AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Area to post questions, comments, and discussions regarding this annual contest.
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AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by JWR »

In this thread we will go over the rules governing last years contest. Below is what the last years contest had as it's rules.
Please discuss if there should be any modifications to them.

I have agreeded to chair this contest but can use as much help as I can. So far both Sensei and Anime Obsessed have offered to help but more are welcome. If anyone would like to create the "Trophies" for this years awards we can use that for I can admit my computer skills are lacking in the department.

We want this years awards to be a fun time for all.

Best Always,
Joe Ryan - JWR

Eligibility Rules
1.) You must be a registered member of Anime-Beta by the start of the submission process.

2.) You must physically own all artwork that you submit. You may not submit artwork which has been sold, or for which a sale is pending. Submitted artwork does not have to be posted in your online gallery.

3.) Submitted artwork may not include watermarks or any other type of 'tag' that could affiliate it with a gallery or owner.

4.) If you submit artwork for consideration in this contest, you must vote for all standard categories. The only exceptions are the optional categories (animated, hentai, settei, storyboard). These categories are both optional to vote in and optional to submit artwork to. However, if you submit artwork to an optional category, you must vote in that category.

5.) Even if you do not submit artwork, you may still vote in any or all of the categories.

6.) You may only vote once for each category. Participants creating false identities in order to vote multiple times will be disqualified and risk a ban from future contests.

Punishment for breaking the rules of this contest is at the coordinator's discretion.

Submission Rules:

1.) Participants are eligible to enter the contest in 6 standard categories and 6 optional categories, for a total of 12 pieces of artwork submitted.

2.) While a participant may choose to enter 12 pieces of artwork, you are not required to submit nine different items. You choose to enter fewer items.

3.) In order to cut down on bandwidth usage, please limit your entries to the following dimensions:

Standard sketch: 600 pixels wide, 300kb in size
Horizontal pan sketch: 800 pixels wide, 300kb in size
Vertical pan sketch: 800 pixels high, 300kb in size

Animated: same pixel restrictions as above, size limit is increased to 800kb.

4.) Artwork which was previously entered into the Anime-Beta Sketch Awards is eligible for re-entry, provided that the winning piece has changed owners. If you choose to submit a previous winning piece, you must e-mail the contest coordinator before submitting it. This way, the organizer knows the piece has changed owners and that it is a qualified entry. If you do not e-mail the coordinator, your entry will be disqualified. Please check previous awards websites carefully.

5.) Sequence mates of previous winners will be allowed three years after the previous cel received an award. They may also be eligible sooner if there is a substantial difference between the two. Please inform the contest coordinator which piece you are submitting a sequence mate of. You may not submit a sequence mate if you also own the previous winning piece.

6.) Sequence mates in the same category are not permitted. Whomever submits the artwork first will be given a spot in that category. If you submit a sequence mate to an item that is already in a category, you will have the chance to re-submit another item to any available category in lieu of the repeated piece.

7.) Categories with fewer than three entries will be eliminated. You will have the chance to re-submit artwork to another category.

8.) INDUSTRY ART: If an industry artist signed something that is not a standard shikishi board/blank piece of paper, only the signature and any original accompanying artwork are allowed to be submitted. In other words, if an industry artist signed their name and drew a smiley face on a poster, you may only submit the portion of the poster that contains the signature and the smiley face.

9.) ANIMATED ART: Animated submissions may only include that which was part of the original studio animated sequence; no flashing lights, no disco music, nothing else.

10.) Modification and/or enhancement of images is not permitted. The only exception is for oversized images requiring multiple scans. You may piece these scans together to make a complete image. Sketches may also be darkened to enhance the lines, but please be aware that if you make them too dark, the contest organizers may mistake your production art as being photocopied and disqualify it. The images submitted should be similar in appearance to if you were physically viewing the artwork in person.
Last edited by JWR on Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by JWR »

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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by GuyvarIII »

JWR wrote:4.) Artwork which was previously entered into the Anime-Beta Sketch Awards is eligible for re-entry, provided that the winning piece has changed owners. If you choose to submit a previous winning piece, you must e-mail the contest coordinator before submitting it. This way, the organizer knows the piece has changed owners and that it is a qualified entry. If you do not e-mail the coordinator, your entry will be disqualified. Please check previous awards websites carefully.

