Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Winners ANNOUNCED!!!

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Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Winners ANNOUNCED!!!

Post by Jadeduo »

Hi Guys!

I promised I would get this up, and so here it is! This is just a tentative start for the categories, I poached all the categories from the Cel contest this year including the new categories Eyes on Me and Posteriors which did phenomenally well in the cel contest. I also did the split with Male and Female which seemed pretty popular as well. I also repopulated the rules, including the tie break rules which are VERY helpful! If confusing at times. I am also asking for volunteers I have broken the roles down as follows:

1. Organizer - In Charge of Survey Monkey Surveys/Monitoring - Jadeduo!
2. RS Site Creator to announce/post awards. (Person will also be responsible for creating graphics for the awards site.) - Sensei!
3. Awards Creator, responsible for creating awards and uploading them to RS - Milestogo! So PRETTY! I am excited!
4. Site Testing/Error Checker for both SurveyMonkey, Rubberslug, and will double check the math on all tie breaks, per the tie break rules set down by Beta. - Majinuub!
5. Contest Post Monitor/Institutional Memory Person. Jadeduo/Majinuub are splitting this duty!


(S) = sketch
(H) = Hanken
(MS) = Model Sketch
(P) = Painting (must be on paper)
(A) = Autograph
(Ill) = Illustration
(St) = Storyboard
(Sh) = Shikishi
(Hy) = Hybrid

* indicates optional categories
Accessory - Emphasis on what the character is holding, using, swinging, playing, aiming. (S)
Action - Scenes of action, movement, motion.(S)
Background - No characters allowed. (S)
Bliss - Dreamy, joyful, heavenly, euphoric. (S)
Blood on the Ground - Characters on the verge of death, or those that really are gravely injured, dying, or dead.(S)
Comic/Manga Art - Original art from comic artists and manga-kas (S, p, Hy, Ill)
Fan Art - Made by you or another artist. (S, P)
Femininity - Delicacy, gentleness, maidenly (S)
Tomboys - For all those lovely ladies that are redefining what it means to be a woman! (S)
Funny - Laugh out loud moments. (S)
FURRIES (have a cel of a furry friend? A dog, a cat, a cabbit, a catgirl/boy? a Kero..... you know ANYTHING with fur) (S)
Group - Art of two or more characters. (S)
Hanken - Art used for merchandise or other non-production special circumstances. Hankens are not allowed in any other category except hentai. (H)
Heroic - Hero/Heroine saves the day! Heroically! (S)
Hybrid - Artwork that incorporates original artwork with xeroxed work. More than 50% of the drawing must be original art. Hybrid artwork is not allowed in any other category. (Hy)
Itadakimasu! (Our favorite characters stuffing their faces with deliciousness) (S)
Love - Kissing, hugging, cuddling, any displays of affection, innocent or physical – just not explicit. (S)
Mech and Tech - Robots, vehicles, ships, cars, gundams, Oh MY! (S)
Muscles - Beef, brawn flesh, sinew, tendon. (S)
Bishonen - Young men whose beauty (and sex appeal) transcends the boundary of gender. (S)
Outfit - Best dressed, emphasis on clothes and costumes. (S)
Rage - Mad, angry, extreme agitation. (S)
Shikishii/Signatures - Original signatures and/or artwork drawn by industry artists. Only the artist's signature and accompanying sketch are allowed for submission, all other images must be cropped out.
Shocked - Stunned, horrified, utter dismay. (S)
Sorrow - Tear-jerkers, sadness. (S)
Special Effect - Power bursts, transformation effects, etc. (S)
Tranquility - Characters who have found their inner peace. (S)
Villainy - Archenemies, evil scientists, meanies, wicked bad guys. (S)
OP/ED/Eyecatch – Cels used only in these special animated sequences. These cels are not allowed in any other category. (S).

