Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Winners Announced!!

Area to post questions, comments, and discussions regarding this annual contest.
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Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Winners Announced!!

Post by tarakatsuki »

Hello everybody! I will be running the sketch contest yet again, and am excited to announce some major changes, that will hopefully encourage more people to enter!

The contest will pretty much run the same way as in the past, with the discussion, submission, and voting periods, however it had been decided that it was time to change up the categories! Many of the categories have been the same for several contests now, and since many of us have great pieces of art that didn’t fit into the old categories, hopefully the new categories will give you a chance to enter these items.

Please read through the rules carefully. Although the rules haven’t really changed, there still always seems to be some sort of confusion over something.

Tarakatsuki-Running the contest and this thread, and creating the RS gallery and uploading entries.
Jadeduo-Checking entries against previous winners and managing the Survey Monkey site.
Brandon_T-Making more awesome awards for the winners!

The Categories
Athletic-Running, leaping, or showing other forms of physical prowess
Battle gear - Armor and weapons worn and carried into battle!
Cooperation - Two or more characters involved in completing a task. There is no I in team!
Crossover - Combine two (or more) characters from different shows into one scan to create the ultimate crossover!
Crybaby - Wah! Big fat tears!
Eyes closed - Fully awake characters caught in the act of blinking or making a funny face with their eyes closed.
Formal dress - Ballgowns, kimonos, suit and tie, and any other outfit worn when wanting to look one’s best!
Hands - Whether they are holding, fixing, or playing with something, hands should be the main focus here!
Heartbreak - The anguish and suffering of having your heart shattered into a million tiny pieces.
Indoor activity - Games, chores, naptime, basically anything that is happening indoors. Keep the rating PG though!
Minions - Everybody’s favorite henchmen, and they don’t have to resemble Twinkies!
Mischief making - All the trouble makers that we know and love belong in this category!
Odd Angles-Characters shown from an odd camera point of view.
Party/celebration - Life is all about having a good time!
People of authority/the boss - That guy (or girl) in charge!
School uniforms - The cute little school uniforms we all know and love!
Screaming - Shrieking and wailing at the top of their lungs!
Sleeping - Catching the Zzzzzz’s.
Solitude - Whether it’s unwanted isolation or enjoying the peace and quiet, this category is for the loners.
Supernatural - Magical and mystical beings, humanoid or not.
Sweatdrops-Those annoying little beads of sweat…
Terror/fear - Heart-stopping moments. Facing one’s worst nightmare.
Transportation/travel - How to get from Point A to Point B, whether it be by horse, dog, cat, automobile, plane, etc.
Undead characters - Sometimes the dead just won’t stay dead!
Water activities - Fun in the tub or going for a nice swim, this one is all about being in the water!
Weak - The feeble and fragile, or those beaten to exhaustion.


1.) You must be a registered member of Anime-Beta by the start of the submission process.
2.) You must physically own all artwork that you submit. You may not submit artwork which has been sold, or for which a sale is pending. Submitted artwork does not have to be posted in your online gallery.
3.) If you submit artwork for consideration in this contest, you must vote for all categories.
4.) Even if you do not submit artwork, you may still vote in any or all of the categories.
5.) Artwork that has previously won an award is eligible for re-entry, provided that the winning piece has changed owners. If you choose to submit a previous winning piece, you must e-mail the contest coordinator before submitting it. This way, the organizer knows the piece has changed owners and that it is a qualified entry. If you do not e-mail the coordinator, your entry will be disqualified. Please check previous awards websites carefully.
6.) Sequence mates of previous winners will be allowed if there is a substantial difference between the two. Please inform the contest coordinator which piece you are submitting a sequence mate of. You may not submit a sequence mate if you also own the previous winning piece.
7.) Sequence mates in the same category are not permitted. Whoever submits the artwork first will be given a spot in that category. If you submit a sequence mate to an item that is already in a category, you will have the chance to re-submit another item in lieu of the repeated piece.
8.) If a category has only four entries, only #1 and #2 awards will be given. If a category has only three entries, only a #1 award will be given. Categories with fewer than three entries 24 hours before the beginning of voting will be eliminated. Contestants will have the chance to re-submit artwork to another category.


