2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

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2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by sensei »

And so Christmas and New Years are coming around the bend, and with it time for celebration and also reflection on another year lived and (for those of us still committed to this pastime) on another year of animation art collecting. Time for another thread of looking back and looking ahead. This is a tradition that I began in 2006, and that cutiebunny and I have taken turns keeping up in the decade since. The questions:

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2016?

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2016?

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2017?

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution for 2016, how true did you stay to it?
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by sensei »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2016?

I'd say finding a surprising number of Haibane Renmei rilezu on the market. These have been very hard to find, and the total number of those made was claimed to be only 25 (I think 50 is a more reasonable estimate). So having just one was a point of pride. And then suddenly they started appearing on the market again, and now I have three, with a fourth to come in the current update if I ever get it done.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

Seeing sketches for the important 2009 Madhouse anime film Summer Wars pop up on Mandarake. That was one work for which I never expected to see original art, much less nice images of King Kasuma and Love Machine.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2016?

Picked up just three days into the new year (my birthday, no less), this wonderful pan sketch of Shinku from the closing moments of Rozen Maiden takes the prize this year around. Oh, man, oh, man.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

This year I found myself constantly tugged between giving an update the time and attention it deserved and too many competing obligations on the professional and home fronts. The time I gave to this effort proved all the more difficult to justify, as the reactions to my updates slowed to slim and then to zero. For that reason, I find myself stuck in dealing with one update and considering ordering the next from Rinkya, and still not clear on when this job will get done. For my other obligations, I do have people paying attention and bugging me when things don't get done, and for this I no longer have reason to believe that anyone cares. So, while it concerns me, I finding it unfortunately makes more and more sense to give the job of sharing my new acquisitions a lower and lower priority.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2017?
6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution for 2016, how true did you stay to it?

Yeah, yeah, I still haven't had my garage sale. I'd still like to, or at the very least set up an offers period just to see what there is that people might theoretically like to purchase these days.

Overall, it's been a good year on the collecting front. I've made what I think are some strong purchases and been able to add to important areas of my gallery, including CCS, Asatte no Houkou, Rozen Maiden (especially the new Studio Deen series), A Tree of Palme, Hyper Police, and "Golden Age" films/series like The Sea Prince and the Fire Child. The next batch will feature a new set of cels from the 1984 Madhouse fairy-tale film The Golden Bird, for which I'd been lurking ever since I bought and identified my first two cels from this "lost masterpiece." So it continues to be a good time to collect. Whether it is as good a time to display and discuss is less clear, however. But I'll press on at least another year, on the strength of the market.
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Jadeduo »

LOL Sorry, Sensei, I do still look at your updates, I've felt the same way about posting updates here there seems to be little interest in the old guard about spending any time on Beta or responding to well thought out and time consuming update posts and the like, and Newbies prefer more immediate forms of communication like FB and other places. So most of my energy has been going into the cel contest, updating, spending time on the FB Cel pages, and the Anime Cel Chat on slack,

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2016?

I finally finished moving the entire collection off of RS, it took me a pretty long time, although while I was doing that I let another pile get backlogged... The work is never ending, although I could always buy less... X| (like that is going to happen)

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

I don't know if anything surprising has happened but thinking about it, I would say that I am moving away from one of my long time loves DBZ, mostly because the market has almost tripled in price. And from what I understand it is because the original series was just released in China 2 years ago, and I'm sure that the new series has not helped matters. So I've started thinning it down, my goal is to get it down to one book and be done with it.

I am also surprised about the amount of sketch work I have added to my gallery, original art and production art. It is like finding a new addiction to add to all the old ones, lol. :D

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2016?

There were two yet again this year, this conversation in Movie 2 between Yukito and Sakura has always been high on my list. When it hit the BWA it was a must buy situation, and boy am I happy I was able to get it a complete set up with unstuck book bg just gorgeous. (And a pain in the ass to scan)

http://jadeduo.net/i-think-something-ha ... and-sakura

The other piece is an ultimate wishlist Sailor Jupiter from Episode 55, I have yet to post it, but a close screen shot would be the bottom one on the following image in the middle:

https://overanalyzinganimation.files.wo ... art-71.png

This is by far still my favorite Ito episode from Sailor Moon, and anything that I can get I am happy about, but I have been looking for something from this sequence for years.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

The infighting and egos that sometimes get in the way of discourse in the community worries me, I feel we need to keep trying to be inclusive and cultivate relationships with the newbies and educate them. No dealer is going to give a Noob the tips and tricks of collecting like a senior collector will. We need to work together better and be willing to spend the time with each other and the community if we want to keep it going. One person is too much to keep it going it must be a group effort.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2017?

