Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

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Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by Bockamos »

So I purchased a Yu-gi-oh item from Yahoo Japan auction (below), from a seller named gyian2007:

But instead I got 3 sketches nothing like the items that I ordered from the auction. Below is a link to the sketches I actually got: ... ent&page=1

So all up the item cost:

$12,000 yen item
$1,000 yen deputy fee
$2, 000 yen shipping fee (live in Australia)
= $15,000 yen total

So I contacted the deputy and they contacted the seller and they replied I could have this item and a $3,000 yen return. I told them that I did not want this item, but I'm happy to make a deal with them as the description part at the bottom of the auction said they have other Yugioh sketches. But the seller replied they did not want to make a deal with me.

Then the deputy (buyee) said that I'll have to pay for all the shipping costs ($4,000 yen for 2 trips), but the seller will only refund the cost of the sketches ($12,000).

So if I did this I would be losing $5,000 (shipping + deputy costs) when I was the one who received the wrong item in the first place.

Has anyone had any similar issue and got the wrong item from Yahoo Auctions? Or had business with gyian2007 from Yahoo Japan? Or have advise on what I can/need to do?

Thank you and your response is much appreciated
Last edited by Bockamos on Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by sensei »

Not sure what the issue is. The item description says (in English) "rough gengas, 10 in number." You only wanted one of them? And for less than the minimum bid the seller was asking? If the seller is willing to do this, after the end of the auction, then I'd say that was unusually considerate.

Overall, both with YHJ and any auction, the general principle is "Let the buyer beware," and if you are not sure what you are bidding on or for how much, then you need to proceed with caution.

It's hard to tell from the seller's scans, but they look like genuine enough roughs to me. They are, of course, less finished than the gengas and dougas, but they have the advantage of being done by whomever were the animation directors of that particular episode. The layout (third scan) would tell you which episode that is, and it's then easy to use online references like Anime News Network to identify the artist. That's often a photocopy, but from the scan this one looks to be autograph.

It seems a nice enough lot to me, though I don't collect this series. Maybe I'm not understanding the issue you are raising clearly enough, though.
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by teggacat »

I kinda agree with Sensei here, or maybe I'm just not getting what you're saying,
the seller scans look decent enough, look like pencil drawings [often times in these kinds of sets there are one or two copy sheets, not unusual] , did they send you
the wrong sketches? Not the ones in the auction? Always when dealing on Japan auctons [or any for that matter]
be very careful to know what you are buying, sometimes things get skewed in translations.
I have seen the gyian seller name around for awhile and I think I got some cels once or twice with
no trouble but it was quite a long time ago...
Let us know how things turn out, and BTW-Welcome to AB too!
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by Drac of the Sharp Smiles »

There was one time a long time ago that a seller for an auction on Yahoo Japan tried to just substitute different (much cheaper) cels than the ones pictured in the auction I had won. Is that what happened?

In my case, I think the seller did it because they knew I was bidding through a deputy service and figured they could get away with it. (I had asked if they would ship internationally and they said no, but I was welcome to bid through someone who did live in Japan.) Thing is, it wasn't a REAL deputy service. It was a personal acquaintance and the person checked the items, then nailed the seller on not sending the correct things. The wrong things were mailed back and the right things sent (after the seller tried to argue they were the correct items), at the seller's expense.

I would love to know how a real deputy service would handle something like that? Thankfully, it's only happened to me that once and so I've never had it happen when using a real deputy.
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by jenn-b »

Gyian2007 Is an extremely reliable seller. They do not scam. They do not switch and bait. I have always gotten exactly what was shown in the auctions.

As was stated above, i am not following what the issue could use photobucket to upload the images and then link the here on beta...

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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by Macron one »

I've acquired 10 Strawberry Panic cuts from gyian2007 and have never had any problems with this seller.
If you did not receive the items as described in the auction, i would think that it's likely to be an honest mistake on the seller's part rather than any sort of scam.
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by JWR »

Yes I would suggest you either scan or take detailed pictures of what you received so we can compare the auction pictures to what you received.
It is not a good idea to put out there that a seller is a possible scammer without providing visable proof.
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by sensei »

I see ... perhaps I misread your post. My apologies. Certainly if what you got is not similar to what is in the dealer's scan, and if the description does not clearly say that the scans are "specimens" of what you'd get, then you have a legitimate complaint. And while I have not had any dealings with Buyee, I'd think that, under the circumstances, they would be willing to waive the shipping costs, as I'd expect from my DS if what the seller shipped was different from the lot that I'd won and paid for.