OPTIONAL: Animated - Short sequences of animated artwork. (S)
OPTIONAL: Hentai/Yaoi/Yuri - The risque genres, nudity not a requirement however it must be from a Hentai, Yaoi, or Yuri anime with a higher maturity rating! (S, H)
OPTIONAL: Settei - Characters, items or scenery. Settei are not allowed in any other category. (MS)
OPTIONAL: Back to the Start - The initial draft of how the sequence should run. (St)
OPTIONAL: The ugliest, most poorly drawn sketch you own. No random body-part submissions, please! Seriously hideous artwork only. (S)
OPTIONAL: Eyes on Me, Anime Eyes, love them hate them, they must be the focus of the cel. (S)
OPTIONAL: POSTERIORS - the Backs of anime in a non sexual way. (do you have a cel of someone's butt?, the back of their head? the back of their knees? do you feel it is not appreciated because its someones back, this is the category for you!) (S)


1.) You must be a registered member of Anime-Beta by the start of the submission process.
2.) You must physically own all artwork that you submit. You may not submit artwork which has been sold, or for which a sale is pending. Submitted artwork does not have to be posted in your online gallery.
3.) Submitted artwork may not include watermarks or any other type of 'tag' that could affiliate it with a gallery or owner.
4.) If you submit artwork for consideration in this contest, you must vote for all categories. The only exceptions are the optional categories. These categories are both optional to vote in and optional to submit artwork to. However, you submit artwork to an optional category, you must vote in that category.
5.) Even if you do not submit artwork, you may still vote in any or all of the categories.


1.) Participants are eligible to enter the contest in 9 standard categories and 3 optional categories, for a total of 12 pieces of artwork submitted.
2.) While a participant may choose to enter 12 pieces of artwork, you are not required to submit twelve items. You may enter fewer items.
3.) In order to cut down on bandwidth usage, please limit your entries to the following dimensions:

Standard: 600 pixels wide, 300kb in size
Horizontal pan: 800 pixels wide, 300kb in size
Vertical pan: 800 pixels high, 300kb in size
Animated: same pixel restrictions as above, size limit is increased to 800k.

4.) Artwork which was previously entered into the Anime-Beta Awards is eligible for re-entry, provided that the winning piece has changed owners. If you choose to submit a previous winning piece, you must e-mail the contest coordinator before submitting it. This way, the organizer knows the piece has changed owners and that it is a qualified entry. If you do not e-mail the coordinator, your entry will be disqualified. Please check previous awards websites carefully.
5.) Sequence mates of previous winners will be allowed if there is a substantial difference between the two. Please inform the contest coordinator which piece you are submitting a sequence mate of. You may not submit a sequence mate if you also own the previous winning piece.
6.) Sequence mates in the same category are not permitted. Whoever submits the artwork first will be given a spot in that category. If you submit a sequence mate to an item that is already in a category, you will have the chance to re-submit another item in lieu of the repeated piece.
7.) If a category has only four entries, only #1 and #2 awards will be given. If a category has only three entries, only a #1 award will be given. Categories with fewer than three entries 24 hours before the beginning of voting will be eliminated. Contestants will have the chance to re-submit artwork to another category.
8.) Modification and/or enhancement of images is not permitted. The only exception is for oversized images requiring multiple scans. You may piece these scans together to make a complete image.
9.) When there are tie votes, awards will be given in the following ways:
two #1, no #2, one #3
one #1, two #2, no #3
one #1, one #2, two #3
two #1, two #3.
one #1, three #2


December 13-31: Preliminary stuff, finalizing of categories/roles, final changes to rules, timeline and list of tasks approved.
January 1-16: Submit Entries
January 17-18: Viewing Period
January 19-31: Voting Period
Winners announced: February 15th

Best in Show Voting: February 15th – 28th
Winner Announced: March 1st
Entries are running the exact same way I ran the cel contest, send entries to: Jadeduo @ - with each entry labeled with:

1. Your Beta User ID
2. What Category you are submitting to.
3. Character Name
4. Anime

Keep in mind the most recent Anime TV Show I have watched is Puella Madoka Magica, so I can basically figure out SM/DBZ and some other old school animes however I am not familiar at all with the newer shows. So make this easy on me please label everything as asked! Everyone that has ever run these things knows they are a time suck so the faster I can get done with admin tasks the smoother this will go, also, because I have been behind I will extend the deadline for submissions for a couple of days but I will have to adjust the schedule a smidge...

Thanks all! And Best of Luck to Everyone!
Last edited by Jadeduo on Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:18 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by sensei »

I've stickied this thread. More as I have time (final papers on desktop to grade...)
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by majinuub »

Double checked the responsibilities and I'm still down to do either one :badass .
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by milestogo »

I can do the Rubberslug site if Sensei-san is too busy. Let me know I'd be honored. ^_^
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by Jadeduo »

Thanks Sensei... but I don't think the sticky took :( I think you need more coffee, or you should go watch some Tennimon that always makes me peppy! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Thanks Majinuub for confirming! We just need to find another victi... I mean volunteer... :emb

And thanks to Milestogo for acting as backup if Sensei gets busy again! I <3 Redundancy!