5.) Sequence mates of previous winners will be allowed if there is a substantial difference between the two. Please inform the contest coordinator which piece you are submitting a sequence mate of. You may not submit a sequence mate if you also own the previous winning piece.
Why do sequence mates need to be substantially different to be entered, when if you happen to purchase the same exact piece that won a previous award you're OK to re-enter it?

Also, are you going to address Benten's idea about submitting multiple cels to the same category?
If contestants don't mind competing against themselves, what's wrong with having more than one entry in the same category?
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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by sensei »

GuyvarIII wrote: Why do sequence mates need to be substantially different to be entered, when if you happen to purchase the same exact piece that won a previous award you're OK to re-enter it?
Yes: see this thread for some of the inequities caused by this rule. Among other things, it means that a close sequence-mate of a winner in a previous contest is banned for eternity, while the previous winner could be awarded prizes over and over, provided that it changes owners between each prize. I think a simple "statute of limitations" provision is all that's needed to fix this. My proposal:
Sequence mates of previous winners will be allowed three years after the previous cel received an award. They may also be eligible sooner if there is a substantial difference between the two. Please inform the contest coordinator which piece you are submitting a sequence mate of. You may not submit a sequence mate if you also own the previous winning piece.
Also, in the 2013 cel contest, the number of entries was raised to six standard categories and six optional ones (we had six optionals), and this seemed a beneficial change for participants.
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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by JWR »

What I copied and pasted here is the last set of decided rules and categories used in the 2011 Genga contest which was the latest I could find that relates to the Genga/sketch awards.

The purpose of putting these up for discussion is to fix any problems now so this contest can be a fun experience for now and in the future.

I am open to any and all suggestions. I have the basic site built and can easily add or change any category before we start the contest.
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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by JWR »

All members that wish to add to the discussion please do.

Questions so far:

"are you going to address Benten's idea about submitting multiple cels to the same category?
If contestants don't mind competing against themselves, what's wrong with having more than one entry in the same category?"

"in the 2013 cel contest, the number of entries was raised to six standard categories and six optional ones (we had six optionals), and this seemed a beneficial change for participants."
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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by theultimatebrucelee »

I think raising entry number from 5 to 6 does seem to be beneficial to the contest. If nothing else, if might reduce the number of categories being eliminated for not able to get enough entries.

For members who are able to submit more than one entry per category, it sounds like it'd give the same benefit of the other suggestion but, doesn't it also raise the chance of a single participant winning all 3 places possibly, and leave no trophy for other participants for the category? I think that would discourage members that only wants to submit artwork for certain category(s).
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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by JWR »

I edited the 1st post to reflect the rewording of #5 suggested by Sensei as well as the increase in submissions approved in the last cel contest.
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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by bulleta »

theultimatebrucelee wrote: For members who are able to submit more than one entry per category, it sounds like it'd give the same benefit of the other suggestion but, doesn't it also raise the chance of a single participant winning all 3 places possibly, and leave no trophy for other participants for the category?
This. I also feel like it would overload some of the easier to fill categories, and leave the more niche categories on the verge of being cut (which is always a possibility). I just like to keep as many categories viable as possible so more of us win awards. :) And just because you can enter 5 or 6 whatever it is, doesn't mean you have to. The awards can't be catered for everyone's personal collections. :( Otherwise I'd lobby for all cats! :P

I also wanted to mention in case you just went off the last sketch awards, that we changed the "Romance" category to "Love" for the cel awards:
I think they should be the same in both awards for consistency, and since I lobbied for the change I thought I should bring it up. ^_^
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Re: AB Sketch/Genga Awards Rules discussion (New)

Post by JWR »

bulleta wrote: I also wanted to mention in case you just went off the last sketch awards, that we changed the "Romance" category to "Love" for the cel awards:
I think they should be the same in both awards for consistency, and since I lobbied for the change I thought I should bring it up. ^_^
Love it will be for this contest as well, thanks for bringing that change to my attention.

So far it looks like it would be best to hold off making the suggested change of allowing a person to enter more than one entry in the same category for this contest and I am sure it can be brought up again in the future.

Unless there is more items to be brought up to be discussed we will rework the rules and categories to reflect the changes made and then announce the schedule and have a mod sticky it early next week.
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