It's also possible that the DS mixed up your lot. That has (very rarely) happened to me. Once I got a Cutey Honey cel and the person who had actually won that lot got my Tree of Palme cel instead.
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by Bockamos »

Thanks for all your replies. I just edited the original message as it probably was a little hard to understand, plus I posted a link to the sketches that I received on 'photobucket' as suggested. I'm quite new to collecting animation art, but I'm pretty sure the seller can't post images on Yahoo Japan and then sent other items to the buyer once he has won the auction. Even if it is under the 'buy now' price.

I also forgot to mention that I asked the seller what happened to the items he posted and he would not reply an answer. I even offered to do a deal as on the description is says 'check other Yugioh sketches'. But he does not want to do a deal with me. I am very reasonable and if they damaged the sketches or sent them to someone else, I am more than happy to accept that and move on.

Thanks again for all your replies and if you have any further advise, please let me know.

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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by sensei »

内容 - 画像の通りです。
Content - Is as image.

Not having dealt with Buyee, I don't know the best course of action, but you do seem to have a valid complaint, which is that the lot you received is not "as image."
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by JWR »

Bockamos wrote:Thanks for all your replies. I just edited the original message as it probably was a little hard to understand, plus I posted the sketches that I received on 'photobucket' as suggested. Please let me know what you think.
If those are all you received then I would agree that does not match the auction since the auction pictures show 5 pages of the same image in different stages of production.
One would hope this is a case of mixed shipments rather than fraud. I would again contact the seller including your deputy and request either the seller provide the correct artwork or a full refund.
Your deputy will most likely require you to send those you received back to them at your expense which they will hopefully refund or at least give you credit for once they have received the artwork.

I have never had any contact with your deputy (I use Rinkya while others here use SMJ) I would expect them to go to bat for you in this case, if not you might be well to look at using another deputy even if they might cost more in fees.

Good Luck.
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by teggacat »

gosh what a pain...I think you need to firmly but politely contact your proxy again, they need to
stand up to the plate and make this right,
I use Rinkya and I believe this is the route they would take...Good Luck,
please dont let this sour your new found interest in this type of art!
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by Bockamos »

So I have some good news :) I messaged my deputy (Buyee) this morning and let them know that I posted my situation on an anime forum and was informed that deputy's should in fact refund shipping costs, because they should check the item before they send it out (thanks for the advice).

They returned an email to me several hours later informing me that they would 'for this one time only' refund me the international shipping costs. This has been a dispute that has gone on for 1 month and on several occasions they informed me that I would have to pay for the international shipping costs as 'the seller only sent the item domestically'.

I have all you guys to thank for this and I'm glad I continued with this as I was almost ready to just give up and send the item back and accept the shipping costs.

I'm still unsure about the seller 'gyian2007' though as some of you said he is a reliable seller and just sent the wrong item. What I don't understand is that if he sent the wrong item (we are all human and make mistakes), couldn't he just inform me of this so I can send the wrong item back to him and then he can send me the correct one? I would have even accepted some of the cost, as this was an item I was very much interested in.

Anyways, all is good. Thanks again :)
Last edited by Bockamos on Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by sensei »

I'd be kind and assume it was a communications issue. At first I thought perhaps you had been unclear about what you thought you'd get and wanted to return part of it for part of your money back. (That's not necessarily a dumb reaction: I've paid top dollar for lots where the scans showed some nice items and then gotten mostly cels/sketches of elbows, mouths, tree limbs, etc.) Once it became clear that they had sent you a lot that was not in any way like what you'd bid on, then it was clear that the seller or DS had made a mistake and you were in the right.

What you say does not make me anxious to use Buyee. Whatever else, your DS should act as a real "deputy," acting on your behalf if there is a dispute over the result of the auction. While I'm glad you did get the shipping refunded, the "just this once" seems discourteous. What happens if the seller is dishonest and tries to pull the same trick again? Will Buyee say, "Fool you twice, shame on you?" It really sounds as if Buyee is acting more as the seller's deputy, trying to enlarge the circle of animation art sales at a time when the animation art market, even Japanside, is starting now to become visibly less profitable.
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Re: Is gyian2007 a scammer??? Yu-gi-oh art

Post by JWR »

I would not be surprised if it was a mixup in shipping by the seller. I also guess that who ever received your artwork may have "played dumb" ("No I did not receive that I only got my order") and kept the art instead of returning it. (not everyone is honest)
With your deputy it may well have been the fact you mentioned that you had put this out there on a forum that got them to act in your favor. Publicity can be a major factor in forcing action.

It will be good that you will get this resolved even though I am sure you would rather have the artwork you bid on.
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