Okay, so far these are the roles claimed so far for the Sketch Contest! I am still looking for two roles, Awards Creator, Contest Post Monitor/Institutional Memory Person or Site Tester/Error Checker (Majinuub has volunteered to do one of these!

1. Organizer - In Charge of Survey Monkey Surveys/Monitoring - LOL Obviously Jadeduo ^_^
2. RS Site Creator to announce/post awards. (Person will also be responsible for creating graphics for the awards site.) Sensei has tentatively volunteered for this please confirm! If Sensei does not have the time Milestogo has volunteered as back up!
3. Awards Creator, responsible for creating awards and uploading them to RS
4. Site Testing/Error Checker for both SurveyMonkey, Rubberslug, and will double check the math on all tie breaks, per the tie break rules set down by Beta. Majinuub has volunteered for 4 or 5, if someone has a preference for one or the other please let me know!
5. Contest Post Monitor/Institutional Memory Person.

Also what do you guys think about the categories?

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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by Jadeduo »

YAY the STICKY TOOK! Whoever did it, MUCHO THANKS! :bounce

I had a question though I don't know if it has been worked out in past contests or not. And I have never entered any of the contests before running the cel contest this year. Are Dougas allowed or is this strictly a Genga, Layout, Correction only type of deal... And if we can enter Dougas... If the Cel Counterpart to the Douga in question has won an award in the Cel Contest is it eligible to try out in the Sketch Contest???

Enquiring minds want to know! As you all know I am definitely more enamoured by the Painted Plastic so in comparison my sketch collection is a might bit thin... IJS

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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by sensei »

The mods and admins put our heads together and figured that you wanted the thread to go "global." That makes it visible regardless of which forum you are visiting. "Sticky" means that it stays only in that forum, but always remains at the top of the listing.

As I recall, dougas, gengas, layouts, roughs, and shuusei are all considered sketches. As for a douga that belongs to a cel that has won in that contest, I don't know that this has been spelled out, but I would say it's covered by the rule that says that "You may not submit a sequence mate if you also own the previous winning piece." That mainly keeps someone from winning multiple awards with dougas that are nearly identical. But another rule states, "Sequence mates of previous winners will be allowed [only] if there is a substantial difference between the two. " Thus I would say that the sense of these rules is that submitting the douga of a winning cel would be un-kosher.

But obviously for CGI-based animation, dougas are the equivalent of cels, and so they would be considered "sketches" in every sense of the word. (I was a silver-prize winner for a douga from Rozen Maiden a few contests back.) So long as it is not a close sequence-mate of a previous winner, I'd say these would be entirely in order. And, so long as the cel has not received a prize in that content, a douga would be legit.

I recall the first time that there was a "Genga" category in the overall Beta contest (not yet split between cels and sketches). The winner was a douga, an obvious mate to a very handsome cel owned by the same curator. It nettled me, not because I felt it was an unworthy award (I worship at the feet of said cel on a monthly basis). But it seemed silly to have a "Genga" contest if the person holding it didn't know the difference between a genga and a douga. For that reason and many more, "sketch" is now used as an inclusive term, with gengas and dougas duking it out with roughs and genzu, which seems fair and equitable to me.
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by Jadeduo »

Thanks so much for getting your heads together! I had no idea they meant anything different! I'm a little blonde!!! :bow And also thanks for everyone's patience while I try to figure these things out as well!

What you layout so concisely here is what I am worried about, and now that I think about I did not check the sketch contests for duplicates in the cel contest! AGH! However, since it has never been officially laid out in the rules I think if there has been duplication we should just leave it for now, but what I worry about right now is going forward!

Also I hate to bring it up but sometimes Dougas from really important cels, get separated from their counterpart. This has been happening a lot recently on YJ, there are a couple of matching dougas to cels I own up on YJ right now! *super irritating* :bwall So two different curators could conceivably have the same piece but in different mediums, because as you pointed out the Douga is essentially the final image that goes to Cel to be painted.

And now with modern CGI shows, are we only going to allow Gengas, Corrections, and Layouts, to enter versus their final counterparts in the Douga, or do we just free for all?

