Why is it for sketches...

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Why is it for sketches...

Post by kizu »

I just don't get that thrill? I mean I'm totally content to get sketches of the characters from a show I like...
But then I don't really feel the thrill or the "need" to collect from a scene, unlike cels.
Take for example Hakuouki I love the anime to pieces and I know the scenes very well but even if the scenes that are significant for me comes up, I don't feel like I need to have it.
Take for example RK, I like the show and like collecting from it. I absolutely love collecting scenes from it, especially those with great lines.
What is wrong? /hmm Note this is true too for Naruto or any other sketch based show for me.
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Re: Why is it for sketches...

Post by Gonzai »

That's interesting, cause for me - its just the opposite. I feel the real
artistic detail is in the sketches. I used to collect from cel based shows,
but found I preferred the sketches from those shows over the cels. I
guess it is just a preference. Maybe you like the bright colors that come
with the cels. I just don't see the true artwork from the cels. To each
their own??!? :shrug

Just my 2 cents!! :)
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Re: Why is it for sketches...

Post by sensei »

It depends on the series. Sometimes the artwork just seems to be a little sterile, too much draftsmanship, too little emotion. On the other hand, I've been absolutely bitten by sketches I've seen out of the blue that just seemed to have a "zing" to them, a compressed energy. (Sometimes I didn't even know anything about the anime when I placed the bid on the first batch ... I just knew the artwork had "it.")

If you're referring to dougas, your reaction is probably even more understandable: in most cases the real zing is in the early sketches, and the last stage is all draftsmanship, copies of copies. Cels are the same way, but the medium has enough immediate impact to make up for the dilution of the artistic inspiration. Dougas aren't much of anything until they're colorized and put into motion. (With exceptions: Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Rozen Maiden dougas sometimes gain a zip in the last stage that's, oddly, not there in the earlier stages.)

I'd say blame it on the series and the animation team that worked on it, not on the fact that they are sketches. Over time I've found them (at least the ones I like) as satisfying as cels. But that doesn't mean that I like every sketch of every scene of every series.

Reminds me of someone who said, "I don't like anime. I watched Pokemon once and just didn't get it." I replied, "That just means that you don't like Pokemon. Try a bigger range of anime, and I bet you'll find something you do get."
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Re: Why is it for sketches...

Post by kizu »

I don't know. I don't necessarily think it's the team working on it. I do think it's the fact that they are sketches because I feel the same way about all the other sketch series I've collected from - that I don't feel the "need" to collect important scenes, I'm OK with only that I have sketches of characters. Maybe it's because there's so many sketches in full cuts, maybe it's an overload? Or maybe just the storage of very similar sketches is not convenient and I'm always challenged to figure out how to store and view them (I like to view my stuff). As for the art itself I like the clean lines in douga but they seem sterile and I think the genga is just too rough - though my point really is that it's not that I don't like sketches but I can't seem to progress from collecting characters to collecting scenes which is my normal collecting progression. But to be specific on collecting important scenes on sketch based shows, maybe sketches just don't look enough like the scene that I like and so don't bring up the warm fuzzy feeling so I can go buy it. I don't know I guess it's all those things. /hmm
I guess the reason I'm bothered by it is because I'm seeing some scenes I think I would like to sketches for and yet I can't seem to hit the buy trigger and that bothers me.
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Re: Why is it for sketches...

Post by Kasi »

I each their own I guess :)

For me, I probably enjoy collecting cels and genga sets equally. They usually have to be sets not just one drawing though. I simply love getting the insight to the animation process and compiling them into an animation myself - where as a cel I appreciate for the colour and the fact it's the final work actually seen in the production. The drawings can be equally as nice on their own depending on the quality of the animation studio I believe. I love all the drawings and detail gone into the Rozen Maiden drawings I have, where as drawings by Studio Deen are obviously inferior sketch work no matter how much I like the animated series itself.
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Re: Why is it for sketches...

Post by Gonzai »

i agree with you on the whole Studio Deen thing. My Hikaru no Go
genga sets from Pierrot are much cleaner than the sets from Vampire
Knight and Hakuouki. Same with my Samurai 7 and Peacemaker sets
from Gonzo. I think the shading on many of the sets from Deen is
down right ugly. But, I still like the shows, hence I collect. X|
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Re: Why is it for sketches...

Post by theultimatebrucelee »

I have always liked majority artwork done by pencil especially on those gengas, and have always thought those are done by people who could preform miracles...but well, if there were production cels around for those relatively recent series, I would certainly prefer them over any genga/douga combination. what I can hardly stand and still trying to get use to however are those really rough doodles and possibly some corrections thats before genga, they just don't represent the actual scenes well. I think the compatibility with background could also be a problem here, since a cel with matching background is exactly what was shown in the anime and its harder to relate to that scene without colors or the background, both genga and douga are missing something in this case.
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Re: Why is it for sketches...

Post by ToriPagac »

i miss the color that cels have i realize that ironic as all the comivcart i get is black and white but sketch art sometimes feels unfinished.
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Re: Why is it for sketches...

Post by BuraddoRun »

Don't feel bad for not liking sketches as much. You like what you like. Collect what you like. There's nothing wrong with that.
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