Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!! Complete! Post Feedback here!

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Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!! Complete! Post Feedback here!

Post by Jadeduo »

Hi All,

I'm rocking and rolling this afternoon! So this is the framework that Sensei put in place for the 2013 Open House and it seemed to work pretty well. The only major criticisms I could find were the timing and the length of time I guess all galleries had to be reviewed in 10 days or so?

1. I'll put up a new thread that begins with the list of participating curators. This will have links to the gallery and links to the curator's AB Private Message tool.
2. If we get more requests to participate, I'll subdivide the list so that no one will need to visit more than ten galleries. You're free to visit more if you have time and energy, but you should at minimum visit all the ones in your sublist.
3. Curators may ask three specific questions, or fewer, or none.
4. In any case, visitors should visit each of the galleries and respond with basic "overall feel," "most liked," and "least liked" reactions (i.e., a constructive suggestion, not "Inuyasha cels are sucky").
5. I think a time frame of 2-3 weeks would be better not everyone works M-F but those that do would probably appreciate at least 3 weekends to work on this.

Tentative schedule:

July 8-August 15: Time for Beta members to express interest, submit questions, refurbish galleries.

August 16-31: Open House in progress: visit galleries, leave feedback, get feedback

September: Feedback on event, its good points, negative points, and how it could be improved.

If anyone cannot make this schedule and is interested in participating, please post what schedule works for you, we will try to accommodate everyone, but if we can't agree on the date we could possibly make this a bi-annual event? Thoughts please?!!

Last edited by Jadeduo on Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by Punkxprince »

Sign me up! First I want to say that the schedule that you propose sounds great to me. I actually just recently started updating my cels with more specific info regarding episode # and scene info. So having a little over a month before the open house begins sounds great because it give me enough time to put some more work into my gallery before the open house begins.

I don't have my specific questions at the moment because they will most likely change as I update my gallery, but I should be able to get a good idea of what I would like answered in the next couple of weeks.

I'm definitely looking forward to participating in my very first community event! ^_^
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by sensei »

I'll happily help out in some way, but as I did an open house on my gallery in 2013, it might be too soon to repeat. However, I enjoy visiting and commenting on galleries. Any way "lurkers" could be included?
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by Jadeduo »

Yay victims!! I mean volunteers! Punkxprince that's awesome and if I haven't said it before welcome to Beta!!! I'm glad the timing works for you! One of the things that made me sad about last year was I was not able to participate because of Otakon so I figured it is in a great spot pretty much after con season before school starts!

Sensei of course we would love you to come in and give critiques! I have always found your insights to be very helpful especially with my last gallery overhaul! Also does the timing work for you?

My question to you Sensei would you like to just participate as a reviewer or did you have another role in mind?

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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by Rekka Alexiel »

I'll participate again this year. It was a lot of fun last time and I *finally* was able to fix up the gallery to how I like it be displayed - thank you sensei!! <3
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by KinoLRB »

I would love to participate! I have no problems with any of the scheduling or criteria. :D
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by sensei »

Jadeduo wrote:My question to you Sensei would you like to just participate as a reviewer or did you have another role in mind?
:evilblk :evilblk :evilblk :jump :dsmoke :jump :evilblk :evilblk :evilblk

There are other roles available? Tell me mmmooooooorrre. :crossbones

I guess I was vaguely thinking about the old system, in which a group of hardies agreed to visit each others' galleries within a set time in return for getting feedback from all the other hardies. So the only role available was to volunteer your gallery and agree to do all the others. Well, my gallery is certainly improvable (I don't visit it myself without fiddling with it somehow), but I did this last year and don't want to seem like I'm fishing for more feedback. Time for the newbies to shine. But I like the event, and I'd be willing to help out, though perhaps in a less time-consuming way, especially if (as now seems likely) I'm going to need to learn some practical skills to help Beta stay afloat in the post Magician era.

Suggestions are welcome. :hippy
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by Jadeduo »

Okay so far...