Get that DBZ collection down to one book, take a serious look at the sprawling CCS collection and try and get it down, I've tried before and it was like but... but... Yuki! FAIL X|
I'm not even going to bother trying to set a budget... :/ I think I last a month or two and then that is all she wrote folks... LOL

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution in 2015, how true did you stay to it?

{Copy/Paste 2015}
I think I am going to keep with my resolution from last year, and continue to make it my goal to learn more about the animation process. I will say again setting a budget, but I decimated my budget this last year :P

I also want to add complete the move to Jadeduo.net and complete the cel Backlog. I am so close I can taste it! Also continue to harass my peeps to update their giant POS! And bake cupcakes as a reward! ^_^

Another resolution I have is to find someone that is willing to take on the 2016 sketch contest, I really only want to run one contest a year, because they are so time consuming, fun, and frustrating at times for the contest runner. So if anyone wants to help me with that, that would be great ^_^;; I would be available for consultation, but one contest a year is seriously my limit.
LOL the budget thing... I think I lasted a month... :/ FAIL

Jadeduo.net was completely moved and I did clear the backlog for all of a month and then it started to pile up again... I still harass peeps although cupcake production has gone down... So sort of?

I did find a great partner in crime, nowherekid85 and me flip off on running the contest thread and dealing with issues so the workload is now half on the contest and it is greatly appreciated! - Resolution kept!

Seriously though I have been happy where I have been going the last year and hope to continue the good work into next year.
"Any idea is a good idea except the non-happy ones. Those we push down deep inside where you'll never, ever, ever, EVER find them!" - Princess Unikitty

http://www.jadeduo.net Please Stay By My Side, In My Dreams - Sailor Moon, DBZ, Cardcaptor Sakura, Saiyuki, Gundam Wing, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, Junjou Romantica, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, and Tsubasa...

Actively Searching for: Saiyuki Burial (Anything), CCS Episodes 65-67, and Primo Sailor Jupiter Cels

Anime-Beta Annual Cel Contest - Grand Poobah, 2014, 2015, and 2016
Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest - Grand Poobah, 2015
Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest - Survey Wench, 2016, 2017

Still lurking around Beta, but most days you can find me in the Cel Chat... http://cels-chat.herokuapp.com/ Come Join US!
Also rebooted the FB page, you can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/348416495554600/
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by nowherekid85 »

Partner in crime, I'm liking that ;) :dgrin :dgrin :dgrin :dgrin :dgrin

I'll have to think of answers to these questions and try to do a post later.
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Trudy »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2016?
I stopped being lazy and finally started scanning everything in. I wish I had done this before I framed Allen a few years back, though.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?
A couple of sellers dropped huge swaths of Escaflowne cels on Yahoo! Japan auctions in between long droughts of no new cels at all. By being patient, exhibiting some self-control (extremely difficult!), and waking up to bid at the last minute, I managed to pick up a number of cels of Escaflowne characters I had never bought cels of (including very emotive cels of Merle, a multi-layer cel of Chid with the original background, and an Amano key cel) for a steal; all of those cels, save Chid, went for 3500 yen or less. Chid went for about $100.

Really hoping we see some more in 2017; the best time to get a deal is when there's so many cels available that people are forced to prioritize. It sure was painful watching some cels get picked up, though -- especially when one seller decided to sell unrelated cels in sets of four. Of course, there was always one cel from each lot that I would have killed for.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2016?
This is really, really hard because I picked up a few really nice cels this year, but probably this cel of Chid. This was one of the cels thrown up during a mass sale of Escaflowne cels on Yahoo! Japan auctions, and there were a lot of cels I wanted that I passed up for this one -- and I don't regret it in the least. The scan doesn't really do it justice, but Chid is incredibly vibrant and like all Escaflowne cels, the background is gorgeous. I can hardly believe I picked him up for as cheaply as I did, especially since he's a minor character who doesn't appear all that much in the series.

