in one way or another you have to expect that this person will strike back.

About the voting count etc..
No one expected from you that you would do that within 5 minutes.
Why didn't you take your time for it?
For example a few days.
Why didn't you have invited a second person to help you out - or asked Iceman for some help?
Since you didn't trusted me.
Busy with work just sounds like a lame excuse.
Most of us are busy with our jobs, too.

From my side I'll keep the Award site how it is.
If people like to see you removed or the places switched I'll do it otherwise I'll let it stay how it is.

Why should i pm you?
You never responded to my last pm.

By the way I do not accuse you, I just asked some legitimate questions.
I hoped we can discuss about the whole thing like adults but it looks like it was wishful thinking.

Here on Anime-Beta there are so many wonderful and great people.
Do you really like to destroy their love to this hobby and the community with your behavior?
People like you cutiebunny are the reason why people leaving/quitting this hobby and/or think negatively about this community and Anime-Beta.

Final question!
Will you ever come down from your high horse?

@kp sorry if i say that but your reply is not very helpful to raise the popularity for this community.

@sensei good luck with your bwa auctions and everyone else that is trying.

@teggacat cheers :cheers

@irmgaard you're welcome and feel free to download the existing trophy since those are not personally named.

@Macron one thank you for allowing me to switch places.

@Gonzai my deepest apologize that you have to read this!

PS: Beta is no longer the board in my eyes as it was before the event.
The only thing i worry and care about are my friends here since they need to read that, too.

....... end
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Re: Public questions to cutiebunny

Post by Angelic-Lair »

We don't want to add fuel to the fire, but there was something brought up in this thread doesn't make any sense to us:
When we used Zero's software for the 2010 cel awards there was no way of making a vote counting error... the votes were automatically tallied by the software. We are not sure how cutiebunny could have made a mistake as the system is pretty reliable.
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