Then if we decide to free for all, should an official rule be created that the Dougas to Cels that win are not allowed to enter the Sketch Contest, within the same year? Or Ever? But then should we block the Gengas as well that are eventually made into cels? This is such a conundrum! And even in some cases the Gengas are even MORE beautiful than the final Douga or even cel because the colors used in Gengas are generally more striking and the hand of the artist can be seen quite markedly.

My thoughts are to just free for all, and keep the rule that sequence mates unless they are markedly different, of winners of awards in the sketch contest should not be allowed in of course it's a good rule. And VERY relevant for CCS collectors! A free for all also allows some of the more Old School Collectors, who basically only collect cels, to participate in the sketch contest, it is a chance to show that the CGI art for some of these newer shows are downright stunning and deserve our awe and enthusiasm!

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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by majinuub »

I prefer a free for all as well. Separating them feels like it will just add frustration. I think there was variety with previous winners in regards to genga, dougas and layouts(I'll have to double check). If this isn't the case, and only 1 particular kind of sketch had the majority of wins, then I would better understand the need to only allow a particular kind of sketch to enter the awards.
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by nowherekid85 »

Jadeduo wrote: 8.) Modification and/or enhancement of images is not permitted. The only exception is for oversized images requiring multiple scans. You may piece these scans together to make a complete image.
All of my sketches I've posted in my RS gallery I've had to enhance, just so you can actually see what they are. They look great in person, but when they get scanned, it's just awful. I don't know if it's just my scanner (which is like 10 years old at least, I think) but whenever I scan sketches, they look absolutely horrible until I edit them. So I guess I wouldn't be able to submit anything unless I can find another scanner to use. Whenever I look at sketches in other galleries, they always look so nice compared to mine, so I don't know if everyone else just has better scanners or I'm looking at enhanced images. :\

Also, just trying to make sure I got it straight in my head, if you were to submit a sketch to this contest, then you can't submit the cel that goes with the sketch to the cel contest when you hold the next one next year, regardless of whether the sketch wins or not?

And regarding the whole submitting pieces that are sequence mates of previous winners that were owned by others, could we maybe make a post that has all of the links that show the winners for each year? I've been trying to go through all the posts and locate the links, to see what's won in the past, and just thought it might be a lot easier if there was a sticky or something that was just for the links of the contest results/winners.
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by sensei »

nowherekid85 wrote:
Jadeduo wrote: Also, just trying to make sure I got it straight in my head, if you were to submit a sketch to this contest, then you can't submit the cel that goes with the sketch to the cel contest when you hold the next one next year, regardless of whether the sketch wins or not?
No, from my understanding of the rules (which probably need to be revisited, simplified, and clarified) the only issue is submitting the same (or nearly identical) image of a previous winner. So if the sketch is entered and does not place, you may certainly enter the cel in that contest. The intent is to prevent "double-dipping," which happens when someone owns a boss cel that picks up a top prize, then attempts to get gold again for the same image by entering the douga in the sketch contest. Or wins gold for a great A1 genga, then tries to get gold again by entering the A2 in the next sketch contest.

But while the intent is to be fair to all contestants, in truth it seems like the rules have gotten confusing and perhaps impossible to enforce. I suggested a "statute of limitations" clause that would say that this "previous winner" rules apply only to the past three rounds of contests. It would be possible for contestants and contest-organizers to check the winners of the previous three sketch contests and glance through the previous three cel contests for douga/cel matches. (And the "viewing" period before voting is partially intended to allow one of the contestants to look at the entries and say, "Hey! A sketch from that same sequence won in 2011!" and notify the organizers.)

But in truth, I don't think anyone is up to reviewing the entire run of previous contests, especially relative newbies and tweenies (newbies who have become active members) who were not around for the contests of the previous decade. So probably the rules should reflect that. Yeah, that allows someone who won gold in 2009 to try again in 2014 (heh, I wonder if my scary Goku from Saiyuki still has what it takes). Or re-enter one that took bronze in a tight contest back yonder and see if it could win gold now with less competition.