I'm pretty sure I have a larger, updated scan somewhere on the flash drive, so I might see about throwing that up sometime soon.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?
Like JD, I'm a little alarmed by the elitism I'm seeing from some members of the community. We can't complain about how the hobby is dying while we go out of our way to exclude newcomers from the hobby out of fear for increased competition of cels. If we want to see our community continue to flourish and keep fellow collectors in the hobby, we need to take care of one another -- and more importantly, new, fledgling cel collectors, who are extremely vulnerable to predatory eBay sellers and may not know how to best care for their purchases.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2017?

I figure I'm going to mix work/play with this one. Here's my cel-related resolution for myself:

* Go through my gallery and crop some scans that weren't properly cropped when I uploaded the images.
* Scan new cels at least once every two months.
* Re-bag and board all cels -- and figure out a re-bagging/boarding solution for cels attached to an oversized original background.
* Limit myself to $150 worth of cel purchases/month -- with exceptions only for wishlist cels.
* Update wishlist cel list.
* Purchase at least two wishlist cels.
* For series that I collect that feature cheap cels (e.g., Infinite Ryvius, Oniisama E, Jubei-chan, Gokinjo Monogatari, etc.), focus on collecting only cels with original matching backgrounds.
* At least look into purchasing a scanner -- even if it means digging into the cel fund.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution for 2016, how true did you stay to it?

I had no resolution last year -- but let's see how I do for 2017 in 2018!
Actively Collecting:
Escaflowne, Gokinjo Monogatari, Infinite Ryvius, Record of Lodoss War, Revolutionary Girl Utena
Looking for select cels from:
CardCaptor Sakura, Daria, Fushigi Yuugi, Gall Force, Gokinjo Monogatari, Gunsmith Cats, Jubei-chan the Ninja Girl, Kaito St. Tail, Magic Knight Rayearth, Oniisama E, Please Save My Earth, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Looking for production artwork from:
Ashita no Nadja, Full Metal Panic!, Juuni Kokki, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, NANA, Princess Tutu
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by cutiebunny »

Sensei, as with collecting, you should update because you want to do it, not because you want people to appreciate these items. Unless you have an updating buddy, or maybe someone who has artwork from the same series with which to update, updating and maintaining a gallery is usually a solitary affair. As with buying artwork, you should only update when and if you feel like it. If the notion doesn't spiff your biffy, come back to it when it does. You do you.

I can't believe I've posted on this yearly thread for a decade. I still have stuff from that era that I have yet to add. I looked back at my 2006 post and had a good laugh as I mentioned how concerned I was over really nice Sailor Moon cels hitting the 1K mark. Yeah...1K for some of that stuff is darn cheap now.

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2016?

Gallery - I managed to clear through some of the background backlog. I have a lot more to do and no specific time frame to accomplish it. It'll get done when it gets done. I usually have little drive to do the CCS backgrounds because I have some small hope that I'll eventually find a cel from that sequence, and I'd hate for someone to drive up the price because they might feel that I'll sell the background (or a copy of it) if I lose.

Collection - There was a lot of really nice stuff up for sale this year. I was really surprised to add sketches from artists whom I admire, but will likely never be able to meet.

Experience - Watching Chikashi Kubota, the character designer for One Punch Man, draw. After watching many artists draw in person, it's been a long time since I've been seriously blown away by anyone. Kubota is wickedly talented.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

Gallery - Through my RS gallery, a museum in The Netherlands asked to borrow some cels to display for an upcoming exhibit. Not only was it surprising to me that this sort of artwork is now being considered worthy, albeit in a smaller museum, to display, but their choices as to what what they want to showcase was surprising. When they sent over a list of cels they were interested in borrowing, I felt that they ignored most of the really nice stuff to instead focus on bank sequences of the main character.

Collection - I picked up some production artwork this year where I either owned the matching background, or had a cel from that sequence and now have more douga from that sequence. It's been well over two years since I've been able to reunite a cel with a background.

I also spent more this year on artwork from Kickstarter projects instead of conventions.

Experience - I hold so much contempt for DMP. It's a sad statement when I'd rather support their rival Viz Media, who is almost as disgusting, over DMP any day.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2016?

Cel - I only bought three cels this year, so the one I'm most thrilled about was a CCS cel of Syaoran that completed the set I had of Sakura, Tomoyo and Meilin from Episode 40.

Douga/Genga - Just last week, some douga from the final Sailor Moon episode appear on YJ. It's nice to add a couple more sheets from that sequence to my collection.

Shikishi - There are a few that come to mind, but the most notable is a colored sketch of Hak drawn by Yona of the Dawn mangaka, Mizuho Kusanagi.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

In the words of The Wu, "Cash Rules Everything Around Me".