1.) Participants are eligible to enter a maximum of 13 items, with one entry per category chosen. *****Changed 4/20/17-there is no limit on entries and you may enter every single category if you wish!!*****
2.) Submitted artwork may not include watermarks or any other type of 'tag' that could affiliate it with a gallery or owner.
3.) In order to cut down on bandwidth usage, please limit your entries to less than 1 MB in size. A good rule of thumb is if it doesn't upload to RS, it will not upload for the contest! Double check the dpi and dimensions of your image before submitting! 72 DPI and 10” by 7” approximately usually will upload perfectly fine.
4.) Modification of images is not permitted, with the exception of piecing together multiple scans to make a single image, cropping images to cut out edges of paint, or minor enhancement to make the lines of sketches visible, as they can be hard to view otherwise.
5.) All entries must be submitted by midnight (Pacific Daylight Time) on the last day of the submission period, regardless of which time zone you are in. Entries emailed after the submission period ends will not be accepted. Please do not wait until the last minute.
6.) Images must be in .jpg format, as .png will not upload to RS.
7. Sketches, shikishi (black and white, or one accent color only) and hanken are eligible for all categories.


March 15-31 - Discussion Thread
April 1-30 - Submit Entries
May 1-5 - Viewing Period
May 6-31 - Voting Period
June 15 - Winners Announced!


1.) Email all entries to ABCelAwards2015 at
2.) You may enter all of your submissions in one single email, but please include the following in the body of the email, for each item submitted:
- Category
-Character name
-Anime title
3. Please include your Anime Beta username in the submission email, whether it be in the subject or mentioned in the body of the email. Entries will not be accepted without your AB username.
4. Please send all of your images as attachments in the email, not as links to your gallery.

SIDE NOTE-There is usually some trouble uploading certain entries each year to the RS gallery, and for whatever reason, excessively long file names seem to be a common trait with the images that give me issues. It would be a tremendous help if you limit your file name to the category only; not just for uploading sake, but it also makes it easier to keep track of the entries as I’m uploading. Please realize that I am not asking it to be done this way just to be a pain, but when you have 200 items to go through and upload, getting a batch that refuses to work right and takes four times as long as other people’s entries do, it does increase the workload quite a bit.
i.e. : athletic.jpg good
2017 sketch thisismyanimebetausername athletic entry.jpg bad
And please try and use the above format for information, with the numbers, for entering your items. We may not be familiar with the series/character you are entering, and sometimes it can be hard to tell which is the character name and which is the anime name. No additional information is needed and won’t be used.

That all being said, feel free to comment if you have any concerns or questions, or anything else you wish to discuss in regards to the contest. I hope to see a lot of entries!!
Last edited by tarakatsuki on Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:15 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Time To Discuss!

Post by Jadeduo »

Looks good, Tarakatsuki!!!!

I would also add that .png .jpeg .bmp and .gif will not upload to RS either Survey Monkey does not have this problem but RS sure does so if everyone could just send .jpg under 1 MB in size that would make it much easier for us to put together the contest for voting!!!
"Any idea is a good idea except the non-happy ones. Those we push down deep inside where you'll never, ever, ever, EVER find them!" - Princess Unikitty Please Stay By My Side, In My Dreams - Sailor Moon, DBZ, Cardcaptor Sakura, Saiyuki, Gundam Wing, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, Junjou Romantica, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, and Tsubasa...

Actively Searching for: Saiyuki Burial (Anything), CCS Episodes 65-67, and Primo Sailor Jupiter Cels

Anime-Beta Annual Cel Contest - Grand Poobah, 2014, 2015, and 2016
Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest - Grand Poobah, 2015
Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest - Survey Wench, 2016, 2017

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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Time To Discuss!

Post by earl »

Love the new categories! Looking forward to another contest! :bounce
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Time To Discuss!

Post by tarakatsuki »

Yes same here! I am hoping everybody else enjoys the new categories! We are trying to make the contest nice and fresh to stir up more interest! The plan is to use these categories for the cel contest at the end of the year as well.

If anybody has questions or concerns about anything in the first post, please feel free to post on here!

Just a comment-As far as crossover goes, obviously you will have to do more photoshop than was technically allowed. I suppose I had cels in mind when I thought of that category, as it is easier to just put two various cels together in one scan and come up with something interesting. But no matter, let's just see what you guys can do with your sketches if you choose to enter that one!
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Time To Discuss!

Post by Jadeduo »

Last day for comments... been a quiet thread this time around! I'm so excited we start taking entries tomorrow!!! That reminds me I've got to get the surveys from the last contest moved into a separate folder on Survey Monkey!

*runs to go do that*
"Any idea is a good idea except the non-happy ones. Those we push down deep inside where you'll never, ever, ever, EVER find them!" - Princess Unikitty Please Stay By My Side, In My Dreams - Sailor Moon, DBZ, Cardcaptor Sakura, Saiyuki, Gundam Wing, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, Junjou Romantica, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, and Tsubasa...