We have:

Rekka Alexei

and an extra reviewer in Sensei! YAY!! *Throws Confetti*

Not too bad in the first call out for participants, no one has joined the RS Feedback project... I am sad! :'( I will be putting sometime myself into that possibly friday night... Depending on some um... events... If not definitely on Saturday later ^_~

Sensei I might have an idea we could create a like Sensei specific question for each gallery... So then you could take a glance at what the Gallery owner might specifically have a question against your widebreadth expertise and answer it, instead of doing a fully gallery review... What do you think!

Thanks! All!! Keep them coming!
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by sensei »

Jadeduo wrote: Sensei I might have an idea we could create a like Sensei specific question for each gallery... So then you could take a glance at what the Gallery owner might specifically have a question against your widebreadth expertise and answer it, instead of doing a fully gallery review... What do you think!
"Ask Sensei anything!!!" :badass I like that ... though keep in mind that in a lot of areas I'm hardly omnipotent :shrug.
Still, I'd be happy to share my perspective on any particular issue a curator raises. :cheers
no one has joined the RS Feedback project...
I'm still volunteered from the previous thread. You might check with others who expressed interest and who might have taken the new thread as an Ally-Ally-in-free renewal of the original proposal.
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by ginga123 »

thank you. i'll skip this one this year. i don't think i'd get my "new" stuff scanned in time along with a few other things asked for in the OH 2013 feedback. did manage to work in a request or two though during the last gallery update several months ago.
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by GoalieZero »

*throws hockey stick down* I'm in! :badass
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by Jadeduo »

Okay so far...

We have:

Jadeduo (Of Course!) I forgot to add myself!
Rekka Alexei

And Sensei...
For a special Ask Sensei a QUESTION, Question! No matter how many galleries join the review Sensei will answer one question for every participant! Sensei you rock! We appreciate it!

Thanks GoalieZero, for joining!

LOL Ginga, believe it or not it has been a year since the last Gallery open house almost to the week, time flies when you are having fun! But that's okay if you could help with recruiting that would be great! And that goes for all volunteers!

I will head back over to the RS Feedback starting the conversation and start mad PMing. Hopefully I can get that project going again.

I also started the contest thread so if anyone wants to head over to that long neglected part of the forum feel free!

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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by ginga123 »

Yes ma'am. I'll start blogging and networking. :).

Per OH 2013 FB, honestly, I forgotten how to make screencaps. I will admit that I have been researching episode information for Princess Tutu background and Godannar genga. I just keep forgetting to put it up there. (the rumor about 30 something brain is true! You do forget things! Lol). so, I will start now with marketing.
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by RePete »

I will take part :) Got a lot of oversized pieces that are yet to be uploaded and many bits and pieces from various series. Sign me up ;)
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Re: Cel Gallery Open HOUSE 2014!

Post by Quacker »

Like Sensei and Ginga, I shall step aside and let the spotlight be shone on other well deserving galleries/collections.

Since I participated in last year's "Open House" feel it may be too soon for another round and do not wish to seen as 'double-dipping' for comments especially considering I have not had the opportunity to do a thing with my gallery since that time.

I received quite a few positive comments, helpful tips and suggestions from the majority of the participants the last time so for anyone even just thinking of partaking, it is certainly well worth your time. You get to visit & explore around a bunch of different collections, maybe even discover the odd surprise or two whilst providing a critique on what you enjoyed and if anything could be improved - plus you receive the totally invaluable feedback on your own gallery through the eyes of a fellow collector.

JWR's and Rekka's galleries are prime examples of having participated and acted upon the feedback they received. Rekka pretty much amended everything within her gallery in an effort to make it more viewer-friendly & dynamic.

I fully applaud your pro-active efforts Jadeduo in attempting to re-invigorate & generate interest into this niche hobby we share.
Depending upon my schedule, I may be able to 'duck' in & visit two/three of the newer/more 'lurker'-based galleries (Repete & GZ's for example) & leave comments/feedback for them?
My Cel Gallery can be found here:


A growing collection of Escaflowne, Evangelion, FMP, Fate/Stay Night plus other cels that are among my Favourites. No cheap & nasty stuff here.
Come, check out the cutesy female & Mecha madness!!
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