Is that a problem any more for potential contestants?
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by Jadeduo »

Majinuub I'm glad you prefer to free for all as well! It makes perfect sense because the lack of actual painted plastic in the new shows!
Jadeduo wrote:
8.) Modification and/or enhancement of images is not permitted. The only exception is for oversized images requiring multiple scans. You may piece these scans together to make a complete image.
nowherekid85 wrote: All of my sketches I've posted in my RS gallery I've had to enhance, just so you can actually see what they are. They look great in person, but when they get scanned, it's just awful. I don't know if it's just my scanner (which is like 10 years old at least, I think) but whenever I scan sketches, they look absolutely horrible until I edit them. So I guess I wouldn't be able to submit anything unless I can find another scanner to use. Whenever I look at sketches in other galleries, they always look so nice compared to mine, so I don't know if everyone else just has better scanners or I'm looking at enhanced images. :\
I actually have the same problem, when I scan my sketches you can't even tell what color paper they are drawn on some times, although I have been told that this is not actually an issue it bothers me, because in person wowza! I'm not sure about the wording, but we could say something in the case of pieces that have to be modified to make sure the image can be seen, i.e. the owner has an older scanner, which fades colors noticeably, enhancements such as to make the lines visible are allowed... Final decisions are up to the contest runner...

Here is the list of past awards as requested by nowherekid85, there was a break in 2012 after a bit of a kerfuffle in the 2011 Awards, but we seem to be basically back on course, if I'd had more time I would have been able to fit the Sketch awards into 2014 proper, but I think for as long as I do this, I will keep to this schedule as this works for me out of con season and I can manage it pretty well as I have time off in Holiday pay from November through January.


Combined Sketch/Cel:

2003 Awards: no longer hosted
2004 Awards: no longer hosted
2005 Awards:
2006 Awards:
2007 Awards:
2008 Awards:

Cel Only Awards:

2009 Cel Awards:
2010 Cel Awards:
2011 Cel Awards:
2013 Cel Awards:
2014 Cel Awards:

Sketch Only Awards:

2009 Sketch Awards:
2010 Sketch Awards:
2011 Sketch Awards:
2013 Sketch Awards:

Also to clarify, nowherekid85, if you weren't asking this, my head is swirling right now, if a piece has been entered in past awards and won nothing it can be entered as many times as the owner wants until it places! If you've entered and didn't win it is always okay to try again!

Sensei that is a very sensible standpoint, Maybe we could just disqualify, past gold winners, and allow Silvers and Bronze takers the chance after a certain amount of time (say two years?) to try and place again, maybe even this time win gold! Also the changed hands rule is very important because we do personalize the awards with the winners Beta Handle! I would definitely support that rule change... Anyone else?

Last edited by Jadeduo on Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by sensei »

I believe the "modification" rule just means that partial sketches cannot be pasted together to make a complete image. Yes, I "modify" my scans for the same reason as other people: so that the final posted image looks like the actual sheet of paper that I own. But if you compare the scans (as in my 2014 Year in Review) you'll see that the "light green" of the sketch paper never is quite the same from one scan to another. The alternative would be a scan that is much darker than the actual art.

Perhaps this needs to be clarified to make it clear that the sketch entered must actually exist on a single sheet of paper and not be a digital paste-up of images on two or more sheets. (E.g., by pasting a mouth or eye layer onto a partial douga image to complete it.)
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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by Jadeduo »

Sensei That makes logic sense to me! Will do once we are done hammering out the rule edits!

Also wouldn't that make a great category? Mashups! - Put your partials together to make a beautiful final image!

What do you guys think?

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Re: Annual Sketch Contest 2014/2015 - Conversation Starter!

Post by nowherekid85 »

Jadeduo wrote: I'm not sure about the wording, but we could say something in the case of pieces that have to be modified to make sure the image can be seen, i.e. the owner has an older scanner, which fades colors noticeably, enhancements such as to make the lines visible are allowed... Final decisions are up to the contest runner...

Sensei that is a very sensible standpoint, Maybe we could just disqualify, past gold winners, and allow Silvers and Bronze takers the chance after a certain amount of time (say two years?) to try and place again, maybe even this time win gold! Also the changed hands rule is very important because we do personalize the awards with the winners Beta Handle! I would definitely support that rule change... Anyone else?
I think that sounds good too, about letting the silvers and bronzes try again after a couple of years.

And specifying which enhancements are allowed would be helpful. Usually all I really do for mine is adjust the exposure and some other setting, or play with the brightness and contrast. On a couple I've done something to make the white part of the paper look smooth, because of all the shadows that scanned from the tiny little creases in the paper. This one was an especially bad scan that I still don't think looks good even with all the photoshop.
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