Actively Searching for: Saiyuki Burial (Anything), CCS Episodes 65-67, and Primo Sailor Jupiter Cels

Anime-Beta Annual Cel Contest - Grand Poobah, 2014, 2015, and 2016
Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest - Grand Poobah, 2015
Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest - Survey Wench, 2016, 2017

Still lurking around Beta, but most days you can find me in the Cel Chat... Come Join US!
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Time To Discuss!

Post by Frysende »

I've never participated in an anime-beta contest before but this looks like tons of fun! I have most of my sketches at home, and not a lot catalogued, but I'll see if I can scrounge anything up.

Thanks for hosting/organizing all this!
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Time To Discuss!

Post by tarakatsuki »

The time has come to start submitting entries!! Again, please read the submission guideline before submitting.


1.) Email all entries to ABCelAwards2015 at
2.) You may enter all of your submissions in one single email, but please include the following in the body of the email, for each item submitted:
1. Category
2. Character name
3. Anime title
3. Please include your Anime Beta username in the submission email, whether it be in the subject or mentioned in the body of the email. Entries will not be accepted without your AB username.
4. Please send all of your images as attachments in the email, not as links to your gallery.

SIDE NOTE-There is usually some trouble uploading certain entries each year to the RS gallery, and for whatever reason, excessively long file names seem to be a common trait with the images that give me issues. It would be a tremendous help if you limit your file name to the category only; not just for uploading sake, but it also makes it easier to keep track of the entries as I’m uploading. Please realize that I am not asking it to be done this way just to be a pain, but when you have 200 items to go through and upload, getting a batch that refuses to work right and takes four times as long as other people’s entries do, it does increase the workload quite a bit.
i.e. : athletic.jpg good
2017 sketch thisismyanimebetausername athletic entry.jpg bad
And please try and use the above format for information, with the numbers, for entering your items. We may not be familiar with the series/character you are entering, and sometimes it can be hard to tell which is the character name and which is the anime name. No additional information is needed and won’t be used.

Please remember that we are volunteering our spare time (which is often a bit limited lol) to run this contest and the rules are there to make things much easier on our end. Entries with images that refuse to upload to RS because of file issue may be requested to be redone and resubmitted.

Looking forward to all the participants!
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Now Accepting Entries!!

Post by tarakatsuki »

Just a quick note, as it was brought to my attention that one of the categories (undead) said a certain character was not allowed. I had somehow missed that when I was creating the post for this board. The only reason it said that was because we were joking around when coming up with new categories, and I just did a lot of copy and pasting and didn't notice it was still in there. X|

So if anybody saw that and got turned off of the contest or mad as a result of it, sorry!! Anybody who knows me would know I would never actually make that a rule for real.
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Now Accepting Entries!!

Post by xan »

Can a sketch be submitted even if it had an accompanied cel? The submissions I made were based off of that thus contest was for shows that didn't have cels produced for them.
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Now Accepting Entries!!

Post by tarakatsuki »

xan wrote:Can a sketch be submitted even if it had an accompanied cel? The submissions I made were based off of that thus contest was for shows that didn't have cels produced for them.
You can definitely post a sketch that has a cel, or is from a show produced with cels. The only catch is, if you enter a sketch in the sketch contest, you will not be able to enter the cel that goes with it in the cel contest, should your sketch win an award. If your sketch does not win an award, you may enter the matching cel in the cel contest when we run that later this year. :)
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Now Accepting Entries!!

Post by xan »

Well that makes sense thank you kindly ^^
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Now Accepting Entries!!

Post by tarakatsuki »

Now that we're a third of the way into the submission period, here's the update on what has been received for which categories!

Zero entries-will be cut if nobody enters.
One entry-will be cut if nobody else enters.
Two entries-needs one more to be saved.
Three entries-category is safe and there will be at least one winner!
Number in front to indicate entries per category as well.