I've expressed before how bothered I am with conventions becoming less about fans being able to interact with guests, and more about how much money an individual attendee can pay. I could talk about this at length, but it's probably not something most people can understand until they are able to see it for themselves. It's a surreal feeling to stand in line with everyone and see how the con just effs the attendees over, only to be ushered into a special area the following morning and have staff and guests cater to your requests.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2017?

I have this odd method of buying artwork where, if I see something being auctioned and I come back to look at it multiple times during the auctioning period, I will then, and only then, bid on that item. I find that, at least for me, this keeps me away from impulse buys, or purchases where I may have just bid on something and ignored the poor condition of the item. This is my resolution for next year because I know it's a realistic goal, unlike, say, erasing that massive art backlog. Or spending less.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution for 2016, how true did you stay to it?

I spent less. Very happy about that.
I did update more than in 2015, so, another goal accomplished.
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Trudy »

CutieBunny, what happened with DMP? And did you ever find out what happened with Viz's SakuraCon 2016 Art Auction artwork?
Actively Collecting:
Escaflowne, Gokinjo Monogatari, Infinite Ryvius, Record of Lodoss War, Revolutionary Girl Utena
Looking for select cels from:
CardCaptor Sakura, Daria, Fushigi Yuugi, Gall Force, Gokinjo Monogatari, Gunsmith Cats, Jubei-chan the Ninja Girl, Kaito St. Tail, Magic Knight Rayearth, Oniisama E, Please Save My Earth, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Looking for production artwork from:
Ashita no Nadja, Full Metal Panic!, Juuni Kokki, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, NANA, Princess Tutu
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Jadeduo »

I heard they were saving it for next year, cause she called them out... We will keep you apprised as we will be at the auction in 2017
"Any idea is a good idea except the non-happy ones. Those we push down deep inside where you'll never, ever, ever, EVER find them!" - Princess Unikitty

http://www.jadeduo.net Please Stay By My Side, In My Dreams - Sailor Moon, DBZ, Cardcaptor Sakura, Saiyuki, Gundam Wing, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, Junjou Romantica, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, and Tsubasa...

Actively Searching for: Saiyuki Burial (Anything), CCS Episodes 65-67, and Primo Sailor Jupiter Cels

Anime-Beta Annual Cel Contest - Grand Poobah, 2014, 2015, and 2016
Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest - Grand Poobah, 2015
Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest - Survey Wench, 2016, 2017

Still lurking around Beta, but most days you can find me in the Cel Chat... http://cels-chat.herokuapp.com/ Come Join US!
Also rebooted the FB page, you can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/348416495554600/
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by cutiebunny »

The SakuraCon auction story is a bit odd. So, if you win a higher value item at the SakuraCon auction, someone from the charity that receives the proceeds, Make-A-Wish, calls you up to thank you for your purchase. Basically, it boiled down to a friend and I speaking to this women, informing her that an item specifically donated to be sold to benefit the charity was not sold. The woman who I spoke with at MAW was very terse, asking if I realized how much 'good' SakuraCon did for the charity. The woman also accused me of being solely concerned about the whereabouts of the artwork, and not the actual charity itself. It was sort of an amusing call where my attempt to do the right thing was clearly not appreciated. I even went so far as to offer to buy the sketches, offering a price that I knew would be much more than the charity would receive if they resold it the following year because I would rather the funds go to help those in need now. But, my offer to purchase them was denied, so, we'll see if they make their way onto the auction table in 2017. And we'll see if I'll be interested in purchasing them.

At this point, it's really hard for me to say what DMP does right. My latest issue with them is that, after promising to give those who selected a sketch tier reward the sketch of their choosing on a first-come-first-serve basis, they renege upon their agreement after the fundraising period has ended. The former DMP project manager of the Kodomo no Jikan Kickstarter left the company a couple months back, with the DMP head, Hikaru (aka. Mr. H), taking over. Despite the fact that the mangaka tweeted out the sketches as she finished them and recipients in those tiers would e-mail the project manager to claim them as they were finished, Hikaru claimed that this was 'unfair' and tried to invalidate the agreement. There were quite a few unhappy people, and I flat out told Hikaru that he could expect no further funds from me until I receive exactly what was promised by the former project manager. He backpeddled, and then wrote some short message stating that those who complained would receive the sketches that they requested. As I won't receive these until sometime October 2017-ish, who knows what will happen between now and then...but what is happening is that I'm sticking to my guns, and he can find funds elsewhere for YaoiCon.
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by Trudy »

So you never actually heard anything back from Funimation? That's a bummer, and frustrating.

