Important Comic-con panel

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Kitten Rescuer - Moderator
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Important Comic-con panel

Post by JWR »

One of the panels we attended at Comic-con was put on by the Comic Book Legal Defence Fund involving different attempts by authorities to prosecute criminalize the possession of anime, manga, doujinshi and artbooks as well as images of such one might have on any electronic device that they believe might contain images depicting minors in sexual situations.
Now this could include such scenes as a Sailor Moon transformation cel like this one from Cutiebunny's gallery ... mID=179336 or a CCS nude bank cel like this one from Sensei's gallery ... emID=53803

Anime New Newwork has a great writeup on the panel that included a person who recently was stopped at customs in Canada and accused of possessing child porn for having anime/manga images on his computer, fought to clear his name and won with the CBLDF's help. ... mic-con/14
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Re: Important Comic-con panel

Post by ginga123 »

Does this mean that they'll be surfing through our stuff at some point? That's a little intimidating.
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Re: Important Comic-con panel

Post by cutiebunny »

That's stupid.

In the case of the cels, the nudity is very non-descript. Most of the artwork I've seen has been covered up to some extent, either by ribbons, special effects, or is just the outline of a nude character. And how does one exactly tell that the artwork featured is that of a person younger than 18? Maybe with CCS Sakura, it's easier since she's not developed, but how about the majority of the cast from Sailor Moon? Is someone going to ask me what it is, research it, and then accuse me of child porn because, when the series started, Usagi and co were 14 years old?

Does this mean that I could get in trouble for having classical art files on my computer as well? Most of the models for many classical works were underage as girls were getting married at early ages due to the life expectancy rates then. And how am I supposed to know how old some of these models were when, in many cases, no record of the history of the artwork exists? Do the authorities naturally assume that he or she is underage? And how do you handle the artwork in museums? Do you cover it up and prohibit people from viewing it because a 400 year old painting features an image of a (now deceased) underage model?

I can understand and appreciate that the government wants to protect minors, but I think they should focus on those individuals who seek underage porn featuring real, living, children instead of focusing on drawn images. Focusing on drawn items, especially non detailed artwork like henshin cels, etc. is stupid, and I'd like to hope that the authorites have better things to deal with than with my couple of displayed, non detailed, henshin images.
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