1-Athletic-Running, leaping, or showing other forms of physical prowess
1-Battle gear - Armor and weapons worn and carried into battle!
2-Cooperation - Two or more characters involved in completing a task. There is no I in team!
0-Crossover - Combine two (or more) characters from different shows into one scan to create the ultimate crossover!
1-Crybaby - Wah! Big fat tears!
3-Eyes closed - Fully awake characters caught in the act of blinking or making a funny face with their eyes closed.
2-Formal dress - Ballgowns, kimonos, suit and tie, and any other outfit worn when wanting to look one’s best!
2-Hands - Whether they are holding, fixing, or playing with something, hands should be the main focus here!
1-Heartbreak - The anguish and suffering of having your heart shattered into a million tiny pieces.
1-Indoor activity - Games, chores, naptime, basically anything that is happening indoors. Keep the rating PG though!
1-Minions - Everybody’s favorite henchmen, and they don’t have to resemble Twinkies!
0-Mischief making - All the trouble makers that we know and love belong in this category!
2-Odd Angles-Characters shown from an odd camera point of view.
1-Party/celebration - Life is all about having a good time!
3-People of authority/the boss - That guy (or girl) in charge!
0-School uniforms - The cute little school uniforms we all know and love!
2-Screaming - Shrieking and wailing at the top of their lungs!
1-Sleeping - Catching the Zzzzzz’s.
2-Solitude - Whether it’s unwanted isolation or enjoying the peace and quiet, this category is for the loners.
1-Supernatural - Magical and mystical beings, humanoid or not.
0-Sweatdrops-Those annoying little beads of sweat…
2-Terror/fear - Heart-stopping moments. Facing one’s worst nightmare.
1-Transportation/travel - How to get from Point A to Point B, whether it be by horse, dog, cat, automobile, plane, etc.
1-Undead characters - Sometimes the dead just won’t stay dead!
0-Water activities - Fun in the tub or going for a nice swim, this one is all about being in the water!
1-Weak - The feeble and fragile, or those beaten to exhaustion.

There is still plenty of time to enter, but please try and get your entries in as soon as you can. Early is always good. :)

And please read and follow the submission guideline, to help make checking and uploading everything that much easier on our end! :)
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Now Accepting Entries!!

Post by earl »

Submitted my entries this morning!
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Now Accepting Entries!!

Post by tarakatsuki »

Another update on the entries received so far, now that I am back from Sakura-Con and all caught up!

Zero entries-will be cut if nobody enters.
One entry-will be cut if nobody else enters.
Two entries-needs one more to be saved.
Three or more entries-category is safe and there will be at least one winner!
Number in front to indicate entries per category as well.

2-Athletic-Running, leaping, or showing other forms of physical prowess
2-Battle gear - Armor and weapons worn and carried into battle!
2-Cooperation - Two or more characters involved in completing a task. There is no I in team!
0-Crossover - Combine two (or more) characters from different shows into one scan to create the ultimate crossover!
1-Crybaby - Wah! Big fat tears!
5-Eyes closed - Fully awake characters caught in the act of blinking or making a funny face with their eyes closed.
2-Formal dress - Ballgowns, kimonos, suit and tie, and any other outfit worn when wanting to look one’s best!
3-Hands - Whether they are holding, fixing, or playing with something, hands should be the main focus here!
3-Heartbreak - The anguish and suffering of having your heart shattered into a million tiny pieces.

2-Indoor activity - Games, chores, naptime, basically anything that is happening indoors. Keep the rating PG though!
3-Minions - Everybody’s favorite henchmen, and they don’t have to resemble Twinkies!
2-Mischief making - All the trouble makers that we know and love belong in this category!
3-Odd Angles-Characters shown from an odd camera point of view.
1-Party/celebration - Life is all about having a good time!
5-People of authority/the boss - That guy (or girl) in charge!
1-School uniforms - The cute little school uniforms we all know and love!
2-Screaming - Shrieking and wailing at the top of their lungs!
2-Sleeping - Catching the Zzzzzz’s.

3-Solitude - Whether it’s unwanted isolation or enjoying the peace and quiet, this category is for the loners.
2-Supernatural - Magical and mystical beings, humanoid or not.
0-Sweatdrops-Those annoying little beads of sweat…
3-Terror/fear - Heart-stopping moments. Facing one’s worst nightmare.
3-Transportation/travel - How to get from Point A to Point B, whether it be by horse, dog, cat, automobile, plane, etc.

1-Undead characters - Sometimes the dead just won’t stay dead!
1-Water activities - Fun in the tub or going for a nice swim, this one is all about being in the water!
1-Weak - The feeble and fragile, or those beaten to exhaustion.
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Re: Anime-Beta Annual Sketch Contest 2017-Now Accepting Entries!!

Post by tarakatsuki »

Ten days left to enter!!!

The sketches aren't quite as popular as the cels, so to get the number of entries up, we are going to lift the limit again. You may enter one item for every single category listed!!
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