Now that you say that, I think JD filled me in on some of the DMP stuff when I was grousing about how I was concerned that we might not get our signed rewards for the KOR Kickstarter because of the ill health of the mangaka. I definitely wish him all the best and hope for his quick recovery, but I also hope that DMP offers some compensation if the signed goods are not able to be acquired, because I certainly wouldn't have dropped $110 for a bunch of goods that aren't going to be signed.

Based on your experience, though, it makes me think that I might be SOL if that's the case.
Actively Collecting:
Escaflowne, Gokinjo Monogatari, Infinite Ryvius, Record of Lodoss War, Revolutionary Girl Utena
Looking for select cels from:
CardCaptor Sakura, Daria, Fushigi Yuugi, Gall Force, Gokinjo Monogatari, Gunsmith Cats, Jubei-chan the Ninja Girl, Kaito St. Tail, Magic Knight Rayearth, Oniisama E, Please Save My Earth, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Looking for production artwork from:
Ashita no Nadja, Full Metal Panic!, Juuni Kokki, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, NANA, Princess Tutu
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by star-phoenix »

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I have been very very quiet in the cel community lately with very good reason. This year, my family and I will be moving back to California during the summer for my new job and will be purchasing a house! Very excited about this, and we have to watch our finances for a while (so no cel buying for another 6 months!!!!). Anyway, here is my Year in review:

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2016?

I was able to obtain my first ever Walter Lantz cel, and none other than the first Woody Woodpecker from the very first cartoon he had made!!

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

I had to stop cel collecting temporarily after finding out that we have to move to California in 2017.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2016?

See #1

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

It's expensive!!

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2017?

Keep priorities in check.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution for 2016, how true did you stay to it?

My goal was to be cautious with what I buy and to spend smartly, which I think I have been doing well with this.
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by KinoLRB »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2016?

Nothing super specific. I only bought pieces that I loved as opposed to liked.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

That would be the addition of the Akira manga color guides. These will most likely never come up for sale again.

http://celluloidcentral.rubberslug.com/ ... esID=49962

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2016?

Apart from the color guides, I have a few. Can't narrow it down to just one.

This Simpsons cel with matching production background, a rare find for the price I paid.

http://celluloidcentral.rubberslug.com/ ... mID=399196

Also this wishlist Angel's Egg portrait, from my favorite moment in the film.

http://celluloidcentral.rubberslug.com/ ... mID=394223

This incredible Princess Nine pan cel. It's absolutely huge and came with literally everything, including sketches, background, plus an entire sequence of cels.

http://celluloidcentral.rubberslug.com/ ... mID=397014

And finally this beautiful portrait of D. I've been wanting one for a long time.

http://celluloidcentral.rubberslug.com/ ... mID=403265

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

Storage, conservation, and keeping up with supplies.

5.What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2017?

Spend less! I also hope to purchase my first Shikishi.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution for 2016, how true did you stay to it?

My resolution was to spend less, and I did. Yay!
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Re: 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Cel/Sketch Resolutions

Post by earl »

1. What was the best thing that's happened to your gallery/collection in 2016?

I managed to get so many wonderful items this year, but my "Banjo: The Woodpile Cat" cel is probably the best: http://www.cartoonedin.com/don-bluth-ba ... odpile-cat It is the final frame in the short film and, while it didn't come with a matching background, it is a production background from the film.

2. What was the most surprising thing that happened to your gallery/collection this year?

Most surprising was probably the number of high quality pieces I was able to acquire for a good price.

3. Which piece were you most proud of acquiring in 2016?

See #1.

4. What's something that concerns you about your collecting experience?

I worry that the number of resellers is increasing. I see more than a few people purchasing from less well known sites and then posting them on eBay for 10x the price. Everyone has a right to sell things for whatever price they want, but it's disappointing to see.

5. What cel/sketch-related resolution do you want to make for 2017?

Quality over quantity. I like so many different series'/films that I often need to hold myself back from purchasing the 'smaller' stuff so that I can afford the really wonderful pieces later.

6. If you posted a cel/sketch-related resolution for 2016, how true did you stay to it?

Come join us in the Animation Art Collectors slack chat!: http://cels-chat.herokuapp.com/
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